Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2539 Karate is the strongest skill in fighting

Aze, who has always been calm and easy-going, actually had the idea of ​​joining a gang. It can be seen that the last incident really scared him!

Chen Xinan looked at Aze and Wang Si'an and said coldly: "So you are determined to join the underworld, right?"

Aze said with his neck stiff: "We just want to make our future lives safer!"

Chen Xinan nodded, stood up, and said to Tang Yang: "Boss Tang, send someone to send Xiaorui back to Chinatown.

Then you guys follow me.

I'll take you somewhere."

Several cars passed through the night, and the bright lights and wine showed the prosperity of this city.

Aze glanced at the business car in front and asked Tang Yang beside him: "Boss, where are we going?"

"You haven't joined yet, so don't call me boss!" Tang Yang waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "I dare not provoke Mr. Chen, don't hurt me!"

Aze looked at the business car in front with some resentment, and muttered:

"I don't understand, why did he react so strongly when I and Brother Si'an joined the Dragon Force?

Are we just allowed to be bullied and can't find a backer?

Don't you think so, Brother Si'an?"

Wang Si'an did not agree. He was older than Aze, so he would not be so naive in looking at things.

He just shook his head and said to Aze: "Although I don't understand, I know that Brother An is doing this for our own good!

Boss Tang, are we... in Se Valley?"

Se Valley is a district in Yingjing and one of the most prosperous urban areas.

Tang Yang nodded and said, "We are going to Ginza!"

"Ginza?" Aze got excited and said to Tang Yang, "Are we going to AMT? Great, I haven't been there for a long time!"

Ginza AMT is a famous nightclub in Yingjing, the most suitable place for young people to play at night.

Wang Si'an frowned and said to Tang Yang, "But I heard that Ginza is under the protection of Heguhui. Isn't Heguhui very repulsive to Chinese people?"

The driver Tang Gang gritted his teeth and cursed, "More than repulsive! Some time ago, we had a batch of goods in Yingjing, but they were robbed.

We paid almost two million yuan in overdue payments to Sakura Society.

We have always suspected that it was Heguhui who did it!

These bastards are our mortal enemies!"

Since they are mortal enemies, why are they here?

Aze and Wang Si'an looked at each other, both a little puzzled.

Tang Yang raised his lips and said to the two of them, "Mr. Chen is going to attack the Hegu Society tonight. Bringing you here should let you see the world!"

Like the Sashi Society, the Hegu Society is also a black society in Yingjing, a loyal younger brother of the Sakura Society, and the backbone of the society coalition.

The president Suzuki Cang is also the brother-in-law of Yamasuke Kazuo, and obeys Yamasuke Kazuo's orders.

The information that Fujiwara Yosuke gave to Chen Xinan included a detailed introduction to the Hegu Society.

Since he is the brother-in-law of Yamasuke Kazuo, there is no need for him to live.

The car stopped outside a street, and everyone walked towards the Ginza Building on foot.

Six people from the Dragon Force came, plus five people from Chen Xinan's side, as well as Wang Si'an and Aze, a total of thirteen people, walked into the first floor of the building.

AMT is on the first, second and third floors of the building, and there are already many guests.

Chen Xinan took everyone down the stairs and entered the basement.

This was originally an underground parking lot, and later a parking building was built nearby, and it was converted into a karate hall.

Suzuki Rin, the son of Suzuki Cang, is a karate master.

This gym was also opened by Suzuki Rin, and there are many students.

It is also the training base for the fighters of the Hegu Society.

Tang Yang waved his hand, and the five younger brothers beside him took off the slender backpacks on their shoulders. Inside, they were all the things that Chen Xinan left for them last time.

There were a total of seven light assault rifles in the two canvas bags, and now they were all brought here.

Aze and Wang Si'an's eyes widened and their breathing became rapid.

Is the fight about to start?

Chen Xinan waved his hand and said to Tang Yang: "You don't need this thing now, let's feel their bottom first!"

Tang Yang nodded, waved to the brothers, and put all the guns on their backs.

There was a class going on inside, and shouts of "Hehehehaha" came from time to time.

The place was very spacious, with about three or four hundred children divided into different areas, instructed by different masters.

A boy of twelve or thirteen had just taken a stance when he was slapped in the face by a master who tied up his hair and wore a Taoist uniform!

"You idiot, how many times have I told you, why can't you change?

Don't do this posture, this is the horse stance in Chinese Kung Fu!

I know you have practiced Chinese Kung Fu for a few years, but since you have come to my gym, forget the garbage you learned before!

I tell you, Chinese Kung Fu is the most useless and rubbish in the world!

It's just a fancy trick to make you look better when fighting!

Karate is the strongest skill in the fighting world!

So you'd better not put some rubbish skills in my karate.

That is the biggest stain on the sacred karate!"

"Fuck you!" Luo Xiaoman, who happened to see this scene and heard Xiaolan's translation in the headset, got angry and said to Chen Xinan: "Old Chen, I can't stand this!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said to Luo Xiaoman: "You can do whatever you want tonight!"

With official tacit approval and enemies who dare to hunt him down, it is not excessive to treat these people from the Hegu Society tonight.

Luo Xiaoman grinned and walked over with a swagger!

"Hey! Take off your shoes!" A man in white Taoist uniform saw Luo Xiaoman, pointed at him and shouted.

There is still some distance between the door and the training ground.

All kinds of shoes are neatly placed around the huge sponge-padded training ground.

If you want to go to the training ground, you have to take off your shoes. This is the rule of every dojo in Da Ying.

If you don't take off your shoes, you are rude to the dojo, and will be considered as kicking the dojo, and you will be beaten severely.

But Luo Xiaoman was originally here to play, and besides, he couldn't understand what this guy was talking about.

Just seeing him pointing at me and shouting with a straight face, I immediately said "he-cui" and spit a mouthful of phlegm on that guy's face!

"Asshole!" The guy in the white uniform wiped his face and was so disgusted that he almost vomited!

He shouted angrily and rushed over, punching Luo Xiaoman's throat hard!

This is a part that is forbidden to touch in karate. I didn’t expect this guy to attack here as soon as he came up. This shows how poor this kid’s martial ethics is.

Of course, Luo Xiaoman never felt that the Ying people had any martial ethics.

They have no bottom line as human beings. If they can abide by the rules when boxing, it's a joke.

It doesn't matter, attacking any part is the same for Luo Xiaoman, because he won't let you succeed!

When the man's fist rushed in front of him, Luo Xiaoman grabbed the other man's wrist. While lifting it up, he crossed his feet and twisted his body so that his back was facing the other person.

In this way, a back-falling posture is formed!

Before the other party could react, with a click, the guy's right arm was removed, and his whole body was thrown high by Luo Xiaoman on his back!


He hit the ground hard, and even if there was a cushion to cushion him, the fall still knocked him to pieces.

The most important thing was that his right arm was dislocated. He lay on the ground and screamed in pain. He couldn't get up for a long time!

The people around him exclaimed, stopped moving and gathered around.

The man with tied hair walked up to the injured man, picked up his right hand, slowly turned it in a half circle, pressed his shoulder with his left hand, pulled and pushed hard, and reset the joint with a click.

He turned his head, and just as he was about to say something, Luo Xiaoman had already walked to the side, grabbed the right arm of the man in white Taoist uniform, pulled and clicked, and removed the arm again!

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