Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 256 It turns out to be you

Miyamotosai, who was thrown to the ground, still kept his jumping posture with his hands stretched forward and his body curled up.

It's like a giant mole cricket that was stepped on the ground and is half dead.

His head was broken, and blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth and nose. The severe pain in his body made him want to scream, but when he opened his mouth, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

It hurts to look at it!

Chen Xin'an came to him and was about to ask a question when this guy clapped his hands and his whole body suddenly jumped up from the ground!

No one thought that this guy could get up after being hit so hard!

So a master is a master, and the ability to take a beating is much stronger than ordinary people!

Miyamoto Zhai stretched out his left hand like lightning, trying to hug Chen Xin'an's head.

With his right hand, he slashed Chen Xin'an's throat!

Karate hand knife!

According to Miyamoto Sai's usual training results, this palm can easily break wood as thick as an arm!

It's a pity that before his knife hit Chen Xin'an's throat, he was already punched in the ribs by Chen Xin'an!

With a crisp sound, Miyamoto Sai was beaten so hard that he bent over and staggered two steps, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Before he could stand still, Chen Xin'an kicked him in the head with a high whip, knocking him to the ground!

Chen Xin'an walked up to him and looked at him condescendingly, her eyes full of sarcasm.

"What's your name? Love whoever you want. Let me ask you one thing. Who sent you here?"

Miyamoto Sai made a gurgling sound in his throat, and a large amount of blood foam with bubbles came out of his mouth.

Chen Xin'an grinned: "Sorry, I injured your lungs!"

After saying that, he kicked the opponent in the chest. Miyamoto Sai let out a whoosh and spat out a mouthful of old black blood. His face turned red and his breathing became much smoother.

The security guards on the side were all shocked. Are you embarrassed? I see you are obviously very embarrassed!

Miyamoto Zhai was lying on the ground, staring at Chen Xin'an and said, "Kill me! They will avenge me!"

"Them? Who?" Chen Xin'an tilted her head and glanced at him.

Miyamoto Sai simply closed his mouth and even his eyes, intending to ignore it.

Chen Xin'an raised her head and said to the fat man: "Let's go and go to the hospital quickly. Just leave it to me!"

The fat man and the security guards looked at Chen Xin'an with admiration in their eyes.

A master that dozens of them couldn't defeat was easily defeated by others. They were simply not on the same level!

The fat man turned his head and said to everyone: "Did you hear that? I'm letting you go! Go to the hospital quickly, Army, you're vomiting blood!"

Da Jun said reluctantly: "Fat brother, you are in worse condition than me. Your head is like an inflatable. You should go to the hospital quickly. I am here to help this hero!"

The person in front of me is a rare Chinese Kung Fu master!

If you can make friends with such a person, you can play with your brothers for at least three years!

Even if you can't make friends, if you can help others, do some small things within your ability, you can still become familiar with them!

Chen Xin'an said to the fat man helplessly: "You should at least send those seriously injured ones to the hospital. Do you really want them to die here?"

Only then did the fat man remember that he could bear it, but some of his brothers really couldn't wait any longer and had to go to the hospital for rescue!

"Army, all go! Get the people out quickly and send them to the hospital!" The fat man greeted his companions, then walked to Chen Xin'an, bowed to him, and said with a blushing face:

"Hero, can you leave your contact information? I want to make friends with you!

I know I'm not worthy of you, but if I don't say it, I think I will regret it for the rest of my life!

So now I have the courage to ask you for your contact information, I hope you don’t dislike me!

Give me a chance and I will cherish it for the rest of my life..."

"Stop it!" Chen Xin'an's face turned dark. Fortunately, Ning Xiruo's jealous person wasn't here, otherwise I wouldn't be able to explain it clearly!

If you want to make friends, just make friends. I'm not a bitch-headed person. I don't deserve to earn as much as I am confessing my love here. When I heard that, I got goosebumps all over my body!

"Chen Xin'an, Liangmao Company! Do you remember?" Chen Xin'an said to the fat man. Seeing him nodding, he immediately urged:

"Get out of here, get out of here! Think about your words when you speak next time, don't act like a gay! You scared me to death!"

After driving away Fatty's group, Chen Xin'an lowered her head and looked at Miyamoto Zai, who had crawled out of the ground, as if he was about to run away. She pulled his feet and pulled him back with a snap.

When the wound on his body was pulled, Miyamoto Zhai curled up in pain, but gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Chen Xin'an squatted on the ground, looked at him and said, "Okay, there is no one else, you can say it!"

"Hey!" Miyamoto Zhai looked at Chen Xin'an with disdain and said, "Do you think I am as greedy for life and afraid of death as you Chinese people? We Zhaipo people are all heroes who regard death as home!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "Why bother? After suffering such a serious injury and enduring such unbearable pain, do you think it's worth it?"

"Ha... Ouch!" Miyamoto Sai originally wanted to laugh boldly, but the wound was affected, and his mouth trembled in pain, but his tone was still strong:

"I don't take any minor injuries seriously! It's not like you Chinese people, who can't bear the slightest injury and cry for their parents! We Zhaipo warriors are all made of steel and iron. This...ah!"

Before he finished speaking, he screamed loudly, glared at Miyamoto Sai who was stretching out his hand to poke his broken bones and cursed: "Damn it, what are you doing!"

"It's made of steel and iron! I've never seen it before, so of course I'm curious to see what it looks like!

Is it here? Is this steel or iron?

I don’t think this is like steel bars, it’s not even wire, right?

Sorry, I accidentally broke another one for you. Are you okay?

By the way, you Zhaipo people are not afraid of pain. It doesn’t matter if you break a few of them, right? "

Miyamoto Sai's face was twisted in pain, his face was covered with tears and runny nose, but he didn't cry out in pain because he no longer had the strength to speak!

A slight sound came from Miyamoto Sai, and his expression changed.

After taking a few breaths, feeling that he had accumulated some strength, he shouted to Chen Xin'an:

"Shis must be killed and not humiliated! Our warriors in the Zhaipo Kingdom are not afraid of death!

Just kill me, don't torture me.

Give me the respect a warrior deserves, because you are a warrior too! "

Chen Xin'an had a joking expression on his face, looked at Miyamoto Zhai and said, "A warrior's respect? Do you deserve it?"

If you really were a man of martial virtue, you wouldn't attack ordinary people, let alone hurt innocent people!

So people like you don't deserve any respect! "

Miyamoto Zhai's face was ashen, and he didn't dare to smile, but there was a sneer on his lips.

But he turned livid in the next second, because Chen Xin'an had already taken out a mobile phone from his pocket.

The screen was broken, probably from the fall just now. Chen Xin'an couldn't see the number on the caller ID clearly, so he clicked several times just to listen:

"Miyamoto, have you got it?"

This voice sounded familiar, I seemed to have heard it before, but I didn’t hear it often, so I couldn’t remember who it was.

Miyamoto Zhai kept trying to speak, but Chen Xin'an stepped on his head and couldn't say a word!

"What's wrong? I'm asking you! Did you succeed? I'm waiting for urgent use!"

The signal in the underground garage was not good, and the call was sometimes blocked. Chen Xinan had a hard time listening.

But in the last sentence, I finally figured out who the other party was, and laughed loudly: "Lu Bowen, it turns out to be you!"

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