Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2549 I’ll give you two surprises

What a strange father and son!

He just casually mentioned that he wanted to kill his father, but this good son looked impatient and was already ready for the funeral!

Tomo Mwada didn't expect that his son would say such words. He wanted to get angry, but what was more in his heart was sadness.

He sighed heavily and said to Chen Xin'an, "Can we talk?"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "It's a bit late to talk about this now.

Let's do this, father and son, one of you will live tonight.

Only the one who can live can talk to me! "

He turned his head and nodded to Luo Xiaoman and Tang Yang.

Sanhe and his son were dragged to stand together, and then a knife was stuffed in each hand.

Sanhe Mushun is submissive and cowardly in front of his father, but in private he is ruthless.

He has gone out to fight with people from Sanhe Society more than once or twice. Not to mention using knives, he has also fired pistols!

But now, the knife in his hand was as hot as a red-hot iron, and he was so scared that he didn't even dare to take it!

In comparison, Tomo Mawada was much calmer.

He held the knife tightly and glanced at his son in front of him.

Sanhe Mushun was so stared at that he trembled. He held the knife tremblingly and said in a trembling voice: "Father, father, don't force me..."

There was a look of pain on Mwada Tomoo's face, but he glanced at his son with extremely fast movements.

Sanhe Mushun obviously saw this look, and the tacit understanding between father and son made him instantly understand what his father meant.

His heart gradually calmed down, and the hand holding the knife was no longer so shaky!

Chen Xin'an leaned back, crossed her legs, and said to the father and son, "Let's get started!"

Tang Yang shouted to the two of them: "Start!"

As soon as the words fell, the father and son rushed towards each other at the same time!

But the moment the knife penetrated each other's body, the father and son suddenly turned around at the same time and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

Everyone around him didn't seem to react, they all stood still and didn't move.

Even Chen Xin'an had his legs crossed, as if he didn't know that he was in danger.

Tomo Mwada was still one step faster.

He is fat, but his movements are very nimble. It can be seen that when he was young, he was also a good club thug who charged into battle!

He held the sword that Luo Xiaoman gave him and stabbed Chen Xin'an in the heart!

Seeing that the knife was about to penetrate Chen Xin'an's body, a sneer appeared on the corner of Mwada Tomoe's mouth.

The people who were not taken care of by the combined forces of the society were taken care of by me alone!

But at this moment, he seemed to see Chen Xin'an's expression.

At the moment of life and death, this guy was either petrified or panicked, and there shouldn't be any other expression!

But now, he really saw the sneer on the corner of Chen Xin'an's mouth!

Immediately afterwards, there was a stinging pain under the right rib, and all the strength in the whole body was like a hole in the ball, and it disappeared in an instant!

Tomo Mwada staggered and leaned against the cabinet next to him.

The cabinet fell to the ground with a crash. Sanhe Mushun looked in the direction of the cabinet, sighed, but immediately stopped.

The knife in Mwada Chio's hand was no longer able to hold and fell to the ground.

He also slumped to the ground, glanced at the knife stuck under his right rib, and then glanced at his son standing next to him.

Sanhe Mushun lowered his head and said expressionlessly: "Father, people say that only one of us, father and son, can live!

I am still young and you are old, so go ahead with peace of mind!

You have been busy for so many years, it’s time to take a rest and leave everything to me. "

He walked to Tomo Miwada and knelt down, put his mouth to his father's ear, and whispered:

"Tell me the combination to the safe!

I know there are a lot of good things hidden there, and they are all left to me anyway, so leave them to me now! "

Mwada Chio stared at his son, never dreaming that one day he would die in the hands of his own son!

He knew that he had always been very strict with his son, but that was just a means to make him grow up!

He believes that when his son has a son, he will understand his old father's approach.

Over the years, everything I have done is for my son, so that he can take over smoothly in the future.

But he never expected that before that time came, he would be stabbed by his son!

This knife was not stabbed in the ribs at all, but in the apex of his heart!

Looking at his son's face so close to him, Tomo Mawada endured the severe pain in his body and picked up the knife on the ground!

Sanhe Mushun was shocked. They didn't expect their father to be able to move even after being injured like this!

At this moment, he seemed to see his father holding a knife and stabbing his neck fiercely, but he was stunned on the spot, forgetting to dodge at all!

But just when the tip of the knife was less than ten centimeters away from Sanhe Mushun's neck, it suddenly stopped.

Miwada Chio looked sad, said a series of numbers to Miwamushun, and then threw the knife on the ground.

After all, he was his biological son, so he couldn't do anything.

There are only ungrateful children in the world, and there are no parents who hold grudges against their children.

Anyway, everything is left to him, so give it to him!

How his family will fare after his death and what Sanhe Society will become have nothing to do with him.

Tomo Mwada leaned on the cabinet and closed his eyes tiredly.

"Father! I'm sorry!" Sanhe Mushun knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

I don't know if he really regretted the stabbing or if he was just showing it off.

Chen Xin'an and everyone watched an ethics drama for free, with a sarcastic expression on their faces.

Bang bang bang!

Everyone applauded.

Sanhe Mushun raised his head, looking a little embarrassed, and said to Chen Xin'an: "I have already done as you were told, can you let me go?"

Chen Xin'an looked at Sanhe Mushun and said with a smile: "Want to survive? These are not enough!"

Sanhe Mushun turned around, knelt down facing Chen Xin'an, kowtowed and said:

"Please let me go! I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

I'm still young and I still want to live. Please give me a chance! "

"Asshole! There is no wimp like you in the Miwa family!" Tomohiro Miwada, whose eyes were as big as bells, yelled at his son!

Sanhe Mushun collapsed on the ground with an ouch, looking at his father in horror. He didn't expect that he was still alive and not dead yet!

Chen Xin'an stood up, squinted his eyes and said to Sanhe Mushun with a smile: "Since you are so obedient, I won't treat you badly!

Can I give you two surprises? Pigeon, look at Mr. Sanhe’s injuries! "

"Okay!" Luo Qianhe responded, walked to Tomo Mawada's side, squatted down and looked at his wounds, raised his head and said to Chen Xin'an:

"There are no signs of internal bleeding, which means that the internal organs were not injured and he will not die!"

After listening to Tang Yang's translation, Sanhe Mushun's face turned pale.

Chen Xin'an walked to the cabinet and walked back and forth twice as if taking a walk. Then she grabbed the cabinet with both hands and pushed it to the side. The cabinet didn't move at all.

When they saw Chen Xin'an standing next to the cabinet just now, Sanhe and his son had nervous and worried expressions on their faces.

Seeing that he failed to push the cabinet, the father and son quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a mechanism. If you want to move it with brute force, even if you dismantle the cabinet, it will be impossible.

Chen Xin'an glanced at the furnishings on the cabinet, and suddenly slapped the cabinet with a bang!

The entire cabinet shook violently, and the items on it fell like rain, but one book remained motionless!

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