Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2537 The last partner was the boss

Shaking his head, Fujiwara Yosuke opened his eyes, sat up suddenly, and then realized that he was lying on the sofa.

He looked nervous, and groped his body back and forth with his hands, focusing on the back. He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt nothing unusual.

Luo Xiaoman, who was next to him, cursed angrily: "What do you mean by touching your butt? Who do you think we are?"

Fujiwara Yosuke said weakly: "I just want to see if the police equipment is missing!

Why am I here?

who are you? "

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman looked like a middle-aged uncle who had gone through many vicissitudes of life.

Not only him, but Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe also changed their appearance.

Before coming to Da Ying, Konoha made several disguise masks for them.

More realistic and refined than the ones bought online.

It saves you the effort of putting on makeup, but the disadvantage is that it has poor breathability. You have to take it off after two or three hours to let your skin breathe.

Fujiwara Yosuke is an official and a policeman, so Luo Xiaoman, Xiao Zhang, and Luo Qianhe cannot let him see his true appearance.

After taking a shower, Chen Xin'an came over and changed her clothes, sat next to Fujiwara Yosuke, and said to him:

"Here you are an outsider.

So without further ado, tell me why you came to me! "

Fujiwara Yosuke rubbed his head, as if he remembered something, his eyes tightened, and he asked Chen Xin'an: "Where are my brothers?"

At this moment, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

Fujiwara Yosuke took it out and looked at it, and immediately answered the call: "Kensaburo, where are you?"

After hearing the answer, the expression on Fujiwara Yosuke's face softened a little, then he looked at Chen Xin'an and said into the phone:

“Get the bag from my car, which is the house we came to before.

Tell others that the mission is over and the team can go home! "

After hanging up the phone, Fujiwara Yosuke leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes.

After a while, someone knocked on the door.

Fujiwara Yosuke walked over, opened the door, took the document package, and said to Kenzaburo: "You go first, I will drive back later!"

Kenzaburo looked inside, hesitated for a moment, then nodded and left.

Fujiwara Yosuke closed the door and walked back to the sofa, put his feet on the coffee table, half sat and half lay down and continued to relax with his eyes closed.

Chen Xin'an wiped her hair with a towel and said coldly: "If you have something to say, my patience is not as good as you think!

This is not a hotel. I want to go home and sleep! "

Fujiwara Yosuke took the briefcase, threw it to Chen Xin'an, and said to him:

"It contains the ID cards and information files of both of you.

Of course they are all fake and are used for official investigation.

But except for me, no one can tell it’s fake.

All that's left is the information about Yingjing's large and small societies, as well as the addresses of companies and dojos. "

Chen Xin'an took the briefcase, opened it, took out the documents, looked at it casually, turned to Yosuke Fujiwara and asked: "Officer Fujiwara, what do you want to do?"

Fujiwara Yosuke opened his eyes and said with a half-smile: "I am a person who values ​​my friends.

What I did just now is just to remind you that whatever you want to do in Yingjing must be approved by me.

With these identity certificates and information, it will be much easier for you to do things in the future.

Don't you want to take revenge on those people from the club?

Having been chased by them all day long, you have already been suffocating your anger, right? "

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at Fujiwara Yosuke with a sarcastic look and said, "Remember, when chatting with me, you have to speak human terms and tell the truth!"

Fujiwara Yosuke blushed, lowered his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "I want to be the chief of police, and I want to make the Metropolitan Police Department the only one who has the final say!

Only you can help me realize this wish, so I am here to seek your cooperation this time! "

Chen Xin'an twitched the corners of her lips, smiled slightly, and said to Fujiwara Yosuke:

"Officer Fujiwara, I am not your chief commander.

If you want to get promoted, it has nothing to do with me, right?

How can I help you? "

Fujiwara Yosuke sat up straight and said to Chen Xin'an: "I am now the police chief, only one step away from the police chief.

But the distance between this step is like heaven and earth! "

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said, "As long as Officer Fujiwara catches a few more thieves and makes more meritorious deeds, isn't the chief of police within easy reach?"

"It's not that simple!" Fujiwara Yosuke took a deep breath, shook his head and said:

“In Da Ying, it is really difficult for people without background and qualifications to get promoted!

This cannot be achieved by relying on merit and performance.

There is only one way for me to go, which is to become the new chief of police by solving major cases and overthrowing the current chief of police.

But it's simply impossible for me to do this through normal methods.

Because the current police chief Tsubasa Tsuyoshi is from the temple, even the police inspector dare not touch him! "

Chen Xin'an patted his briefcase and asked Fujiwara Yosuke: "What does this person, this matter, and these things have to do with each other?"

Fujiwara Yosuke glanced at Chen Xin'an and knew that this person had deep thoughts and was asking for trouble by telling lies and playing tricks, so he stopped beating around the bush.

“I think Mr. Chen has already seen Yingjing’s current official attitude.

Under the suppression of the society, even the Metropolitan Police did not dare to show up easily.

I don’t dare to control it and I can’t control it.

This situation has greatly damaged the prestige of the Japanese police in the public mind.

I'm not the only one who wants to change, but I don't have the right opportunity!

Because the relationship between the official and the community is so close! "

Luo Qianhe came over with a bag of cans of beer and distributed it to everyone. He also threw a bottle to Fujiwara Yosuke and said lightly: "So you think we are your opportunity?"

"Yes!" Fujiwara Yosuke nodded, looked at him and said, "The grudge between you and the Sakura Club has brought the entire Japanese underworld into the mix!

For me, this is the perfect time.

Clean up those small societies that are not strong, and then severely damage those big societies with deep roots.

If I find evidence of the current police chief's dealings with these societies, I'll have a way to bring him down and replace him!

Chen Xin'an, I will give you a lot of official conveniences so that you will not be so timid now and can let go and show your talents.

How about it? "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, shook her head and said, "Not interested!"

Fujiwara Yosuke, who originally thought that Chen Xin'an would not refuse, did not expect to get such an answer, and was stunned for a moment.

He looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and said: "Chen Xin'an, think clearly, it's me who is cooperating with you now!

What do I stand for?

It's Da Ying official!

If you don’t seize this opportunity, do you want to lead your team and live a life of hiding from the light every day? "

Chen Xin'an did not hide the ridicule on her face at all, and said to Fujiwara Yosuke: "Officer Fujiwara, there is no need to draw this kind of cake with me.

You don’t think that I haven’t cooperated with the official before, do you?

Who was the last partner?

By the way, his name is Boorman.

He is now the head of the Eagle Flag Nation, the guy who issued a global wanted order for me!

What you want me to do now, I have already done in Eagle Flag Country. "

Luo Xiaoman scolded with disdain: "Don't say anything official or unofficial.

There is a moral imperative to do something on the road.

You so-called officials, you fall out at every turn, and you want to take away the pot with the whole thing.

The most shameless thing! "

Fujiwara Yosuke was ashamed and flushed.

She thought she was giving the other party a big deal, and Chen Xin'an rushed to flatter him to show her loyalty.

I never expected that people would look down upon her at all!

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