Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2655 Is this the legendary ghost town?

When Chen Xin'an told Jin Xuancheng to change the route and go to Dongchao, Luo Xiaoman next to him grinned, as if it was true.

Li Qi, Xiao Zhang, and Luo Qianhe also shook their heads helplessly. They had also thought of this result.

We have been brothers for so many years, and we all know the ins and outs of each other.

Chen Xin'an has never been one to run away when his brothers are in trouble.

Only Yi Lian'er looked puzzled and looked at Chen Xin'an and the others and asked: "Didn't you go to China? Why did you go to Dongchao again?

Daying and Dongchao are too close, and the official relationship is very close. If you go to Dongchao, your crisis in Daying will not be resolved! "

Luo Qianhe smiled slightly and said to her: "Because our brother is in trouble in Dongchao, we must save him!"

Wang Hao's eyes were red and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother Snake is not with the wrong person. He said you will definitely come to save him!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Find a place to stay after landing, and take your time in rescuing Brother Snake!"

Yan Chunhua walked up to Liu Minyong, who looked surprised, and asked him: "Do you remember what I talked to you before?

Now is the time I need to ask for your help.

The Dongtide is your territory, and it’s up to you once you get ashore! "

She didn't have much contact with Chen Xin'an, but she knew this person very well.

He would not joke with his brother's life, thinking that he could forcefully conquer the Japanese fleet.

So he will definitely take a roundabout route, and Dongchao is the first choice.

Liu Minyong patted his chest and said, "Don't worry! Everyone will stay at my house after landing, right in the countryside of Guangtian."

Chen Xin'an nodded, smiled and said to him: "Thank you then! Let's go ashore soon, let's go get ready!"

Half an hour later, the fishing boat docked at an unknown pier.

It's very remote here, it's pitch black all around, there's not even a light.

This is also what Chen Xin'an asked for. They can't hide their arrival in Dongchao, but they can't become the center of attention as soon as they land, right?

Chen Xin'an said to Jin Xuancheng: "Mr. Captain, a total of 1.5 million has been credited to your account.

Now I have to trouble you to send these two back to the high seas!

We’ll see you later! "

Jin Xuancheng looked behind him and saw that the two Daying officers had not come out. Then he lowered his voice and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Chen, if you need anything in the future, just ask! Doing business with people like you is worth taking some risks!"

The most important thing is that they spend a lot of money, throwing away more than one million, which is Chinese currency!

I can’t earn so much even if I run shipping for several years!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, waved to him, and led everyone around to get off the boat.

The fishing boat slowly sailed away. Maki Takanobu and Oshima Hidekazu walked out of the cabin and stood on the deck, looking at Chen Xin'an and others who had come ashore under the searchlight with complicated expressions.

If it weren't for their status, they might never be willing to be enemies with someone like Chen Xin'an in this life!

It was frightening to be cruel, but the release was quick and easy, without any conditions or requirements.

It was only around two o'clock in the morning, and this was not an official dock. It was pitch black and there was nothing around.

Everyone walked for half an hour without seeing any light. Yi Lianer angrily cursed at Liu Minyong:

"Don't you say this is your territory?

Why are we still in the middle of nowhere after walking for a long time?

When can we go to a populated place? "

Liu Minyong scratched his head and said with a grimace: "The captain just said that this is Ranma Beach in the western suburbs of Guangtian City.

The key point is that I have never been here before, so I am not familiar with the road...

But I know the direction. Guangtian City is in that direction. As long as we don't get lost, we will definitely find the road! "

"Oh, you are so useless!" Yi Lian'er rolled her eyes angrily and ignored him. She turned to Luo Qianhe and said, "My wound hurts and I can't walk!"

Luo Qianhe said helplessly: "What should we do? We can't just live here, right? This place has no front and no store!"

Elaine said confidently: "I want you to carry me on your back!"

Luo Xiaoman patted his chest and said, "Mei Lian, if you want someone to carry you, don't look for someone with a thin and flimsy stalk like a pigeon. Brother Xiaoman, with a generous back, is the natural person to carry the sedan chair!"

"I don't want it. You stink like sweat. It makes me sick!" Yi Lian'er looked at Luo Qianhe and said, "I'll let him carry it!"

Luo Xiaoman was dissatisfied and shouted: "Do I stink? Then you didn't smell carefully!

Come on, lie down on me and smell me carefully. Where do I stink?

To tell you the truth, my nickname is Xiangxiangxiang!

If you don’t believe me, smell my armpits! "

Yi Lian'er made a vomiting expression, turned her head and ignored him, looking straight at Luo Qianhe.

Helpless, Luo Qianhe had no choice but to squat down.

Only then did Yi Lian'er smile happily and lie on his back.

Luo Qianhe picked her up and continued walking forward.

This girl is actually very light. It doesn't take much energy for Luo Qianhe to carry her on his back.

It's just the close contact between the two people, leaving no gaps, that is what makes him most embarrassed.

But other girls don't care, and he doesn't want to be too pretentious.

After walking for a full hour and a half, everyone finally saw the light!

A group of people were overjoyed and hurriedly ran in the direction of the bright lights. But when they arrived, Li Qi, who was responsible for exploring the path, suddenly ran back and said to everyone:

"Something is not right! Everyone find a place to hide, I'll go over and take a look!"

Elian'er was so scared that she hugged Luo Qianhe's neck tightly and asked in a trembling voice: "What's wrong? Did you encounter the legendary ghost town?"

Luo Qianhe said with a smile: "Where is the ghost town? Don't think too much!"

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Everyone hide here, don't make any noise. Ah Qi and I will go over to take a look.

Aman, pay attention to the surroundings, this place is not safe!"

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman nodded, turned around and waved to everyone, asking everyone to stop and rest.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi took advantage of the cover of the night and quickly approached the place where the lights were on.

Soon Chen Xin'an knew why Li Qi said something was wrong.

Because there were actually people with guns and live ammunition on guard in front.

From the way they were dressed, they were not regular soldiers, but rather a bit sloppy and unruly.

And there was more than one person on guard, almost one sentry every three steps and one guard every five steps.

What they were guarding were several simple sheds not far away.

In front of the sheds, there were vehicles loading and unloading goods.

Chen Xinan and Li Qi looked at each other, both of them had a headache.

This is definitely not a good place, but it is the only way for everyone to go, and they can't get around it.

Jin Xuancheng didn't say there was such a place when he was on the boat, which means that either everyone went the wrong way, or this place has only recently appeared.

But no matter what, everyone seems to have no choice now and must pass through here.

At this moment, Li Qi suddenly pulled Chen Xinan and pointed his finger at the top of his head.

Chen Xinan looked up and vaguely found a red bright spot moving quickly.


Chen Xinan is now too familiar with this thing!

Seeing the flight trajectory of the drone, it was circling near the top of the simple shed. It was obvious that this was not placed by the group of people inside.

Chen Xinan immediately realized that in addition to himself and Ah Qi, there was another group of people nearby who were monitoring the group inside and outside the shed!

A car seemed to have loaded the goods and slowly drove away, driving away along a road.

But soon, a burst of explosions sounded and flames flashed.

Then there was a burst of intensive gunfire, and in the distance police lights were flashing and sirens were blaring!

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