Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2665 I said I would help you deal with it

The room fell silent for a moment, no one spoke, but the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an's face became serious and he gently placed the bowls and chopsticks on the table.

Soon Luo Xiaoman also felt it, glanced at Chen Xin'an, and nodded lightly.

Li Qi wiped his mouth with a tissue, stood up and said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, can I go out and take a look?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Just stop 20 meters ahead of the gate. There is a field over there."

"Okay!" Li Qi responded, turned and left.

Luo Xiaoman also stood up and said, "Aqi and I will come together. It seems we have a lot of guests!"

Chen Xin'an didn't stop her. She turned around and said to everyone: "Min Yong, protect your sister. You don't need to come out in the room and don't interfere with anything.

Pigeon, you, Lao Xiao, and Yi Lian'er are staying here, there's no need to go out.

Sister Hua, the safety of our home depends on you. The three of us will try to keep people away from the courtyard. "

"Okay!" Yan Chunhua nodded.

Xiao Zhang wanted to say something, but he still didn't speak.

Only brother and sister Liu Minyong and Liu Jiyeon still looked confused.

Liu Minyong said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, what's wrong? What happened?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "It's okay, just stay at home with your sister!"

Liu Zhiyan frowned and said, "I'm going back to the city soon, and the last bus is about to arrive!"

"Don't go now!" Chen Xin'an said to her: "In the worst case, find a car later and I'll send someone to take you there!"

Liu Zhiyan stood up and said with a stern face: "Why should I listen to you! Don't forget that I am the master of this family! I'm leaving now, you try to stop me!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an just glanced at her and didn't stop her at all.

Liu Zhiyan sneered coldly and left the table.

He walked to his room next to him, picked up his bag and was about to leave.

"Zhiyan, don't go..." Liu Minyong shouted, trying to catch up with her and hold her.

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Don't stop her, she will come back later!"

"Sick!" Liu Zhiyan cursed at Chen Xin'an, turned around and left.

Seeing that she had really gone out, Liu Minyong said to Chen Xin'an with a worried look on his face: "Mr. Chen, my sister has such a stubborn temper. Don't take it to heart!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head. He was not that stingy, quarreling with a little girl who had never been beaten by society.

Liu Minyong looked at the gate and said, "I'm still worried about her. I'll take her back to the city. Mr. Chen, just rest assured and stay here tonight... Strange, why is there an earthquake?"

At this time, Liu Minyong also felt that the ground began to shake, as if there was an earthquake.

I also heard a rumbling sound in my ears, and then the sister who just walked out appeared at the door with a pale face!

"Why are you back?" Liu Minyong looked at his sister with surprise.

Liu Zhiyan looked horrified and said to Liu Minyong in a trembling voice: "He, they are coming! There are many, many cars!"

Liu Minyong was stunned for a moment, and immediately ran to the gate. When he looked outside, his legs suddenly became weak!

On the road not far away, black cars were connected end to end, forming a long queue.

The front of the leading car also had the logo of Haichao Company printed on it. It was obvious that these were the helpers called by Da Jinya after he returned!

There are about three to four hundred people in such a long convoy, right?

There are also bulldozers following, it is clear that Haichun Sandong will be demolished!

"It's over! We're in big trouble now! Our family won't be saved, and our lives won't be saved either!"

Liu Minyong was so frightened that he lost his mind. He turned around and saw his sister, who was also trembling with fear and at a loss. He quickly pushed her and said:

"Run! Run away! Get out of here! Go to the company and ask your leader for help! Don't you and Haichao Company belong to the same group?"

Liu Jiyan said with a cry: "It's too late! And they belong to different companies, so we can't talk to each other at all!

Unless the president comes forward, but a small employee like me doesn’t even have a chance to meet the president!

Where do you want me to run? Besides, if you ask me to run away, what will you do? "

Liu Minyong said desperately: "You hide in the company, at least they won't dare to touch you.

I will stay here, my home is gone, and I don’t want to live anymore!

I have been incompetent all my life, but in the end, I can't even keep the yard my parents left us! "

Liu Zhiyan cried loudly and hugged him and shouted: "Brother, if I die, I will die with you! I won't leave either!"

Looking at the brother and sister hugging each other and crying, Chen Xin'an was still a little helpless and said to them:

"It's not as serious as you said! I said I would help you deal with it, so I wouldn't just sit idly by!"

Liu Minyong raised his head, sighed and said to Chen Xin'an: "I would like to thank Mr. Chen first!

But there are too many people on the other side. Mr. Chen has other important things to do when he comes to Dongchao, so he can't be trapped here. You'd better leave! "

Liu Zhiyan said angrily: "Help? How can you help? How can these few people help?

Don't look at the pretense now. Once you do something later, you will be gone, right?

Forget it, this is our own business and has nothing to do with you.

Even if you run away, it's natural!

Now you all go, my brother and I stay at home.

If they want to demolish it, they can bury us all under the rubble! "

"Sister, don't talk nonsense!" Liu Minyong quickly scolded Liu Zhiyan.

Chen Xin'an ignored it and said to Yan Chunhua: "Sister Hua, I'm begging you!"

Yan Chunhua nodded, Chen Xin'an turned around and walked out.

Just after leaving the small courtyard, Chen Xin'an said helplessly to Xiao Zhang who was following behind him: "Old Xiao, you..."

Xiao Zhang's eyes shone brightly, he looked at the slowly approaching bulldozer in the distance and said, "Brother An, can you think of a way to send me to that big truck?"

The brothers around him all have fixed names for Chen Xin'an.

Luo Xiaoman calls him Lao Chen, Li Qi calls him boss, Luo Qianhe calls him senior brother, and only Xiao Zhang sometimes calls him boss, sometimes calls him Brother An, it's never fixed, and Chen Xin'an doesn't care, just follow him.

After hearing what he said, Chen Xin'an turned around and glanced in the direction of the road, and understood what he was planning. She shook her head helplessly and said, "Okay! Let's get a car first!"

As he was talking, there was a loud bang not far away.

Luo Xiaoman didn't know where he got a three-wheeled garbage collection truck from, and it crashed into the head truck of the convoy!

All the people in the car jumped out, holding machetes in their hands, and rushed towards Luo Xiaoman!

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to Xiao Zhang: "Let's go there!"

Just as I was dozing off, someone handed me a pillow. This opportunity was not in vain.

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