Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2663 They will come back again

Chen Xin'an now speaks Dongchao dialect using a translator, and everyone around her can understand it.

Liu Minyong smiled apologetically at him, turned his head to look at Da Jinya, gritted his teeth and roared: "Let go of my sister!"

Looking at the companions who fell to the ground, the two hooligans standing next to Liu Zhiyan swallowed in fear and subconsciously let go of their hands.

Liu Jiyan ran to Liu Minyong's side, wiped the blood on his head with his sleeve, and cried:

"You don't want your life! Why fight with them? You don't have the ability!"

Liu Minyong grinned, threw away the stick in his hand, took off his coat with difficulty, wrapped it around his sister, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, brother is here!"

Liu Jiyan's tears flowed down again.

Da Jinya frowned, looked at Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman, and Li Qi, and asked with a gloomy face: "Who are you?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said, "We are Liu Minyong's friends. If you want to mess around here today, you have to ask us!"

Da Jinya gritted his teeth and cursed: "Then do you know who I am?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "Then you have to ask your mother. I guess your father can't be sure..."

Da Jinya was stunned for a moment, but the younger brother next to him burst into laughter.

The angry Da Jinya kicked him to the ground, looked at Chen Xin'an and gritted his teeth and cursed:

"I am from Haichao Company!

Do you know who the boss of Haichao Company is?

This project is a key project of Haichao Company.

If you dare to stop it, you are going against Haichao Company!

The consequences will be disastrous, can you afford it? "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "Once again, Liu Minyong is my friend.

I don’t care who you are from or what Haichao company you are.

Anyone who wants to hurt my friend must ask me first.


Get out of here if you understand! "

Da Jinya gritted his teeth and cursed angrily: "You are looking for death! Why are you all standing there in a daze? Give me..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xinan suddenly moved!

Even though he saw the person rushing towards him, Da Jinya was already alert, but his body's reaction was one step slower than his thoughts. Before he could defend himself, the opponent had already rushed in front of him!

With only one hand, he had already grabbed his throat and lifted his feet off the ground!

Chen Xin'an tilted her head, looked at the big golden tooth and said, "Can't you understand people?

Or do you think you are so important as a nobody that you can make me feel taboo and dare not touch you? "

Da Jinya's face turned red, his feet kicked wildly, his eyesight went black, and he felt like he was about to suffocate!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an loosened his grip, threw him to the ground, and said calmly: "Thirty seconds, get out of here, or don't leave!"

Where have a group of hooligans seen such a terrifying person?

At this moment, he didn't even dare to say nonsense. He directly helped his boss and his brothers who were injured and fell to the ground, and evacuated the small courtyard in embarrassment.

Soon the car started, and a group of people quickly turned around and drove away without any hesitation.

Liu Minyong turned around, looked at Chen Xin'an and the others, and said gratefully: "Thank you!"

"We already said we are friends, why are you so polite!" Luo Xiaoman patted Liu Minyong on the shoulder and laughed.

Liu Zhiyan frowned, looked at Luo Xiaoman and Chen Xinan, and asked, "Chinese?"

She turned her head, looked at Liu Minyong and asked, "Are all your friends from China?

You brought a group of Chinese people home? "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said nothing.

Liu Minyong said with an embarrassed look: "Zhiyan, even Chinese people are not all bad people!

They are my friends. If they hadn't saved me, I might not have been able to come back and would have died in Da Ying! "

"Liu Minyong, is there water in your head?" Liu Zhiyan scolded Liu Minyong angrily:

"Have you forgotten that what mom and dad hate the most are Chinese people?

They are all greedy and cunning, always trying to take advantage!

My father’s shop has been rented to Chinese people for ten years. The prices of the surrounding shops have all increased, but our shop has not!

If it weren't for those stingy Chinese people, my parents wouldn't be living in such poverty.

Not to mention owing a large amount of money.

Nor will a car accident happen because of avoiding debt!

Then they won't die from this..."

Liu Minyong whispered: "It's all old news, why do you mention him?"

Liu Zhiyan cursed angrily: "I want you to remember that my parents were killed by the Chinese!

Now you actually bring Chinese people into your home, do you want them to die in peace? "

"No!" Liu Minyong shook his head, looked at Liu Zhiyan and said, "The death of my parents was an accident because I owed a lot of money to others for gambling.

In order to pay off the debt, they wanted to borrow money from their uncle's house in Kyoto, but they encountered a car accident on the way. "

Liu Zhiyan said angrily: "But if those Chinese people are willing to raise prices, our family won't be so..."

Liu Minyong sighed and said: "I rented the shop when it was at its most desolate, and I gave him an extra two hundred.

My parents were afraid that they would regret it, so they signed a ten-year long-term contract.

No one expected that the area would become lively after three years.

Mom and Dad want to increase the rent, and they want to increase it by 20,000 yuan every month. Of course they won't agree! "

"Huh?" Liu Zhiyan was stunned. She had only gotten a rough idea of ​​the whole thing from the few words or complaints from her parents.

But I didn't expect that the truth of the matter turned out to be like this.

She frowned and looked at Liu Minyong and said: "Impossible! You are lying to me!

You don't do your job all day long, do nothing, and don't even go home. How could you possibly know this?

Liu Minyong, for the sake of your friends, you actually lied about your parents. You are simply a beast! "

Liu Minyong shook his head expressionlessly and said calmly: "Now the ownership of the store is in the hands of my uncle.

He knows everything, give him a call when you get the chance. "

Liu Zhiyan asked anxiously: "Why did our store go to uncle at that time?"

Liu Minyong sighed and said: "Do you know how much money your parents owe? One billion yuan!

If uncle doesn't buy it, the store will be taken away by the creditor! "

Liu Zhiyan asked in a trembling voice: "How do you know this?"

"Because I have to take care of these things!" Liu Minyong said: "During that time, I couldn't even take care of my parents' funerals, so I had to rely on you to take care of them.

I only showed up at the funeral and ran back and forth between Guangtian and Chaojing.

Using the money my uncle spent to buy the shop, plus the compensation from the party responsible for the car accident, I finally paid off the debt owed to the creditor. "

Liu Zhiyan was stunned when he heard this.

Recalling my parents' funeral, my brother looked listless and didn't care about anything.

It turned out that she was extremely tired and had been dealing with other things, which saved her from the trouble of being harassed by creditors!

Seeing his sister's dull look, as if it was difficult to digest such a fact for a while, Liu Minyong took her hand and said:

"Stop thinking so much!

My friend is just staying here for a few days.

They won't cause us any trouble, and they can even help us solve it!

Because they are all capable people and are much more reliable than my brother! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to Liu Minyong: "The group of people just now probably wouldn't just let it go.

They will definitely come back.

So even if your sister doesn't agree, we have to stay here during this time.

Help you solve this trouble, even if I pay you a small reward for helping me during your time in Dongchao! "

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