Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2688 No one doesn’t know whose car it is

The culprit who sent Brother Snake to prison was Moon Yoo-hwan's eldest son Moon Jae-hoon.

Old Han's injuries were also caused by Wen Zaixun's people.

Therefore, if Chen Xin'an and his brothers want to rescue Brother Snake and avenge him and Lao Han, they must find Moon Jae-hun.

It's just that this guy can't find anyone every day. It's not easy to find him directly.

So everyone decided to start with his father.

Let’s first investigate the basic situation of their family.

Follow the Yakushi to the south of the city, where the wealthy people live.

The social class of Dongchao people is very obvious, not only where they live, but also in the cars they travel in.

Limited edition luxury cars like this are of course exclusive to the upper class.

Neither Luo Xiaoman nor Wang Hao dared to get too close, because there was a car in front of and behind Yakes, with Wen Youhuan's bodyguard inside.

The average middle class drives various models of cars, and most of them are Dongchao's own brands.

In Dongchao, the sales of imported cars are far less popular than local cars.

When ordinary people travel, they either use buses and subways, or they use a women's motorcycle.

This kind of scooter can be seen everywhere in Dongchao.

Maybe Wen Youhuan was anxious to get home tonight, so he ran through two red lights along the way.

There were obviously police on duty at the intersection, but they did not stop or block such an obvious violation.

The privileges of the rich in Dongchao are evident.

Fortunately, although he ran a red light, for the safety of his boss, the three cars were not going fast.

Wang Hao did not lose track and quickly caught up with him.

There is another red light intersection ahead.

Yakes also didn't hesitate and drove directly over.

It was just that a scooter running normally happened to turn left. He wanted to speed up and pass the intersection, but he was knocked to the ground by the Yax behind!

The person riding the motorcycle screamed and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the speed was not too fast, about fifty kilometers per hour, but she was still injured and couldn't stand up for a while.

Yakes stopped, and the two bodyguard cars in front and behind him also stopped immediately.

Several bodyguards rushed out of the car and protected Yakes. They were relieved to see that the boss inside was not injured.

A bodyguard rushed over, kicked the motorcycle driver down, pointed at her and cursed:

"How do you ride?

Can't you see our car coming?

Any idea who owns this car?

Do you know how expensive it is?

If it's like this now, you won't even be able to afford the salary for several years! "

The motorcyclist was wearing a helmet. I couldn’t tell what he looked like. Judging from his clothes and figure, he looked like a young girl.

She sat on the ground, pointed at the traffic light not far away and cursed in a tearful tone:

"It was obviously you who ran the red light and I was driving normally. You hit me and you still scolded me and hit me. Are you still being unreasonable?"

The bodyguard didn't show any pity for her. He stepped forward and kicked the woman again and cursed her:

“I’ll give you a red light!

I'll let you be reasonable!

Are you blind and can't see the license plate of that car?

In Guangtian City, everyone knows about that car!

When you see that car, no matter if it's a red light or a green light, you stay away from me!

do you know? "

The passers-by stopped and looked at this scene, but no one stepped forward to stop him.

"The police are coming from the intersection over there. The police will handle this matter!"

"So what if the police come? Do they dare to deal with the Wen family's car? That car is the car of Mr. Wen of Xinghai Group!"

"This girl is really unlucky. She can't offend anyone, but she offended Mr. Wen!

Even our Lord of Guangtian City must be polite when meeting Mr. Wen.

She is a small citizen, but she is like an ant in front of Mr. Wen! "

Seeing that the little girl was still questioning the bodyguard, someone looked enthusiastic and shouted to her:

"Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Wen! You hit someone's car and you can't even afford to pay for it if you sell your home!

The police will come later. If you say something wrong again, it won’t be as simple as paying for the car!

I might have to arrest you and lock you up for a few days. That's not worth it! "

The woman was so angry that she cried, looked at the people around her and said, "It was obviously him who hit me, why should I apologize to him?

You people can't tell the difference between right and wrong! "

"I'll let you be right or wrong!" The bodyguard rushed over and kicked her in the chest!

The bodyguard standing next to the rear door of the Yax turned around, waved his hand and said to his companion:

"Okay, boss, your time is precious, and you don't have time to waste it here.

Artest, you stay and deal with it, the others get in the car and leave! "

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, bowed to Yakes, turned around and quickly got into the car.

The bodyguard standing in front of the girl sneered coldly. Just as he was about to complete the action that he had not completed just now, and wanted to kick the girl in the chest, Luo Xiaoman strode over and pushed him away!

Wang Hao, who was next to him, followed up and squatted in front of the woman. He didn't say anything, but pointed at her leg, as if asking if she was injured.

"Asshole, who are you? Do you want to meddle in other people's business?" The security guard who was pushed away glared at Luo Xiaoman and kicked him over.

Luo Xiaoman didn't even dodge and kicked him back!

With a bang, the bodyguard became unsteady, took a few big steps back, and sat down on the ground!

Yakes, who originally wanted to leave, stopped, and the bodyguards who had just got in the car also got out of the car and walked towards Luo Xiaoman aggressively.

Luo Xiaoman had a sneer on his lips and raised his fingers provocatively at the bodyguards.

Wang Hao also saw that she was not injured, and felt relieved. He stood up and stood in front of her, standing side by side with Luo Xiaoman, clenching his fists and getting ready to fight!

The people around were stunned!

"Isn't it? There are still people who dare to go against the Wen family? Do those two guys know what they are doing?"

"It looks like he has been practicing. This kind of young man doesn't know how high the sky is and he offends people he shouldn't offend! Don't look at how impressive he is now, he will look good to them later!"

"The man in the car is the head of the Wen family! What is his identity? If you dare to provoke him, you don't even know how you died! It's not easy to kill these people!"

The girl seemed a little anxious after hearing what those people around her were saying. She took off her helmet and said to Wang Hao and Luo Xiaoman:

"Don't be impulsive, this is my business and has nothing to do with you!"

Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao couldn't understand what she was talking about, so they just glanced at her and suddenly felt like their eyes were brightening.

I didn’t expect this woman to be a beauty!

Plastic surgery is a popular trend among Eastern Chao people, and the stage is filled with artificial beauties and handsome men.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t naturally growing beauties.

The person in front of me is one of them.

She had long flowing hair, bright eyes and white teeth. Because she had been wronged, there were tears in her eyes, making her look very pitiful.

There is a big difference between artificial beauties and this kind of natural beauties. Because the face that has undergone plastic surgery needs medicine to fill and maintain it, all expressions are relatively stiff.

This all-natural beauty has a natural expression, a casual expression, and looks very comfortable.

And from the way she dresses, it can be seen that she belongs to an ordinary family and cannot afford expensive plastic surgery.

She was good at heart, and for fear of injuring Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao, she quickly stood up and stopped them to prevent them from taking action.

Although she didn't know much about the Wen family, she could tell from the words of others that he was someone she couldn't afford to offend.

She could just handle this matter herself, there was no need to implicate well-meaning innocent passers-by.

But Luo Xiaoman pulled her back, blocked her in front of her, stretched out his hand again, and hooked his fingers.

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