Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2649 Are you trying to bribe me?

What is this?

Is it a great transformation?

Putting on a piece of skin, he becomes another person. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe it?

Looking at Chen Xinan, who seemed to be several years younger and looked like a college student, Jin Xuancheng didn't react for a long time.

It wasn't until Chen Xinan patted his shoulder that he woke up from his dream and asked Chen Xinan: "What did Mr. Chen say just now?"

Chen Xinan smiled slightly and said to him: "I said I want to borrow a few sets of your crew uniforms to wear!"

"Okay, I'll ask someone to get it for you right away!" Jin Xuancheng came to his senses and turned around and shouted: "Guanghuan, go to the warehouse and get some clothes for them to change!"

"Go right away!" Guanghuan responded and turned and ran out.

The fleet has come over and surrounded the Haixing. A warning sounded from a loud speaker on a frigate:

"We are the Daying Coast Defense 06887 formation. We are now conducting a legal routine inspection of the Haixing!

All personnel gathered on the deck, squatted with their hands on their heads.

If there is resistance, it will be regarded as a dangerous provocation to the Daying Coast Defense. We have the right to shoot in self-defense!

Stop the ship immediately and accept the inspection!"

Chen Xin'an, who had changed into a crew uniform, whispered to Jin Xuancheng: "Don't be nervous, it will be fine! If a fight really breaks out, I will keep you safe!"

Hearing this, Jin Xuancheng not only did not relax, but became more afraid!

You mean, you really want to fight with them?

Please, they are the official fleet, equipped with the most advanced firepower system, what can you use to fight them!

The Haixing has stopped, and a temporary plank road has been quickly set up from the ship next to it. A group of soldiers in blue and white uniforms came to the deck of the Haixing with automatic rifles.

Chen Xin'an and the others all squatted down with their hands on their heads, watching those people split into two groups, one rushed into the cabin, and the other held guns on the deck to control everyone.

Chen Xin'an exchanged glances with Li Qi, and when he nodded, he was relieved.

All personal belongings have been hidden. Unless these people dismantle the entire ship, they will not find any clues.

Li Qi specializes in this matter, and his method is professional, so there will be no mistakes.

An officer with a scar on the corner of his mouth held the photos in his hand and compared them one by one.

The photos that the official can provide should be those of Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman.

There should be no photos of Yan Chunhua, Yilian'er and Liu Minyong.

Especially Yan Chunhua's, it's just that the Sakura Society is looking for her. The Daying official has no interest in lowering its own value to find someone for a society.

Let alone Yamasuke Haruko, even if her father Yamasuke Kazuo is still alive, he doesn't have such a big face.

This is the confidence that Chen Xin'an dares to contact the fleet directly.

The target you are looking for has changed into another face. Even if he stands in front of you, you can't recognize him. What is there to be afraid of?

Sure enough, after searching for a while, the gang didn't find any problems and prepared to withdraw.

But when the scarred man saw Elaine, his face suddenly became dazed, as if he was stunned by the beauty of this beautiful woman!

But he didn't do much, just stood aside and waited for the brothers who were searching to come back.

But his eyes were always staring at Elaine, and his face showed an undisguised greed, as if he wanted to take this woman for himself regardless of everything!

Jin Xuancheng, who was being questioned, saw that the inspectors had retreated, Chen Xin'an and others were safe and sound, and were not recognized, and he was relieved.

The people who searched the cabin had withdrawn, and someone on the frigate issued an order to retreat.

A group of people in blue and white uniforms began to retreat, each returning to their own ship.

But at this moment, the scarred man suddenly shouted at Elaine, walked over and pulled her arm hanging in front of her chest.

Yilian'er pulled the wound without any preparation, and she cried out in pain, with a painful expression.

The scarred man's eyes showed a more excited light, as if the more pain the beautiful woman suffered, the happier he was!

However, he immediately concealed his eyes, looked at Yilian'er coldly and said: "How did you get your arm injured?"

Yilian'er was sweating from the pain, and looked at him unhappily and said: "Does my injury have anything to do with you?

May I ask if my injury hinders your inspection?

Are you investigating smuggling or something else?

Why are you so rude, I want to complain to you!"

The scarred man pulled up the corner of his mouth, without any fear on his face, but tilted his head and said to Yilian'er:

"The medicine for your wound smells like sulfamethoxazole tablets, which is a special gunshot medicine produced by Daying!

A young girl actually has a gunshot wound on her body, isn't this suspicious?

Come on, take her to the ship, I want to check it carefully!"

Several men in blue and white uniforms came over and pulled Yilian'er up from the left and right!

"What are you doing!" Luo Qianhe stood up, pushed the two men away, and stood in front of Yilian'er!

He didn't expect that the special medicine he used for Yilian'er would harm her instead.


With a rustling sound, all the people around raised their guns, and pointed the black muzzles at Luo Qianhe.

"This is a misunderstanding!" Chen Xin'an stood up immediately, raised his hands and said to the scarred man:

"That's not a gunshot wound, but a penetrating wound caused by a machine.

We just use sulfamethoxazole tablets to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation."

The scar-mouthed man sneered coldly and said with disdain: "Whether it's a gunshot wound or not, you don't have to say!

I'll have to check to be sure.

So if I want to take people away, if anyone dares to stop them, then don’t blame me for being rude! "

Chen Xin'an, still accompanying Smiley, walked up to him and whispered a few words.

Unexpectedly, the man with the scarred mouth immediately turned against him, kicked Chen Xin'an in the stomach, pointed a gun at his head and cursed: "You still want to bribe me? Do you think I care about your money?"

Chen Xin'an was kicked so hard that she fell to the ground, and two gold bars the size of candy fell out of her pocket!

He bought this when he was in Da Ying. At that time, no one knew what he meant by buying it.

Luo Xiaoman also laughed at him riding a horse to find a horse. He had gold mines in his hands, and he had to go to Da Ying to buy gold bars. Isn't this because he was full?

However, he only bought two and kept them close to his body, not knowing what they were used for.

Seeing Chen Xin'an being kicked down, Luo Xiaoman suddenly became anxious, and without thinking much, he wanted to stand up and take action.

As if knowing that he would have such a reaction, Chen Xin'an, who was lying on the ground, turned around, glanced at him, and shook his head gently.

Li Qi, who was beside him, also quietly held Luo Xiaoman's arm, telling him not to act rashly.

Luo Xiaoman took a deep breath, squatted on the ground and stopped moving.

But there was something strange in my heart, what the hell was Lao Chen doing!

If he wants to hide, who can kick him?

Seeing the gold bars falling out of Chen Xin'an's pocket, a trace of imperceptible greed flashed in the scar-mouthed man's eyes.

He waved his arm and ordered to the men beside him: "Take away this guy who wants to bribe me and the girl who suffered a gunshot wound. I want to carefully check their identities!

These people are waiting here, and no one can leave until their suspicious identities are eliminated! "

Several more people in blue and white uniforms came over, pointed their guns at Chen Xin'an, and motioned for him to get up.

Chen Xin'an quietly winked at her brothers to tell them not to be impulsive.

Then he honestly raised his hands and was escorted onto the plank road by two people.

Behind him, although Yi Lian'er was very reluctant, she saw Luo Qianhe winking at her and telling her not to resist, so she followed Chen Xin'an helplessly.

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