Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2566 Our names are also on the cards

The enemy has already rushed to the door and will attack soon!

Luo Qianhe, who was applying medicine to Xiao Zhang's wound, turned his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother, use the medicine!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "We haven't taken the antidote ourselves. If we use drugs, we will be in danger!"

Luo Xiaoman grinned and said, "Now you know why I prepared those things, right?"

He asked everyone to bring their backpacks and quickly opened the bag inside. Only then did everyone realize that everyone had a wingsuit stuffed in their bags!

The door that was deliberately closed made a banging sound. Someone was banging on the door outside!

Chen Xin'an said to Luo Xiaoman with a dark face, "You don't want everyone to fly down in wingsuits, do you?

What a joke!

It's okay for Aqi and I to go crazy with you, but what about Lao Xiao and Pigeon? "

Luo Xiaoman chuckled and said: "Old Chen, are you looking down on others? Lao Xiao and Ge Ge are now members of the Kyoto Low Altitude Flying Club, and they have also received professional training!"

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened and she looked at Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe.

Xiao Zhang shrugged and said: "When I returned to Kyoto from the Eagle Flag Country, I was tricked by Aman into going to this club several times.

I felt like I could still adapt, so I became a member! "

Luo Qianhe nodded and said, "I jumped under a parachute several times, played wingsuit four or five times, and once I did it at the Junhao Building.

Now there are two names added to the sign in the lobby on the first floor, Lao Xiao’s and mine…”

Chen Xin'an rubbed his face hard, it was so embarrassing!

Luo Xiaoman is such a beast. He can't do enough for himself, so he even drags two people along!

Chen Xin'an gritted his teeth and looked at Li Qi and said, "Stay away from the three of them when you go back!

If you want to put your name on the sign, I'll break your legs!

Well, Gongsun Feiyang is in charge now. You guys torment your brothers all day long, how shameless! "

Li Qi smiled and waved his hands, saying that he couldn't!

Now that he has played it all, Luo Xiaoman's preparations can be used.

While the killers were still banging on the door, Luo Xiaoman didn't leave in a hurry. He took Li Qi and Luo Qianhe to take off the clothes of the fantasy ninjas on the ground!

These guys are just that strong, but their high-tech outfits are really good!

With the help of light cover, the effect of invisibility can really be achieved.

In Luo Xiaoman's eyes, this is a treasure!

If I were to wear this to peek at a beautiful woman taking a shower, I wouldn't be able to notice it even if I were standing in front of her!

Of course, this thing also has limitations.

The requirements for light are great.

It seems to be very suitable in this place.

In a different environment, there might be many flaws.

You have to take these things back and study them slowly.

As soon as I put the camouflage clothes I took off into my backpack, the door opened with a bang!

A large group of killers from the Sakura Club poured in from outside. Each one held a pistol and pulled the trigger on Chen Xin'an and the others!

Immediately afterwards, the light charges in the hands of Chen Xin'an and the five others also rang out, and bullets rained down on the Sakura Club killers!

The people who had just rushed in left behind two corpses, and the remaining people retreated, but guarded the door.

They want to wait and let Chen Xin'an and others fall into the trap.

"Boss!" Li Qi lifted a corner of the curtain.

There are windows here, but the glass is thicker.

Luo Xiaoman pointed the gun at the window glass, Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said: "Save your bullets!"

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman put away his gun and punched the glass.

There was a muffled bang and the glass didn't move at all!

This is embarrassing. How the hell is this bulletproof?

Li Qi smiled and said, "Let me do it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed forward with the gun in his arms, jumped up, hit the glass with a bang, and his body was bounced back!

"Aqi!" Chen Xin'an was startled and hurried over to help him.

Li Qi stood up in embarrassment, shook his head and said, "I'm fine! Such strong glass!"

This is really bulletproof glass!

Luo Xiaoman laughed heartlessly.

This was the first time he saw Li Qi deflated.

Rolling up his sleeves, Luo Xiaoman waved his hand and said: "Get out of the way, it's up to me!"

As soon as the horse squatted down, Luo Xiaoman started to get lucky. With a loud shout and exhalation, his right fist hit the glass hard!


Centered on his fist, fine cracks appeared on the glass, like spider webs.

Luo Xiaoman retracted his fist and punched him again. This time the glass crashed and the whole sheet fell down!

Everyone was shocked to see it. Bulletproof glass could be broken. How heavy was Luo Xiaoman's punch!

Chen Xin'an watched from the side and did not help.

Luo Xiaoman has three levels of internal strength, but he rarely uses them fully.

He hasn't gotten the hang of controlling this power yet.

Even if Chen Xin'an pointed out this kind of thing, he would not understand it and had to understand it by himself.

So when he uses his internal power, Chen Xin'an won't tell him what to do.

The windows were opened and everyone jumped out.

This is the lookout, and there are many killers from the Sakura Club nearby. When they saw a few people appearing, they quickly raised their guns and fired, but Li Qi took the lead and shot several times, knocking down four or five people.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Go to the top of the tower!"

That position is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it is more convenient for wingsuit takeoff.

Everyone quickly ran towards the iron ladder!

The killers from Sakura Club began to flow here in large numbers.

It was difficult to shoot when there were too many people. A group of people rushed over with knives in both hands and shouted!

"Aqi, take Lao Xiao and Pigeon to climb up, and Aman and I will cover the rear!" Chen Xin'an shouted, kicked the long knife next to the body of a killer under his feet, and shouted: "Aman!"

Luo Xiaoman stretched out his left hand, caught the long knife, pulled it out with a choke, and chopped a killer's head with one knife, directly chopping the opponent's head in half!

"Enjoy it!" Luo Xiaoman shouted, kicked the body away with a flying kick!

Chen Xin'an next to him shouted: "Be careful!" Suddenly rushed over and kicked a killer.

The killer flew and hit a companion, and the companion staggered and fell towards Luo Xiaoman, but heard a puff, and his chest was pierced by a sword!

And this sword was originally going to pierce Luo Xiaoman's back!

Luo Xiaoman had noticed the movement behind him.

He estimated that even if Chen Xinan didn't save him, he wouldn't necessarily be stabbed.

But, it's not certain, it's not 100% that he won't be stabbed!

Because the opponent's body movements are weird, his speed is too light and fast, as erratic as a ghost, he may only be alerted when he is injured!

There are masters hidden in this group of killers!

The swordsman missed his attack and stabbed his companion to death, but he didn't even look at him, he drew his sword and retreated, hiding in the crowd.

Neither Chen Xinan nor Luo Xiaoman saw his appearance, but saw that he was wearing a black robe, his whole body was covered in the robe, and even his face was covered by a hat.

Da Da!

Several gunshots came from the top of the head. Li Qi and the other two had already reached the top of the tower and occupied the high point, so that they could shoot accurately.

Chen Xinan said to Luo Xiaoman: "Let's go!"

Luo Xiaoman nodded, without any nonsense, turned around and climbed the iron ladder.

"Old Chen, come up quickly!" Luo Xiaoman, who was halfway up, turned his head and said to Chen Xinan. He kicked a killer away and turned around to climb the iron ladder.

After climbing a few steps, the hair on the back of his neck stood up!

He did not hesitate at all, and quickly dodged to the side. With a clang, a flying claw hooked on the iron ladder!

Chen Xinan loosened his left hand, and his body slid down instantly. Three kunai were pierced into the place where his head was before!

At the same time, Li Qi fired several bursts of shots overhead, aiming at the two people who attacked Chen Xinan!

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