Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2594 You can barely be my opponent


Chen Xin'an held the handrail with both hands and kicked a monster seven or eight meters away, hitting it hard against the corner wall.

He turned around, punched another monster in the chest, and said with a sneer:

"Invulnerable, right? Come and see if your chest is strong or if my fist is strong enough!"

The punch was like a cannonball, sending the monster flying and hitting the steel wall behind it heavily.

The steel plate wall that could withstand bullet fire was now hit with a big dent by the monster's body!

The invulnerable body's chest had completely collapsed at this moment, and blood overflowed from its mouth, nose, eyes, and ears.

The monster's entire body was embedded in the wall, and its originally dull eyes had lost all life at this moment.

He has been punched to death by Chen Xin'an!

The remaining two monsters looked at Chen Xin'an with frightened expressions. This was an expression that was impossible to appear on their faces.

Under the catalysis of drugs, they feel neither sadness nor joy, nor any emotion.

But now Chen Xin'an's punch actually aroused their instinctive fear. Knowing that he was not someone they could provoke, they turned around and ran away!

And the direction they ran was straight up the stairs!

Chen Xin'an didn't rush to chase him. He just stood in front of the dead monster, took his arm and pulled him out of the wall.

With a pop, the monster fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Chen Xin'an turned him over with her feet and put him on his back.

The monster was no longer breathing, its gray eyes were staring straight at the roof, and its mouth was half open.

Only then did Chen Xin'an realize that most of his tongue was gone!

This was obviously not cut intentionally, but was bitten off by oneself, and the fracture was uneven. It should not have been bitten like this all at once.

Only when you have endured countless times of great pain and want to die but can't, will you engage in such self-mutilation actions.

His chest collapsed while he was lying down. This was the power of Chen Xin'an's punch, which completely shattered his chest.

What flowed from his mouth and nose was not only blood, but also fragments of internal organs.

The strange thing is that his bloody eyes are very pale, much lighter than the bright red eyes of ordinary people.

But the fragments of the internal organs were red and black, as if they were poisoned!

This is what happens after the drug is injected.

The so-called invulnerability does not mean that the flesh and blood are really strong to that extent.

Instead, his pain-sensing nerves were removed and he couldn't feel his injuries at all.

With the help of the medicine, the monster's skin, flesh, muscles and bones have indeed been greatly strengthened.

Especially the strength and aggressiveness have risen several levels.

But Chen Xin'an knew that it would be easy for him to kill these monsters.

A monster that has been strengthened by drugs cannot withstand a heavy blow from a master who surpasses the fourth level of internal strength!

Looking at the monster's back, Chen Xin'an snorted, turned around and chased after it.

At this moment, he subconsciously turned his head and looked out the window, his heart tightening.

Xiao Zhang knew that he could not play a big role in the tower.

He had already seen the tall ladder truck outside.

It happened that the long telescopic pole was very close to a room on the tenth floor. Xiao Zhang hung on it with a rope and then climbed up the telescopic pole.

He needs to run down the telescopic pole, enter the cab, and raise the lifting platform to the highest position, which should be about a hundred meters.

In this way, the brothers above can escape from the enemy's pursuit and come down safely.

It’s just that it’s easier to go up the mountain than it is to go down, not to mention that what’s being climbed now is not a mountain, but the metal telescopic pole of the ladder truck.

Although there are crossed steel frames that can be used as steps and handrails, once your hands and feet slip, you will fall ten stories directly!

He is not Chen Xin'an, and he does not have such terrifying strength. Let alone the tenth floor, as long as he goes up to the fourth floor, he may be killed if he falls!

But he's not alone.

There are actually companions up here, and there are two of them, and they are fighting to the death!

Luo Xiaoman kicked a ghost-faced man in the chest. At the same time, the other person also kicked him in the stomach.

The two of them hit each other sideways at the same time and almost fell down!

Fortunately, he grabbed the steel frame with both hands, quickly stabilized his body, and stared at the opponent.

"Ghost Ninja King, right? It's interesting!" Luo Xiaoman stared at the person next to him and said with a grin: "If you want to deal with my brother, you have to get past me!"

The Ghost Ninja King's eyes hidden under the ghost's face stared at Luo Xiaoman fiercely and said nothing.

He had been hiding in the crowd, and even when he was fighting Chen Xin'an's gang, he didn't stand up.

A true ghost ninja must learn to be patient, wait for the opportunity to kill with one strike, and wait for the opportunity to act.

And they won't let go of any tool they can take advantage of.

like now

He is the person next to Chen Xin'an.

Seeing him climbing up the telescopic arm of the ladder truck alone, the Oni Ninja King knew that the opportunity had come.

As long as he catches this guy as a hostage, Chen Xin'an will be in a state of confusion.

For the ghost ninja group, this is a good opportunity to kill him!

But he didn't expect that the mantis was chasing the cicada and the oriole was behind him. He was eyeing Xiao Zhang, and someone was also eyeing him.

After getting on the telescopic arm together, before he could get close to Xiao Zhang, a master of ancient Chinese martial arts appeared out of nowhere and stopped in front of him.

After a fight, the Oni Ninja King was shocked to find that the opponent was so strong that he was not inferior to him at all, and they were somewhat evenly matched.

Seeing that the Ghost Ninja King was silent, Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly and cursed with disdain:

"You don't understand, do you? You Da Ying people are all arrogant mountain cannons.

Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. You should really learn it!

Just like me, I am so erudite and knowledgeable, but when I come to a small place like yours, I can still humbly learn your language. This is the reason why the strong are strong!

That look in your eyes, you don’t believe I can speak English, do you?


Jamaica buys down! Hairy, hairy! Wait! Don’t worry…”

The Ghost Ninja King couldn't stand hearing it anymore, his eyes widened and he cursed coldly: "What are you doing?"

You fight, you fight, you die, the two gentlemen are fighting, you are here to show off, what the hell do you mean?

Luo Xiaoman was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this guy could speak Chinese, and he spoke it fluently.

He grabbed the steel frame with one hand, smoothed his hair with the other, and said coldly:

"Brother is just showing off his foreign language to let you see how knowledgeable and talented he is!

Since you can also speak Chinese, even though it's not standard, it doesn't mean you're not good at it.

He is also a studious person, barely worthy of being his brother's opponent!

This round of competition is considered a draw! "

Are you a fool?

The Ghost Ninja King rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

took a look

That is his goal!

As soon as he moved, Luo Xiaoman also moved, rushed over directly, snorted and said, "Did I let you go?"

The Ghost Ninja King ignored him, moved a few positions laterally, and moved quickly around the telescopic arm to avoid Luo Xiaoman.

"Want to run?" Luo Xiaoman sneered, speeding up his movements with both hands and feet at the same time, and quickly caught up with the Ghost Ninja King!

At this moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of the Ghost Ninja King's mouth!

Stupid Huaxia Ancient Martial Arts, have you been fooled?

Don't you know that this kind of environment is the terrain that our Japanese ninjas are best at?

Attract you away from any contact point where you may jump back, so that you reach a state of mid-air where you have no contact with the world or the ground, and no retreat left or right.

As long as your body completely leaves the telescopic arm state for one second, you will fall directly and be killed!

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