Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2546 I’m not crazy, I’m just scared

How could the people from the Hegu Society take action against the Sanhe Society?

All three of them felt that they had heard wrongly!

After all, the relationship between the two parties has always been very good. President Tomo Miwada and Suzuki Kura were sitting together drinking together two days ago!

Let’s go out and take a look first!

The three of them looked at each other, nodded, turned around and ran out with a group of younger brothers.

Outside Sanhe Soup House, several young people threw the sacks in their hands at the Sanhe Club boys, then turned around and ran away!

The sack fell to the ground, and the mouth of the sack, which had not been tied down, opened, and a large number of snakes and frogs came out of it.

These snakes are all cauliflower snakes and are not venomous.

But the scene was so disgusting.

Some snakes were still swallowing the frogs, while the frogs who were tired of escaping were screaming and jumping around.

In Daying, soup restaurant owners are afraid of encountering this kind of thing.

If snakes or frogs appear in a soup restaurant, it will be labeled as unhygienic and substandard, and no one will patronize it for a long time.

Kazuhiko jumped to his feet angrily and cursed at the people around him: "Chase! Beat these bastards to death!"

A group of people chased after him with a roar!

If you dare to come to Sanhe Society’s territory to cause trouble, it doesn’t matter who you are, you will be beaten!

But I didn't expect that those boys were quite cunning, slithering around like loaches, and even dozens of people tried to catch them, but they couldn't catch them.

An angry Kazuhiko took out his cell phone and made a call, asking more boys to come over!

Finally, the people from Sanhe Society blocked the other party in an alley.

A group of people blocked the alley to prevent each other from escaping.

Kazuhiko gritted his teeth, smiled evilly and cursed at those boys: "Tell me, who sent you here? Otherwise, I will beat you until there is not a single intact bone in your body today!"

"It's me!" A voice came from the side. A man squatted on the wall. He turned to look at Kazuhiko and said, "Nagashima Kazuhiko, long time no see!"

Nagashima Kazuhiko raised his head, looked at the guy sitting on the wall, and cursed angrily: "Suzuki Rin, are you crazy? Are you, Hegu, really going to fall out with our Sanhe Society?"

A wry smile appeared on Suzuki Rin's face, and she said to herself that I don't want to fall out with you Sanhe Society, but if I don't, my life will be lost!

After looking into the distance, Suzuki Rin straightened his face and cursed at Nagashima Kazuhiko: "It was your Sanwa Club who was unkind, so don't blame our Hegu Club for being unjust!"

"What do you mean?" Nagashima Kazuhiko gritted his teeth and cursed at Suzuki Rin:

"Thankfully, I personally told you the arrival time and route of the Dragon Force.

Is this how you Hegu will repay me? "

"You still have the nerve to say that!" Suzuki Rin became anxious upon hearing this. He stood up from the wall and cursed: "This is the consequence of what you told me!"

At this time, Nagashima Kazuhiko saw Suzuki Rin. His entire right arm was tied with gauze and hung around his neck. His head was also wrapped in bandages several times.

Suzuki Rin gritted his teeth and cursed at Nagashima Kazuhiko: "You despicable guy! Make money on both sides and please on both sides!

Tell us the news of the Dragon Force's purchase. When we rob the goods, you will turn around and tell the Dragon Force that we robbed the goods.

The evil dragon forces attacked our Hegu Association tonight and lost many of our brothers.

Even I lost an arm and half of my ear!

If I, Suzuki Rin, don't avenge this revenge, will I still have the nerve to gain a foothold in Yingjing in the future? "

Nagashima and Hikoto were both dumbfounded. They looked at Suzuki Rin blankly and defended: "I didn't..."

But his defense was quickly covered up by the shouts of death behind him.

Takao came over again with a group of brothers from the Sanhe Society to support him!

Nagashima Kazuhiko knew that no explanation would work at this time, after all, people would not joke with his arm.

He sighed and said to Suzuki Rin: "Suzuki-kun, there must be a misunderstanding about this matter!

But I can't explain it to you now. Come down quickly and take your group of people to the president to admit your mistake.

Let me explain it to you and this misunderstanding will be eliminated! "

Suzuki Rin snorted coldly and said, "It's okay if you want me to apologize. You first chop off your right arm, or chop off your president's ears, and I'll apologize!"

Nagashima Kazuhiko yelled angrily: "Suzuki Rin, I'm doing this for your own good!

Do you think you have a way out now?

With just a few of you, if I give an order, you will be beaten into a puddle of mud! "

"Nagashima Kazuhiko, you fell into the trap!" Suzuki Rin sneered and said, "Who said we only have this few people?"

As he waved his hand, dense figures suddenly appeared on the walls on both sides!

Everyone in the Sanhe Club in the alley was stunned. Nagashima Kazuhiko looked at Suzuki Rin coldly and said with a gloomy face:

"Suzuki Rin, it seems you are well prepared!

You know what you're doing, right?

You also know the consequences of doing so!

Since you insist on having your own way, I'm sorry and I hope you won't regret it! "

Suzuki Rin's eyes turned red.

Of course he knew the consequences, but he had to do it.

Never in his wildest dreams did he expect that Chen Xin'an would be so ruthless in his actions.

After coming out of the martial arts hall, he asked Tang Yang to take the Dragon Force people to the hospital and bring his father who had just undergone surgery!

So now even if Chen Xin'an's people are not here, he does not dare to reconcile with the people of Sanhe Society, otherwise what he will see tomorrow will be his father's body!

People from the Hegu Society jumped off the wall one after another, clenched their fists, shouted and rushed towards the people from the Sanhe Society.

They were originally trained in karate, so they never liked using knives and sticks in fights.

The Sanheshe people were in a hurry and didn't bring any weapons. The two sides just punched and kicked each other. There was no rules, but it was fierce enough!

At this moment, another shout came from the alley, and Ye Zhi, with several circles of bandages wrapped around his head, appeared with a group of people!

This group of people all carried various kinds of sticks. As soon as they joined in, they occupied the front position, raised the sticks in their hands, and swung them at the Heguhui people risklessly!

Now the people from Sanhe Society had the numerical advantage, and the people from Hegu Society were losing ground.

But the alley was blocked, and they couldn't escape at all.

Everyone in the back was squeezed together, screaming loudly with their arms raised, and was violently beaten with sticks by the people from Sanhe Society. More and more people fell to the ground.

"Stop!" With a loud shout, the Sanhe Society's younger brothers finally stopped attacking.

Except for Suzuki Rin and four or five of his close subordinates, the rest of the Hegukai people have been beaten to the ground!

Nagashima Kazuhiko sighed, shook his head, and said to Suzuki Rin:

"Suzuki-kun, why are you doing this? Why don't you listen to my explanation? Why do you have to go to this point?

Okay, just kneel down and surrender, you think you've lost! "

"Surrender?" The panting Suzuki Rin raised his head, looked at Nagashima Kazuhiko with a half-smile and asked:

"Do you really think you have won? Haha, is President Sanhe in the port office now?"

Nagashima Kazuhiko frowned and turned to look at Takao and Nochi.

Seeing both of them nodding, Nagashima Kazuhiko's expression changed. He glared at Suzuki Rin and cursed:

"You actually want to attack the president? Suzuki Rin, are you crazy?"

Suzuki Rin looked at the alley and murmured: "I'm not crazy, I'm just scared!

That guy is crazy!

He has already found your president, right? "

Three hundred meters inside the main entrance of Jishen Port, there is a three-story building. This is the office building of Sanhe Logistics Company.

In the president's office on the third floor, Tomo Miwada looked at the safe embedded in the wall, his face full of greed.

Just then, there was a loud bang downstairs, which startled him!

He jumped up with agility that didn't match his bulky figure, and quickly closed the safe door!

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