Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2715 Ancestors will not fool children

Unexpectedly, the hermit would have such a hiding place in Dongchao.

It seems that this hermit's heart has not truly reached the state of isolation from the world!

Chen Xin'an nodded and let go of his right hand.

The man let out a shrill scream and fell down the seventh floor!

Wen Chengmin's eyes almost popped out, he looked at Chen Xin'an and yelled:

"Are you crazy?

I've already told you and you still want to kill people? "

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Since we already know, then he is useless, why don't we kill him and keep him for the New Year?

Now that you have come to deal with me, this is what will happen.

You can't come here to kill me, so I'll entertain you with good wine and good food. I'm not that cheap!

No matter who you are, there is no exception, including you! "

Feeling the undisguised murderous aura in Chen Xin'an, Wen Chengmin's face turned pale and his whole body trembled.

Even without the steel needle on his head, his legs are now so weak that he can't even stand up!

Chen Xin'an set her sights on the other killer. The guy lowered his head and remained silent.

The bear man next to him watched helplessly as his two companions were thrown down the stairs like dead dogs. At this moment, he was so frightened that he huddled on the ground and did not even dare to breathe.

Feeling Chen Xin'an approaching, Xiong Nan held his head in his hands, shrank into a ball, and kept saying:

"Don't kill me! I'll tell you whatever you want to know, and I'm just following orders!"

Chen Xin'an ignored him and just walked to the person next to him.

Xiong Nan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Hao Er was finished this time!

This guy has a tough personality and a bad temper. How could he bear such humiliation?

He will definitely not sit back and wait like this, and will definitely find an opportunity to fight back.

But Hao Er is also the strongest among the four of them.

If you seize the opportunity and strike with all your might, you might be able to make a comeback!

As long as he could control Chen Xin'an by surprise or kill him directly, he would have a chance to survive!

Just when Chen Xin'an was about to bend down and check the man's condition, Hao Er, who had lowered his head just now, suddenly raised his head!

With a ferocious expression on his face, he turned his right hand and pulled out a knife from nowhere. He stood up and stabbed Chen Xin'an in the heart!


The bear man was so excited that he almost screamed!

He didn't know how Hao Er avoided the restraints of the steel needle.

Now there is a steel needle stuck in his head, as if his soul is fixed by the steel needle.

His whole body was limp and his hands and feet felt like they were pressed up against a huge boulder, unable to be lifted at all.

If you force yourself to stand up, you will be in unbearable pain all over your body. I didn’t expect Koji to be able to endure such pain!

The three people on Chen Xin'an's side seemed to be stunned by this sudden turn of events, and were stunned!

Not moving or even reacting, Chen Xin'an will definitely die!

The stupid Chinese people actually think that they can trap these powerful and well-trained killers with just a small steel needle!

For them, any tiny mistake is an opportunity for them to make a comeback!

It was the first time he had seen an enemy who was so stupid as to arrest someone but not search him. He deserved to be killed!

But the next second, his eyes almost popped out!

Hao Er forcibly pulled out the knife and stabbed Chen Xin'an in the heart.

Chen Xin'an remained motionless, not even making the most basic defensive moves.

This knife was supposed to hit in one hit, but the tip of the knife was less than a punch away from Chen Xin'an's chest. Hao Er was as stiff as if his acupuncture point had been tapped!

At this moment, his face had become terrifying, with bleeding from all his orifices, and blood foam gushing out from his mouth.

There was only one punch away, but to Hao Er, it seemed out of reach, because all his strength had been exhausted!

So what happens?

Not only Hao Er had such doubts in his mind, Xiong Nan and Wen Chengmin also had fright on their faces.

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly and scolded with disdain: "You still have the soul-fixing needle made by Lao Chen himself, so you dare to do this kind of action without caring about it?

Do you think that steel needle was inserted casually for fun?

Now you should feel what your body feels like. I can only say that you are really brave and really stupid! "

It's not like the howls of ghosts and wolves coming from people, reaching everyone's ears.

Koji was lying on the ground, rolling back and forth like a maggot, and blood was spurting from his mouth and nose.

You don't have to feel it yourself, just seeing what he looks like now, you can know the pain he is suffering now.

Although they didn't understand Luo Xiaoman's words, Xiong Nan and Wen Chengmin now knew that the steel needle stuck in his head was the culprit that caused Hao Er's current miserable state!

As long as the needle is in their head, they can't do anything!

The strong smell of blood spread. Even if Chen Xin'an and the others didn't do anything to Hao Er, he wouldn't live long. This amount of bleeding alone would be enough to make him bleed to death!

Moreover, the pain before death is not something Xiong Nan and Wen Chengmin can imagine and experience.

Now Hao Er has regretted everything!

If he could turn back time, he wouldn't forcefully draw a knife to kill Chen Xin'an!

I won't even participate in this action. I will take a detour when I see Chen Xin'an in the future!

It's a pity that everything is just a if, it is useless even if he regrets it now!

The severe pain in his body actually suppressed the restraints of some steel needles, allowing him to have relatively more mobility.

But now he can only do one thing.


Everything calmed down, the frightening howling sounds of ghosts and wolves disappeared, and Hao Er no longer rolled around.

The knife in his hand pierced his heart. Although it did not penetrate completely, it was enough to kill him!

Xiong Nan and Wen Chengmin stared blankly at this scene, so scared that their pants got wet.

What kind of pain can make a person willing to use his last strength to commit suicide rather than endure it again?

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, however, had indifferent expressions on their faces, as if they were not surprised.

Luo Xiaoman grabbed Hao Er's right leg, dragged his still stiff body to the window, and threw him directly!

Xiong Nan and Wen Chengmin were frightened to the point of collapse, crying and begging Chen Xin'an and the others for mercy.

Chen Xin'an waved to Luo Xiaoman and Wang Hao and took these two people back. They were still useful.

The bodies had been stuffed into the car they drove over, and the fire was burning.

Wang Hao drove, Chen Xin'an sat in the passenger seat, Luo Xiaoman sat in the back, and Xiong Nan and Wen Chengmin sat on either side of him.

There is a cardboard box in the trunk, which contains the translator I just bought.

This thing looks a bit like a hearing aid. The disadvantage is that it can only translate. It cannot automatically change the voice to speak like Chen Xin'an.

While driving, Wang Hao asked Chen Xin'an: "Boss, how could that person just now... I'm wondering, if I can learn this trick, can I help Brother Snake more?"

Chen Xin'an laughed, patted Wang Hao on the shoulder and said: "Brother Hao, don't think about it!

If you followed me since you were five or six years old, you can still learn it.

If I want to practice now, I can kill people with needles, but I can't practice subduing or rescuing people.

The meridians are aging and can no longer form internal energy! "

Luo Xiaoman laughed and scolded: "Brother Hao, I still don't know how to be a genius, so let's not talk about you!"

Wang Hao didn't look regretful and asked Chen Xin'an: "Do people really have meridians? Foreign doctors don't recognize this statement of ancient Chinese medicine."

Chen Xin'an smiled lightly and said to him: "Meridians cannot be seen with the most advanced instruments in modern hospitals.

Not seeing it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just exists in a special form.

Things passed down by our ancestors for thousands of years are not just for fooling children! "

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