Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2706 Life is too monotonous now

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Hearing Yin Huiqiao's words, Chen Xinan almost spit out a mouthful of blood!

Whose face is weird!

My buddy is not handsome, but he is also a good-looking man. How can it be weird?

This is more humiliating than saying that he is ugly!

No, the face is weird?

Chen Xinan touched his face and realized that he was still wearing a disguised face after all this time!

"Wait a minute!" Chen Xinan pushed Yin Huiqiao away and sat up. He fumbled under his neck with both hands for a while and slowly lifted a piece of skin!

Yin Huiqiao's eyes were straight!

She stared at Chen Xinan in amazement as he peeled off a "face". It was good enough that she could hold back her fear and not scream!

When the face was completely peeled off, the man in front of her showed a new face.

The angular face and the slightly stubbled lips were less immature and more mature than before, but more masculine!

At this time, Yin Huiqiao had to admit that the man in front of her and the beauty in the photo were really made in heaven, a fairy couple that everyone envied!

"Can you show it to me?" Yin Huiqiao pointed at the face skin in Chen Xinan's hand and asked curiously.

Chen Xinan handed the face skin to her and said with a smile: "One of my relatives made it for me.

By the way, it belongs to the Chinese disguise technique you mentioned just now.

However, this skill has not been lost. My relative is a master of this art.

I will introduce you two to each other if there is a chance. There should be a lot of common topics!"

"Stop talking, okay?" Yin Huiqiao covered her face with her hands.

Just now, she was still bragging about her skills to others, but she didn't expect that after touching it for a long time, she only touched someone's fake face skin!

She claimed to be the second and no one dared to claim to be the first. She couldn't even touch the fake face skin. How much difference in strength is there? Others don't know, but she knows it clearly!

Whether it is the feel or the workmanship of this fake face skin, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure of art!

This kind of skill, she may not be able to learn it in her whole life!

She now hates Chen Xin'an a little bit!

Are you here tonight just to slap me in the face?

It's fine that my wife is prettier than me, but the disguise skills of my relatives are better than those of senior beauticians from a country of plastic surgery like me, do you still want me to live?

Seeing the woman looking depressed and depressed, Chen Xinan quickly said to her:

"I'm sorry, I have to wear a mask to contact you. I have a special identity. For the safety of people around me, I will use this thing during the Dongchao period!"

Yin Huiqiao glanced at him and asked: "Has my father seen you like this now?"

"Yes!" Chen Xinan nodded and said: "It was also me who begged him not to tell you about this, because it is not good for you!"

Yin Huiqiao frowned, looked at Chen Xinan and asked: "Mr. Chen, who are you? Are you a wanted criminal?"

Chen Xinan grinned, nodded and said: "Almost! So, you'd better stay away from me.

It doesn't matter if this thing can't be done.

It was originally my own business, and there is no need to drag you into it!"

Yin Huiqiao suddenly laughed, looked at Chen Xinan and said: "I don't want to! This is more exciting, isn't it?

I like excitement, and my life is too monotonous now!

Only some exciting things can make life more interesting, isn't it?"

Chen Xinan was speechless.

Is it true that every career woman who looks cold and icy has a sultry heart inside?

The impression that Yin Huiqiao gave him tonight was completely different from the impression he had left before, just like two different people!

Yin Huiqiao looked at Chen Xinan and said infatuatedly: "In fact, no matter whether you are a wanted criminal or not, I know that you are definitely not a bad person!

Chen Xinan, do you know?

You are like a ball of fire!

And the women around you have become moths.

Knowing that it is dangerous to jump into the fire, you can't resist the temptation of light and heat, and you jump into the fire without hesitation, even if you are burned to pieces, you will not regret it!

Chen Xinan, I know you look down on me, but I am willing to give everything for you!"

These words made Chen Xinan feel creepy, but also a little moved.

It's a bit incredible to think about it. After all, the two have not known each other for a long time, and it is said that this woman should not have too many emotional involvements with him.

But the weird thing is that Chen Xinan looked into her eyes and knew that what she said was true!

Forget it, I don't care about that much. As long as this woman doesn't "voluntarily sacrifice herself" to him, I can do anything.

He took the mask handed over by Yin Huiqiao and said to her: "Now take a look, can you adjust it for me?

In fact, you don't need to care about the level of achievement, because you and Ye Zhen are experts in two different fields.

Just like me and my junior brother, he is good at taking pulses and herbal medicine, and I am good at acupuncture and internal and external medicine.

Both are for curing diseases and saving lives, and different means and methods are needed.

It can't be said that my medical skills are better than his or worse than his, we just have our own focus!"

"I love to hear this!" Yin Huiqiao laughed, covered Chen Xin'an's face with both hands, gently stroked and said:

"Although your relative named Ye Zhen is good at disguise, he can only make masks.

However, my methods are diverse. I can prescribe to do a complete overhaul, and I can also use drugs and tools to make fine adjustments. Everyone has their own strengths! "

Chen Xin'an coughed twice and said: "You should focus on cosmetic surgery! Drug filling is also a kind of disguise. Ye Zhen's craftsmanship is the same as making fake masks. He is superb..."

Yin Huiqiao paused with her hands, and after a long time, she snorted, rubbed Chen Xin'an's face hard, and stopped talking.

Chen Xin'an didn't dare to say anything, and was a little worried that she would rub the mud off her face, which would be a bit disgusting.

After a while, Yin Huiqiao let go of her hands, stood up, went to the bathroom to wash her hands, walked out and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I'll prepare the tools and materials tomorrow, and I'll call you in the evening. Then you can come to me with Mr. Luo.

It starts next Monday, so we have to prepare in these two days. "

Chen Xin'an started to do it, put on the mask again, nodded to her and said, "Thank you for the hard work, Miss Yin.

I hope you can keep this secret for me, otherwise it will bring big trouble to everyone around us! "

Yin Hye Kyo curled her lips and said, "You don't have to worry so much. The efficiency of the Dongchao police... Anyway, even if you are on an international wanted order, you will not be easily caught in Dongchao!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head, looked at her and said, "What I'm worried about is not the official danger.

Forget it, you don’t need to know this, just help me get into the medical team, and I will handle the rest myself! "

Yin Huiqiao wanted to object, but she looked at Chen Xin'an and nodded.

After walking out of the room and closing the door, Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, took out the vibrating mobile phone, and said with a smile as he walked:

"Okay, there's no need for you to call for help, I'm ready to go back!"

Luo Qianhe's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Senior brother, come back quickly! Brother Man has brought back a pair of sisters and something very important. Come back and take a look!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an frowned.

Aman brought back a pair of sisters?

Shouldn't he be asked to follow the Wen family?

Where did the sisters come from?

Could it be that Lao Wen's child was kidnapped?

This is really what that guy can do!

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