Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2673 He wants to frame our hospital

The young man's words made both Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang very angry!

Li Qi also had a gloomy face and clenched his fists.

Luo Xiaoman walked over and grabbed the collar of his white coat, scolding him: "How dare you chase my brother away?"

The man in the white coat looked pale, looked at Luo Xiaoman in panic, and shouted in Dongchao dialect: "What do you want to do? Where is the security guard? Someone is making trouble here!"

"Aman!" Chen Xin'an shouted, signaling Luo Xiaoman to let go of his white coat.

He turned around, looked at the white coat and said, "Send him to the ward immediately..."

The white coat adjusted his collar, snorted and said: "He has already owed money and can only sleep in the corridor.

This is the hospital's rule, no matter who you are, it's the same!

Chinese people, let me advise you.

This is Dongchao. No matter who you are in China or how awesome you are, when you get here, you must abide by the rules of Dongchao!

If you don’t have money, don’t come to the hospital. If you want to die, die outside. Do you understand?

Do you know what I hate most about you Chinese people?

Just unruly!

Very unqualified! "

Luo Xiaoman scolded angrily from the side: "Old Chen, what did this grandson say? Is he scolding us?

I feel uncomfortable seeing his condescending behavior, he looks like he's in need of a slap in the face! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand, looked at the white coat and sneered: "You're right, I don't like to follow rules the most!"

He turned his head and said to Li Qi: "Aqi, have you seen that camera?

Find the hospital surveillance on this floor and bring up the scene just now for me! "

The young man on the side shouted: "When we tried the medicine, we also talked in the corridor, and there was monitoring.

I have always wanted to get this evidence, but their hospital has been blocking it! "

Li Qi sneered and said: "Don't worry, as long as I have it, I can get it, and it's useless for anyone to stop me!"

The white coat couldn't understand what they were saying, but he knew from their looks that something bad was waiting for him.

He immediately turned around and said to the nursing staff: "Notify the hospital security immediately that someone is beating the doctor here.

Follow these guys and drive them out!

If necessary, notify the Guangsou Team!

Go and ask the dean on duty, someone is making trouble here! "

Several caregivers looked at each other, then nodded and walked away.

Chen Xin'an looked at the white coat and smiled, but did not stop the group of people.

But the man in the white coat thought he was scared, and said with a sneer: "That person just hit our nurse, I saw it clearly!

None of you Chinese people can escape, I will make you pay for what you have done!

You...what are you doing? "

Seeing Chen Xin'an taking out a silver needle from his body and injecting it into Lao Han, his eyes widened in his white coat, pointing at Lao Han and saying:

"Don't do this nonsense! If you want to kill people and silence them, don't come to our hospital. There is surveillance here, and everything you do will be recorded!"

I originally thought that these Chinese people were in the same group.

Unexpectedly, he was still an enemy!

Otherwise, why would this guy stick so many needles into the injured person?

The intention was obvious, they just wanted to kill this guy in the hospital and then blame the hospital!

He didn't know whether the needle could kill this person, but even if it killed him, the wound would not be visible because the needle hole was so small!

This damn guy has really evil intentions!

It's a pity, did he think Dongchao's hospital would be like a poor place like Huaxia, without even monitoring?

Doesn't he know that every move he makes has been recorded?

Chen Xin'an ignored him and concentrated on giving Lao Han the injection.

A caregiver ran over with three building patrol guards. As soon as he saw the person, he shouted loudly:

"Stop this guy! He wants to kill someone in our hospital and frame it for us!"

In Dongchao, when someone dies due to a medical accident, the hospital not only has to pay a large amount of compensation, but also receives double severe penalties from the health organization and the police department!

Therefore, it is not uncommon for some large hospitals with very good profits to close down due to one or two medical compensations!

When the guards heard this, what would they do?

He immediately took out his baton and rushed towards Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an didn't even raise his head, still sitting on his own business, as if he didn't see it.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang stepped forward to greet him. There was no need to say anything because they didn't understand him anyway.

Moreover, these guards did not give them a chance to tell the difference. As soon as they rushed forward, they picked up their batons and hit the two of them on the head!

Luo Xiaoman didn't make any evasive movement, he just tilted his head slightly.

Let the baton hit him on the shoulder, and at the same time, he kicked the opponent in the stomach!

The guard jumped up on the spot, with his feet a foot above the ground, and then hit the floor hard. The pain was so painful that he couldn't even scream loudly!

Another guard also slapped Luo Xiaoman on the head, but the next second, Luo Xiaoman was already standing in front of him and grabbed his wrist!

Before he could react, the stick in his hand fell into the opponent's hand, and then there was a buzz in his head, and the opponent slapped him in the face with the stick!

His body weighing more than 140 kilograms was blown away by the stick, and when he fell to the ground, he felt that half of his face was gone.

Xiao Zhang is not as strong as Luo Xiaoman, but he is now considered a man with rich combat experience, and his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary strong young men.

It was easy to deal with these guards.

He dodged to avoid the guard's swing, looked for an opening, and dodged behind him.

An arm passed under the other man's jaw and strangled his neck.

The other hand grabbed the opponent's right hand holding the baton.

As his arms tightened, the guard struggled desperately, but soon his movements slowed down and his eyes began to roll up.

Slowly, he stopped moving.

Xiao Zhang let him go, and he just dropped his head and fell to the ground.

In just one minute, all three guards were eliminated, and the eyes of the white coat and the nurse almost popped out of their heads!

The white coat shouted to the nurse: "Why are you still standing there? Go call someone quickly!"

The nurse turned around and ran away, and the white coat also threw herself at Chen Xin'an!

The other party took down several guards so easily, and it was effortless to deal with him.

But now he doesn't care about that much anymore. Even if he puts his life in danger, he still has to stop the one who got the needle!

This job is how he supports his family.

If he loses it, his loan payments will be stopped, and his wife and children will have to live on the streets!

This is worse than killing him!

Anyway, those two guys were quite far away, and the one doing the needle was right in front of me.

As long as they stop him and use him as a hostage, those two guys will be helpless.

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