Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2713 Didn’t you see that I have taken control of the overall situation?

Without further ado, the other party drew out his knife and walked towards Chen Xinan aggressively.

Luo Xiaoman grinned, he was bored, and a show came to him.

He walked directly to Chen Xinan, rolled up his sleeves and was about to start, and a voice came from the red car: "Don't move, let me do it!"

Then the back door opened, and a young man wearing red and black casual clothes, dyed hair of various colors, like a mixed-feather parrot came out.

He was obviously a man, but he had makeup on his face, smoky eyes and dark lipstick, making himself look like a vampire.

A pair of pointed leather shoes were polished to a clear and shiny state, as if they were inlaid with two mirrors.

He got out of the car, lifted his hair on his forehead with his hand, walked over casually, pushed Luo Xiaoman away, and stood in front of Chen Xinan.

The young man tilted his head and looked at Chen Xinan, then sneered, "You are that so-and-so, right?

I thought you had three heads and six arms, but you are just an ordinary person, right?

You are the only one who made my master come all the way from Daying to catch you?

Good boy, you are quite capable!

Do you know me, so-and-so?

I tell you, my name is Wen Chengmin, Guangtian City is my territory, my world!

Be sensible, be honest and follow me!


Wen Chengmin chuckled twice, squinted his eyes at Chen Xinan and said, "I don't have a good temper. Well, for those who don't listen, the strike is usually quite heavy.

I hate seeing blood the most.

So don't force me to do it, understand? "

Chen Xinan glanced at him and said with a smile: "Your name is Wen Chengmin? Then your father is Wen Youhuan? You have a brother named Wen Zaixun?"

Wen Chengmin was stunned for a moment, and immediately said with a smile: "Haha, I didn't expect you kid to have heard of me?

That's right, in Guangtian City, who the hell doesn't know my Wen family!

What's wrong, are you scared?

If you are scared, just be honest, get in the car, and take you to Chaojing to see the master! "

Chen Xinan smiled.

I was worried that there was no detailed information about the Wen family, but I didn't expect this kid to come to the door himself!

Looking at his dress, as well as the character and tone of his speech, he is definitely an ignorant, arrogant rich second generation!

Wen Chengmin turned his head and said to his companions behind him: "What did I say?

As long as you are in Guangtian City, there is no one that my Wen family can't find!

This is my territory. Since you come here, you have to listen to me!

Senior brothers, there is no need to be so nervous. Don't you see that I have already controlled the situation!"

He turned his head and looked at Chen Xinan and said: "Hey, so-and-so, now you give me..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xinan stretched out his hand and pressed his neck!

"Ouch!" Wen Chengmin screamed, and his body suddenly became shorter!

He didn't expect Chen Xinan to dare to attack him, and his anger rose.

Just as he was about to speak, the hand holding his neck suddenly tightened, Wen Chengmin felt his eyes black, and all his strength disappeared instantly, and he collapsed beside Chen Xinan's legs.

"Let go of Master Wen!" The men holding knives next to him shouted angrily and rushed over.

Chen Xinan didn't even look at him, and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Don't cause any deaths here, put them in the car and take them away!"

"Don't worry!" Luo Xiaoman laughed grimly, turned around and pounced on the gang.

Chen Xinan let go of his hand and looked down at Wen Chengmin, whose face was pale.

Feeling that he could breathe again, Wen Chengmin sat on the ground and gasped for breath. It took him a long time to recover. He looked up at Chen Xinan and cursed:

"You so-and-so, you are dead!

You know who I am and dare to do this to me, then have you thought about the consequences?

Apologize to me quickly!

You have offended me to death, you can't afford it!"

Chen Xinan laughed, stepped on his shoulder with his foot, and then slowly increased the force, but his face looked relaxed, and asked him:

"Why can't I afford it? Come on, tell me?"

Feeling the pressure from his shoulders, Wen Chengmin gritted his teeth and tried to resist.

But at this moment, it was like a mountain was pressed on his shoulders, and the powerful gravity made him unable to bear it!

How could he say anything now? He just gritted his teeth and was trampled to the ground by Chen Xin'an!

What made him even more angry was that this bastard actually put his foot on his face and stepped on his head, making him unable to move!

What a shame!

Wen Chengmin had never been humiliated like this in his life!

Not to mention being stepped on the head, no one in Guangtian City even dared to do anything to him!

Except his father!

Wen Chengmin felt wronged when he thought of this.

Other people's fathers only favored the youngest.

His father was different. He liked his eldest brother the most, and even his second sister was more popular than him.

Only his youngest son seemed to be not his father's biological child. He was beaten by him since he was a child, and he didn't like anything he did!

Of course, in the entire Wen family, only his father dared to treat him like this.

Even in the entire Guangtian City, only this person dared to do something to him.

Others, including his mother and second sister, were reluctant to touch him.

Even though the eldest brother looked down on him, at least he didn't dare to hit him.

Now there was another person who dared to touch him, and hit him even harder than his father!

This was too much for Wen Chengmin to bear, and he swore that when he was in control of the situation, he would skin this bastard alive!

It's easy to control the situation. The people I brought with me were all taught by my master, and they are all quite strong!

Four people fighting two people, isn't that a sure win?

These Chinese people are so bold and stupid that they don't know who they have offended!

He gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xinan: "The people I brought with me are all masters!

Dealing with your friend is like dealing with a chicken!

When they knock that guy down, they will come to deal with you!

You so-and-so, you are smart, let me go now.

I will punish you less later.

If you still commit suicide, I guarantee that even the king of heaven can't save you!"

Chen Xinan laughed, nodded and said: "Okay, I'll wait for your people to come and deal with me!"

Screams sounded, and the fight had already started over there.

I don't know if Chen Xinan did it on purpose. Although he stepped on Wen Chengmin's head, it just happened to let him tilt his head to see the battlefield over there.

Including the bear man, the four of them drew their knives and wanted to rush over.

Chen Xinan only stepped forward to face the enemy head-on.

In Wen Chengmin's eyes, this was simply a suicide mission!

But the following scene made Wen Chengmin doubt whether he was hallucinating!

The four knifemen were just like four paper men in front of the big man. They didn't even hit the opponent with a knife, and were knocked to the ground by three punches and two kicks!

It took no more than two minutes from start to finish, and all four of them were knocked down, rolling their eyes and fainting on the ground!

Wen Chengmin was stunned!

He never expected that the people he brought were so vulnerable!

He didn't expect that the big man was so powerful!

Chen Xinan lowered his head, smiled at Wen Chengmin and said: "Mr. Wen, it seems that your people are not very powerful?

Four people can't beat one, how can you deal with me?"

Wen Chengmin gritted his teeth and said: "Don't be complacent! I didn't expect you to bring a good bodyguard!

It doesn't matter, they are just the vanguard, the real masters are still behind!

My Wen family wants to arrest people, no one can escape!

You don't know what will happen if you offend me, Wen Chengmin, in Guangtian City!"

Chen Xinan grinned, squinted his eyes and looked at him and said: "I'll wait and see!"

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