Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2686 Anyone who dares to look too much will have his eyes gouged out

Not to mention that these Dongchao people have always looked down on the Chinese people, so how could Chen Xin'an, as a Chinese person, look down on them!

Of course, Chen Xin'an doesn't have a good face when dealing with such a group of people with evil intentions, and he doesn't need to save any face for them.

I glanced at Luo Qianhe, who had just finished taking his pulse. Seeing him nodding, I felt relieved. He could be saved!

Not bothering to argue with the people around him, Chen Xin'an took out the needle box that he had prepared long ago.

"Mr. Chen!" Yin Huiqiao quickly stopped Chen Xin'an and said to him: "Let's go, there is no need to waste any more time!

There is no need to harm yourself just because of your anger!

No matter what, you are all my dad's friends, I don't want to..."

Chen Xin'an interrupted her and said unceremoniously: "I don't have time to listen to your nonsense!

Stand by and watch with wide eyes. How much you can understand depends on your own eyesight!

Everyone else, get away from me!

Whoever dares to look at it one more time will have his eyes dug out! "

This statement made people angry!

Chu Zhiyin cursed angrily: "Who do you think you are? Who cares about you?

What are you pretending to do here?

Hye Kyo, let’s go!

Let these two idiots stay here, their families will not let them go! "

"You are fooling around and guarding others? Are you trying to kill people? Don't worry, so many of us here have seen it, you can't deny it even if you want!"

"It's completely hopeless. If you are still struggling here, if your family members see it, you will be skinned!"

"This is why I hate Chinese people! They are arrogant and rude, and they are also smart! These people should get out of Dongchao and go back to their own country!"

Chen Xin'an could no longer hear the cynicism and sarcasm from everyone.

He turned around, opened the needle box, and quickly injected the needle into the patient's brain.

"You..." Yin Huiqiao wanted to stop him, but after seeing the actions of Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe, she remained silent after all.

Chen Xin'an injected the needle into the patient's brain. Luo Qianhe took out the medicine that had been prepared and applied it to the patient's wound with a long-handled instrument.

Although I don’t know what they are doing, it can be seen that they are working seriously.

Chu Zhiyin looked disdainful and said to Yin Huiqiao: "Hyiqiao, let's go first and let them..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yin Hye Kyo waved her hands impatiently and said, "You go first, I'll stay and take a look!"

Chu Zhiyin was stunned for a moment, then curled his lips and said, "What's there to see? Let's..."

"I told you to shut up! Can you go first?" Yin Huiqiao cursed him unceremoniously, but her eyes never left Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe.

A trace of ferocity appeared on Chu Zhiyin's face, but it disappeared in a flash.

He smiled dryly and said to Yin Hye Kyo: "Since you like to watch it, I will stay here and watch it with you!"

How could Yin Huiqiao care about his fate or stay? She just stepped forward and stood beside Chen Xin'an, watching his movements without blinking.

This time Chen Xin'an used the Thirteenth Soul-Suppressing Needle!

This is originally a formation that stimulates the deepest hidden upgrade in the human body, and it is most suitable to be used on this patient.

By the fourth injection, the patient's body had a strong reaction.

The wound that had stopped bleeding was now bleeding again.

The body that had calmed down just now is now convulsing and twisting again!

The people next to me were all gloating!

"They said it was no longer possible, and they insisted on trying!

Even if they are dead, they still have to suffer this!

I really don’t know what kind of hearts these two guys have and how they can be so cruel! "

"There are so many key elites here, and they all say they have given up. If you still don't believe in evil, you have to take action.

Do you think you are better than the rest of us?

Isn't it time to torment a dying person? "

"Chinese people just like to overestimate their own capabilities! It seems that the hospital is going to be in trouble this time, and their families will definitely not want to go through such trouble!"

Yin Hye Kyo, who was watching unblinkingly from the side, shouted angrily, wishing that she could turn herself into a video camera and record everything that happened now!

She would not be as stupid as others, she would only ridicule and despise them, and not even look at what these two Chinese people were doing.

Because she was standing nearby, she could clearly see what Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe were doing at this moment.

It’s truly something I’ve never seen or heard!

The important thing is that these methods may seem mysterious and absurd, but when used on patients, they actually work!

Only living people can bleed and convulse, dead people have no reaction!

In other words, the patient's current situation looks miserable, but the real result is that these two people are pulling him back from the gate of hell!

How did they do that?

Chen Xin'an had already given the eighth needle, and said to Luo Qianhe in a deep voice: "Geve, use your pulse-pointing technique. I'm going to give the ninth life-and-death needle. He must react!"

Luo Qianhe took a deep breath and said: "The main reason is that I am not very familiar with the pulse-diagnosing technique! Furthermore, his body may not be able to withstand the power of the pulse-diagnosing technique..."

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Now he can just bear your pulse tapping technique, because there is nothing he can't bear!"

Of course Luo Qianhe could understand the meaning of these words.

There was no hesitation at the moment. No matter what happened, senior brother could handle it here. He just needed to take action without any worries!

Then everyone present saw a scene that they would never forget for the rest of their lives!

Luo Qianhe climbed directly onto the operating bed and sat on the patient's body. With his hands separated by a sterile mask, he bent the middle finger joints of his hands and tapped the patient continuously!

"Oh my God! What is he doing? The patients are already like this, and he is still destroying them. He is simply not human!"

"Hurry up and pull him down! When the family members see the injuries on the patient's body, they will definitely become suspicious, and we will all be in trouble!"

"Doctor Yin, get them away! This is not saving people, this is nonsense!"

A group of people were shouting, and everyone was in a panic.

They were looking for someone to take the blame, but they didn't expect that the two people who took the blame were just idiots. They were doing things that made no sense!

But Yin Huiqiao just watched the movements of Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe without blinking, as if she didn't hear the shouts of the colleagues next to her.

Now Yin Hye Kyo finally understood why her father treated these two young men so politely.

She also understood why Chen Xin'an said what she said to her just now.

They are really not messing around or tormenting patients, but saving lives!

Every action they take now is closely related to the patient's life.

She didn't need to bother to prove it, the patterns on those life detectors already said it all!

The brain waves that had been almost motionless once again fluctuated greatly, and the electrocardiogram also began to beat more powerfully and frequently than before!

What really surprised Yoon Hye Kyo was that the bleeding in the furnace had stopped now.

Before Yin Hye Kyo could see clearly, Chen Xin'an had already picked up the scalpel and removed the patient's lesions directly!

Observing Chen Xin'an's knife attack with a professional eye, even Yin Hye Kyo had to admire such a miraculous skill.

There is not even a trace of corrosion left in the patient's area, but the healthy areas are not affected at all.

With her strength, she simply couldn't do it so neatly. How did the other party do it?

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