Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2696 He will no longer be the dean after tonight

Looking at Chu Zhiyin standing not far away and the group of young people with unkind faces behind him, Yin Hye Kyo showed a hint of boredom on her face.

Comparing people with others is worthy of comparison, but comparing goods with others should be discarded.

Compared with Chen Xin'an, Yin Hye Kyo really feels more and more that Chu Zhiyin is a waste.

Not to mention his medical skills, even his appearance, which was quite pleasing to the eye at first, now looks artificial and effeminate.

Chen Xin'an's masculine eyebrows are more beautiful, making women feel more submissive and secure.

She looked at Chu Zhiyin coldly and asked him: "Chu Zhiyin, what do you mean? Follow me?"

Chu Zhiyin raised his hands and said to her with an aggrieved look on his face: "Huiqiao, you have wronged me!

I just came here to invite friends for dinner.

You can't have secret meetings with wild men here, and why don't you let me come here too?

I gave you money! "

"What a wild man, be careful what you say!" Yin Hye Kyo glared at Chu Zhiyin and scolded: "Don't disturb our meal, get out of here!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Chu Zhiyin shook his head, looked at Yin Hye Kyo with a sneer on his face and said, "Hye Kyo, do you think you can order me?

In the hospital, I will give you face. Even if you are on the same level, I will give in to you in everything.

But outside, why do you think you can still order me?

What's more, this is a restaurant. Anyone can come in as long as they come to consume. Why do you drive me away?

Even a restaurant owner doesn’t have such power, right? "

"You..." Yin Huiqiao's face turned blue with anger, and she cursed at Chu Zhiyin:

"Okay, you can go away or not!

Since I’m here to eat, I’ll invite you to eat.

Don't stand here and interfere with my friends and I's meal! "

Chu Zhiyin shrugged and asked the person next to him: "Is there a rule in this restaurant that you can't stand here when you're not eating?"

The people around him were all called by him, and of course they would follow his wishes.

"No, it's not my first time here. I've never heard of such a rule!"

"Mr. Chu, didn't you say that this girl is your woman? It seems that you can't hold her down at all!"

"What do you know! Mr. Chu lets her go because he loves her. Otherwise, with Mr. Chu's temper, he would have whipped her so much that she would scream!"

"How do you know that Mr. Chu doesn't scream when she doesn't smoke? She screams so loudly every night that you can't hear her!"

"Young Master Chu is a beauty killer. How can you deal with this girl easily? Don't look at how fierce you are now. When you go back with Young Master Chu, you will be like a little bird!"

A group of people laughed wildly, ignoring the side glances of the guests next to them.

The restaurant waiter wanted to come over to check, but a man standing next to Chu Zhiyin walked over and whispered to the waiter. The man's expression changed, and he waved his hand to the colleague next to him, not daring to care.

"Chu Zhiyin, you are crazy!" Yin Hye Kyo slapped the table and stood up, glaring at Chu Zhiyin and scolded:

"What are you talking nonsense here! What do you want to do? What nonsense are you telling them? Who is your woman?"

Chu Zhiyin pouted and said, "You didn't say anything? Men, they will definitely discuss women when they are together.

I just casually talked about how I killed you so hard that you were disarmed when we were in bed.

It's nothing, I'm not lying.

It's you, what's wrong? Are you feeling guilty? Don't dare to admit it?

Or do you think I can’t satisfy you anymore, so you’re looking for a new love, and you’ve found two at once? "

"You bastard!" Yin Hye Kyo was so angry that she pushed away her chair and came over, raised her arm and slapped Chu Zhiyin hard on the face!

But she didn't hit the opponent, but her arm was grabbed by Chu Zhiyin!

"Bitch, you dare to hit me?

Do you still think this is a hospital and I will give you everything?

I'm just wondering, what's going on with women?

There are literally two people on and off the bed!

I'm warning you, don't think that I'm afraid of you by letting you go.

I just don't want to argue with you.

But now that you are my woman, you must be devoted to me.

Even if we want to break up, I'll be the one to propose it!

If you want to hook up with a wild man behind my back, I can't whip you to death! "

"Young Master Chu is domineering! This is how a man should be!"

"These two Chinese guys took the wrong medicine. How dare you steal a woman from your young master?"

"Look at them, they just look bad. They dare to seduce us Dongchao women, and they don't even check whether they have the strength!"

Chu Zhiyin grabbed her arm and couldn't break free even if she tried. Yin Hye Kyo was so angry and anxious that she wanted to stab this bastard to death!

In the past, he seemed to have a good temper and was very obedient to her, so she gave him a few sweet treats.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that everything was just a disguise.

When this person showed his true colors, he turned out to be so disgusting!

"Guard! Waiter! Is there anyone in charge?" Yin Hye Kyo shouted to several waiters standing in the distance, but the other party turned his head away as if he didn't hear.

However, the restaurant manager came over with a flattering smile, bowed his waist and said to Chu Zhiyin:

"Young Master Chu, the shop is still doing business, and the impact of your doing this is really not good..."

Chu Zhiyin raised his chin, pointed at the people next to him, and said to him: "They are all from Dabai City, and I paid to invite them here.

Drive them away if you can! "

There were several tables of dissatisfied guests nearby. Upon hearing this, they all went back and ate their meals honestly.

One person asked in a low voice to his friend at the same table: "What is a person from Dabaishi?"

The companion next to him said in a low voice: "There used to be a group of forces that collected rent in Dabai Market, and they were gangsters. They would do anything for money, and they dared to kill people!

There is no one in this generation who is not afraid of them. Let’s have a meal. It’s better to do less than to do more.

These two Chinese people are going to be in bad luck tonight! "

As soon as he heard this, his companion immediately closed his mouth, lowered his head to eat, and did not dare to ask any more questions.

Chu Zhiyin looked around with satisfaction, lowered his head, and said to Yin Hye Kyo with a sinister smile:

"Hui Qiao, today I want to show you how useless and incompetent these two Chinese people you are interested in are!

Don't stare, you don't think I'm really afraid of you, do you?

Do you really think that since your father is the dean, you are superior in the hospital?

Let me tell you, after tonight, it’s not certain whether your dad will be able to stay in the hospital!

Without your dad to support you, what would you have left in the hospital?

So, you can only rely on me!

Because after tonight, my dad will be the majority shareholder of the hospital!

Only I can protect you, understand? "

With a proud smile on his face, he said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe:

"You two bastards, listen to me clearly!

Don't think that because Dean Yin invited you here and performed an operation, you dare to be arrogant in front of me, Chu Zhiyin!

This is not China

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