Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2590 The monster escaped from the laboratory

A figure quickly shuttled through the yellow smoke and rushed towards Yamasuke Kazuo.

Several ghost ninjas crossed left and right and blocked the figure. The ninja swords in their hands cut two deep blood grooves on the man's body.

But the man seemed to be unconscious, forcibly breaking through the blockade between the two and pounced on Yamasuke Kazuo!

The two ghost ninjas turned their blades and caught up from behind. The two ninja swords stabbed each other in the back and slashed at the other's neck!

Seeing that the other party was unable to avoid it, the two ghost ninjas suddenly seemed to be possessed by evil spirits and slammed into each other!

With a bang, the two heads exploded instantly like two watermelons hitting each other!

Red and white things poured down like rain, covering everything around.

Chen Xin'an threw away the two corpses, rushed forward, and hugged Yan Chunhua back, who was about to be surrounded by ghost ninjas!

"Sister Hua, don't be impulsive!" Chen Xin'an dragged her back, shook his head and said, "You will die if you go up like this!"

Yan Chunhua struggled and said: "It's just one step away! Just one step away from me being able to take revenge!"

I'm not afraid of death. As long as I can get revenge, I'm willing to trade my life for that beast's!

He just said that my brother is not dead and I want him to tell me what happened! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Do you believe what he said? Even if you want to take revenge, you can't go up and die, otherwise your revenge will not be fulfilled and your life will be in vain!

Sister Hua, don’t worry, that old bastard Yamasuke Kazuo won’t survive. Now that he has shown up, I won’t let him run away.

Let's go up first, there are more difficult things here! "

Yan Chunhua's heart trembled, and even Chen Xin'an said it was something more difficult to deal with. What was that?

She turned her head reluctantly, looking for Kazuo Yamasuke in the gradually dissipating yellow smoke, and saw him boarding the sightseeing elevator under the protection of a group of people.

But the elevator doesn't go down, but goes up.

As if sensing Yan Chunhua's gaze, Yamasuke Kazuo also turned his head, just in time to meet her gaze.

Looking at Yan Chunhua, who was full of hatred, Yamasuke Kazuo showed a proud smile on his face and gently pointed to his left ear.

"Asshole! I must kill you with my own hands!" Yan Chunhua's eyes were red, and she raised the dagger in her hand and slashed twice in the air.

However, Yamasuke Kazuo laughed wildly, shook his head at Yan Chunhua, and made a thumbs down gesture of contempt.

Yan Chunhua was furious, but at this moment, Chen Xin'an put his hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

Raising his head, Chen Xin'an looked at Kazuo Yamasuke in the sightseeing elevator with a calm expression. He put his right hand under his neck and made a gentle stroke.

Yamasuke Kazuo's face was gloomy, his expression no longer relaxed as before, and his eyes had the same hatred as Yan Chunhua.


A loud noise came from behind. Yan Chunhua was startled and turned to look.

A man wearing the costume of a Sakura Club killer hit the tempered glass of the isolation door, exploding a cloud of blood, and then fell to the ground.

"Here we come!" Chen Xin'an's expression changed, and he turned around and saw: "Aqi, take the pigeons up the stairs and go up!"

"Yes!" Li Qi responded, stabbed the ghost ninja in front of him through the throat, ran to Luo Qianhe, took his arm and left.

Luo Qianhe turned around and shouted: "Brother,

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "I will try my best to save him, but there is nothing I can do if I can't save him!"

He turned around and said to Yan Chunhua: "Sister Hua, follow the two of them and don't look back!"

Yan Chunhua said anxiously: "I'll stay and help you!"

"Can't help!" Chen Xin'an pushed her, shook his head and said, "What I have to deal with now is not an ordinary person... It can even be said that it is not a human being!"

not human? What's the meaning?

Before Yan Chunhua could figure it out, Li Qi shouted to her from behind: "Sister Hua, leave quickly! Let the boss free his hands and feet, otherwise he won't be able to leave!"

There was no other way, so Yan Chunhua had no choice but to follow the two of them and run towards the stairwell.

At this moment, a group of people rushed to the observation deck in panic.

There are several ghost ninjas and a dozen Sakura Club killers here, and the rest are all tourists, about thirty or forty people, half of whom are reporters from various media or self-media.

Among them, there are several ferocious-looking monsters!

They should be human, but their faces are distorted, as if they have been corroded by something, and their flesh has become scabbed together.

But they are very strong and have well-developed muscles.

With a casual grab, you can easily pick someone up and tear them in half!

Corpses and internal organs were scattered everywhere. Even when the ferocity was strong, he would bite off a piece of meat with his teeth and chew it hard in his mouth!

Yan Chunhua, who happened to see this scene, was so frightened that her legs became a little weak, and she cried out: "Then, what is that!"

Luo Qianhe had a sullen face and snorted coldly: "There is a secret door in the bathroom on the tenth floor, and inside is the secret testing base of the Sakura Club!

These monsters are what is being studied inside, and no one knows what they are!

As soon as the door was opened, these monsters killed everyone in the laboratory and ran out!

They are invulnerable, extremely powerful, and know legendary ninja kung fu, making them very difficult to deal with.

Senior brother and Amandu were almost injured in their hands!

Therefore, we have to retreat a little further, so that the senior brothers can perform their best without any scruples, and only then can we have a chance to compete with them! "

"The Demonic Ninja Plan!" Yan Chunhua said with shock on her face: "It turns out it really exists!

I overheard Kazuo Yamasuke talking about this plan when I was accompanying the lady.

But he didn’t go into details, and I only read part of the plan. "

She turned her head and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, be careful!

They are drug experiments!

It's the ninja soldier created by Kazuo Yamasuke!

Become a Demon Ninja!

Proficient in ancient ninjutsu, don't go head-to-head with them, leave quickly! "

Ninja soldiers? Demon ninja?

Chen Xin'an frowned and looked at the monsters that were killing ordinary people with stern eyes.

No matter how ambitious Yamasuke Kazuo is, he cannot secretly create such a group of monsters behind the official back.

So this ninja soldier should be a cooperation project between the official and Yamasuke Kazuo!

Da Ying is indeed a nation with barbarism and perversion running deep in its bones!

From ancient times to the present, bandit logic and plundering ideas have been advocated.

Once these ninja soldiers are thrown into the battlefield, you can only imagine what consequences they will have!

What's annoying is that at this time, those media people are still holding cameras or mobile phones and filming non-stop!

Some were so frightened that their pants were wet, but they still held their mobile phones with trembling hands and pointed them at a charging monster!

As the flash light flashed, the monster that was about five meters away suddenly appeared in front of him, pounced, and dug its hand directly into his chest!

A look of extreme pain appeared on the man's face, and he lowered his head in disbelief, looking at the arm that had penetrated deep into his body.

With a crash, his heart was ripped out by the monster!

As if the process was too fast, he could even see his heart beating continuously in the monster's hands!

The next second, the monster stuffed it into his mouth and started chewing it!

With an incredible expression on his face, the man died and fell to the ground.

The whole process was completely recorded on a small DV by a female reporter next to her. When the monster rushed in front of her, she was so frightened that she didn't know how to run away!

Seeing the monster's hand like a steel claw reaching halfway out, she closed her eyes in despair!

But at this moment, there was a bang, and the monster in front of him was kicked to the ground!

Chen Xin'an stood in front of the female reporter and scolded her: "Why are you still standing there? Run, do you want to die?"

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