Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2671 If the plan passes, I will return these things to you.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly saw four men sitting in my living room. Everyone would be shocked!

The three bodyguards behind him swayed and stood in front of Ding Taiyou at the same time, blocking him with their bodies.

One of them had a gloomy face and said to Chen Xin'an and the others: "Who are you? Why are you here? Answer me quickly, or we will all be thrown out from the 28th floor!"

The fat woman looked nervous and quickly scolded Ding Taiyou: "Old Ding, didn't you see?

Isn't this from your company?

He was held hostage by these people and came here to find you.

Hurry up and get your people to save him! "

Ding Taiyou also saw Brother Changmin sitting on the sofa with a reserved look on his face. He frowned and cursed: "Pei Changmin, what are you doing here?"

Pei Changmin stood up with a guilty conscience and said to him: "Vice President Ding, these people are here for the Haichun Third Cave project.

They are not satisfied with the current compensation plan, so they asked me to bring them to you..."

Anyway, this matter was no longer involved, and he had a way out. Pei Changmin was not as scared as he was at the beginning, and told the truth to Ding Taiyou.


Ding Taiyou separated from the bodyguard, raised his arm and slapped Pei Changmin in the face!

"Is there water in your head?

Just leave this little matter to the Security Department. Why did you bring someone to my house?

Do you think my home is a place where all kinds of random people can enter?

What's more, it's still midnight, what do you want to do?

Get out of here right away before my people throw you out!

Also, don’t be in the company anymore, just pack up and get out! "

After he finished scolding, except for Pei Changmin, who was embarrassed, the other three people across from him seemed to have not heard anything. They were still sitting on the sofa and looking at him with a playful expression.

Ding Taiyou gritted his teeth and cursed angrily: "Looking for death! Those shameless things! Throw them out. I don't want to see these faces appear in my house again!"

Three bodyguards strode over, and the person who just spoke cursed: "A few bastards who don't know whether to live or die!

You dare to come to the vice president's house to cause trouble. I think you are all itchy, right? "

He opened his big hand and grabbed Luo Xiaoman, who was sitting on the left side of the sofa.

But before he could touch the other person's body, his wrist was grabbed.

The body seemed to be pulled, and suddenly rushed forward!

But then a foot appeared in front of him!


He received a heavy kick in the ribs, and his huge body of nearly 200 kilograms was kicked up!

But because his right wrist was grabbed, he couldn't break free.

The body was knocked horizontally on the spot, and then hit the ground with a muffled thud!

This time, two ribs were probably broken, and the internal organs of the body were almost shattered. I didn't even have the strength to get up. I lay on the ground unable to move, as if I was dead!

The other two people were stunned for a moment, and Chen Xinan kicked the coffee table in front of him.

The marble coffee table, which weighed nearly a hundred kilograms, made a harsh friction sound on the ground and hit the legs of the other two bodyguards hard!

With two screams, the two bodyguards hugged their legs and fell to the ground, wailing and rolling.

Ding Taiyou was so frightened that he didn't expect the other party to be so scary and cruel.

He turned around and wanted to run, but saw a young man suddenly jumped up from the sofa and stood in front of him in the blink of an eye!

"Don't, don't mess around! What do you want to do? Do you know who I am? If you dare to touch me, Haichao Company will never let you go!"

The young man didn't seem to understand what he was saying at all. He just stretched out his hand and grabbed his wrist. Before Ding Taiyou could react, the other party grabbed him with one move and knocked him to the ground!

The next second, he was pulled by his arms and hair and brought to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an tilted her head and looked at Ding Taiyou, and said coldly: "Vice President Ding, I heard that you are responsible for the demolition project of Haichun Sandong, right?

I don’t ask you what the official compensation package was originally, but I’m just asking you if you can renegotiate with the rest of us and increase the compensation ratio? "

Ding Taiyou looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I cannot have the final say on this alone.

This requires a board meeting to study! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded, waved to Li Qi and said, "Let Vice President Ding go!"

Although he spoke Dongchao dialect, Li Qi had a tacit understanding with him. Even if he didn't understand, he could understand the meaning and immediately let go of Ding Taiyou.

Unexpectedly, the other party came to the house and injured his bodyguard, but he let him go so easily. Ding Taiyou couldn't believe it.

Chen Xin'an walked up to Pei Changmin, grabbed the back of his neck, and said with a sneer:

"You also heard that Vice President Ding is unwilling to discuss with us. Do you know what to do?"

Pei Changmin trembled all over, looked at Chen Xin'an in fear and asked: "I, I really don't know! Please clarify!"

Chen Xin'an sighed and said, "Why are you so stupid?

Now that the safe has been opened, take away everything inside!

Haichao Company is unwilling to increase the compensation, so let Vice President Ding use his own money to compensate everyone!

If the cash and jewelry are not enough, bring the vice president's wife over and take out all the money in the bank. It should be enough to compensate! "

"No! That's my family's money, you can't take it!" The fat woman yelled at the top of her lungs and opened her hands to stop Pei Changmin.

Pei Changmin said with a tangled look on his face: "I'm sorry, Madam Vice President, I am also forced to have no choice!

As you can see, if I don't do what they say, I won't be able to get out of here alive! "

While speaking, he pushed the fat woman hard!

The fat woman couldn't stand firmly and fell to the ground.

By chance, my head hit the corner of the coffee table, and my eyes rolled back and I fainted!

"Zhenying!" Ding Taiyou shouted, and quickly said to Chen Xin'an: "If you have something to say, we can discuss it!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to Ding Taiyou: "I can't wait until Vice President Ding holds a board meeting tomorrow to study it!"

Ding Taiyou quickly said: "I can promise to make a new compensation plan!"

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "How do I know that Vice President Ding is not perfunctory with me?"

Ding Taiyou smiled bitterly and said: "You can enter the community smoothly and come to my house with arrogance.

I should have thought that you are by no means an ordinary three-dong person!

If I dare to play tricks, will you let me go if you know my family?

You can take as much money as you can from the safe, and leave some for me.

I'm about to retire, that's my pension money!

For the sake of the company, I can't afford to offend you people.

I will handle this matter personally and will definitely give you a satisfactory answer! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, nodded to Ding Taiyou and said: "I know that Vice President Ding will not let us three-dong people down.

Okay, let's wait for the new compensation plan to come out, and no one from Haichao Company will appear in Sandong again in the next few days, right?

If the new plan really satisfies us, I will return these things to Vice President Ding! "

He gestured to Li Qi, who took out the bag from his body and revealed the account book inside.

At this moment, Ding Taiyou's face turned pale!

Almost subconsciously, he stood up to grab it.

But Li Qi stepped on his shoulder and kicked him to the ground!

Chen Xin'an squinted his eyes and said, "Don't worry, Vice President Ding! Once the plan is passed, these things will be returned to you!

If you are being cunning, should these things be handed over to the police, or should they be handed over directly to the prosecutor?

Will you help me with my advice? "

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