Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 254 Fat Brother’s small universe exploded

Using Xiao Jiu, Lei Ming, and Ah Quan to distract the big man, Chen Xin'an seized the time to find Xiao Jiu's master, and then rescued the three of them.

According to Chen Xin'an's plan, as long as the three of them lasted five minutes.

But I never expected that the old man would be injured so seriously!

When Chen Xin'an found the old man in the sewer of the underground parking lot, he only had one breath left!

The old man's whole chest seemed to have been beaten to pieces!

It collapsed completely and must have received no less than ten punches.

I'm afraid there's no intact rib left on my chest!

The vicious thing about the opponent was that although he broke his bones, he did not let the broken bones hurt his internal organs, and the force was just right.

This is to keep the old man alive so that he can tell him the whereabouts of the things!

But he didn't expect that the old man could be so cunning, and he could still escape after being injured like this.

He hid in the sewer to avoid his search.

The strange thing is that Chen Xin'an didn't find the official seal on him!

Sure enough, it was the old fox who had already hidden the things. Even if he died, others would not be able to get the things!

He used a silver needle to prolong the old man's life, but in his current condition, he had to be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment to survive.

He was even more worried about the three people outside. He didn't know if they could hold on. If something happened, he would not be able to forgive himself!

With the old man's injury, he couldn't carry him on his back, so he could only pick him up like a princess.

After climbing out of the sewer, Chen Xin'an hugged the old man and ran out. Unexpectedly, the first time she hugged someone in this way, it turned out to be an old man with a wrinkled face. What a shame!

Soon, he heard the sound of fighting, and he was ecstatic! Fortunately, they are still alive!

Turning the corner in front, Chen Xin'an was startled by the scene in front of him. There were more than a dozen men in security uniforms lying on the ground!

There were about ten security guards surrounding the big guy, looking fierce and attacking him constantly!

It's just that the disparity in strength between the two sides is huge. Every time a group of security guards rush forward, one or two people are always knocked down and lie on the ground!

Lei Ming and Ah Quan were covered in blood, their faces were swollen like pig heads, and they could hardly stand.

But behind them, Xiao Jiu was unhurt.

The fat man's head was bigger than when he saw him just now. Even his eyes were swollen to a line now, and he could hardly open them. However, he still held a steel pipe and faced the big man.

"Bang!" A security guard succeeded and hit the big guy on the back of the head with a stick. This time the force was so strong that the big guy took two steps forward.

He turned around with an angry look on his face and yelled:

“Damn Chinese!

You are such annoying flies!

My tolerance has reached its limit!

If you want to die, I will let you die! "

The fat man gritted his teeth and cursed: "You damn Zhaipo, how dare you run wild on our Chinese territory!

Just because you know how to do it, you're going to be domineering, right?

I'm not afraid of you! "

"I'm not afraid of you!" The other security guards shouted murderously at him one by one.

The big man showed a disdainful sneer on his face, looked at the security guards around him and cursed:

"Despicable Chinese people, they think they are brave even though they are fighting one another in a group, they are really a bunch of trash!"

The fat man spat and cursed at the big man: "You Zhaipo people are the most shameless!

A person who has practiced kung fu for many years and has achieved some success actually attacks ordinary people. He has neither martial ethics nor humanity!

People like you are just beasts!

Have you ever seen anyone fight alone with a beast?

The best way to deal with the beast is to surround it and beat it to death with sticks! "

"Well said, Fat Brother!" The security guards around him cheered:

"Zhaipo people have this kind of virtue. They know they are despicable and shameless, but they still like to beat them up!"

"So what if you've practiced before? Do you think I'm afraid of you? We Chinese people don't lack anything, let alone lack of talent!"

"If you dare, beat us all to death! Otherwise, if I only have one breath left, I can let you walk out of the train station. I'll count you lucky!"

The big man's face was ashen, and he was in an extremely bad mood now!

It was obvious that he was about to defeat the two people protecting the little girl. As long as he could find out the whereabouts of the things, his mission would be successfully completed!

There was a lot of commotion in Dongshan City in the past two days. He couldn't stay long. The police in China were very annoying. If they were targeted, it would be difficult to escape.

So as soon as this matter is resolved, he will leave China.

But the two ants turned out to be two cockroaches, and the more they fought, the more joy they got!

Just when he was about to be cruel, a group of security guards suddenly came down and attacked him without saying a word!

This was near the train station. If he was ruthless, it would be difficult to escape, so he kept his strength.

I originally thought that the Chinese people were greedy for life and afraid of death, and a scare would make them retreat. Unexpectedly, these guys turned out to be as if they had taken medicine, and were not afraid of death!

Now it seems that he must be ruthless! Even if a few people died, these guys would think he was timid!

A group of ants, even if they get together, are still ants! Do you really think your life is important? If he kills you all and takes away that little girl, then the things will naturally fall into his hands!

"Damn Chinese people, I will crush you like an ant!

Fighting with trash like you for so long is simply an insult to me!

I'll send you to reincarnation!

You must kneel down when you see us in the next life! "

He suddenly rushed to the fat man and punched him hard on the head!

This punch can smash the fat man's head!

The scene of brain splattering must be very exciting for the people around him. I'm afraid they will never forget it in their lives!

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain under his right ribs, as if he couldn't even lift his arms!

At this moment, the fat man who had already risked his life also raised the steel pipe in his hand high and smashed it hard on the big guy's head!

Blood flowed down the big guy's forehead. At this moment, everyone around was stunned!

No way? Fatty actually hurt this guy?

The fat man himself couldn't believe it. Looking at his hands and the steel pipe that was dented, he shouted in surprise: "It turns out that I am so powerful! "

"Fat brother is awesome! The little universe finally broke out! "

"Good job, Fatty! Get revenge on Alai and the others, and beat this bastard to death!"

"Even if you have practiced, what can you do? In front of my fat brother, you are still a waste!"

"Ah!" The big man roared angrily, lowered his head and pulled out the silver needle under his armpit, looked around and shouted:

"Who? Despicable Chinese people! Get out! How dare you plot against me!"

Chen Xin'an appeared with the old man in his arms, walked over calmly, and said to him: "Count how many people there are on the ground, and I will hit you that many punches!

If you can still stand alive after I finish beating you, I will count your life as tough!"

"Master!" Lei Ming and Xiao Jiu ran over at the same time. Chen Xin'an appeared, and everyone would be fine!

The fat man looked at Chen Xin'an in astonishment, and murmured: "Oh my god, who is this, talking more wildly than me!"

A Quan shouted to him: "Fatty, back off! Brother An is here, everyone is fine! Brother An will avenge his brothers, just wait and see! "

The security guards looked at the silver needle in the big guy's hand and realized that it was not the fat guy's burst of energy just now, but this silver needle that saved him!

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