Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 268 Do you think I am an idiot?

Three silver needles were inserted into the old man's chest and one into his throat. As the old man's throat rattled, the little girl quickly brought him a spittoon.

Chen Xin'an pressed one hand on the old man's chest, rubbing it with his forehand and backhand once, as if he were drawing a yin-yang fish on the old man's chest, and then patted it down.

The old man coughed loudly a few times, then opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm. After a while, his breathing stabilized and he stopped coughing.

But his eyes were fixed on Chen Xin'an, and he seemed to be very excited, but he couldn't speak!


The fat woman next to her opened her eyes wide, and looked at each other with the man on the bed. The look she looked at Chen Xin'an was no longer as disdainful and hostile as before.

The person may be a doctor, and this is not something that can be offended.

Chen Xin'an raised the silver needle, looked at the little girl and asked, "Xiaojiu, where is Ah Quan?"

Xiaojiu blushed, glared at him and said, "Why are you asking Ah Quan for this? I'm not his mother!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and lowered his voice and said to her: "What's going on outside? Don't say you don't know!"

Xiao Jiu originally wanted to say a few perfunctory words, but when he saw Chen Xin'an's eyes that were half-smiling, his heart shrank, and he quickly said with a grimace: "The ancestors are here, and the disciples and grandsons haven't come to pay their respects?

I have told you several times that you are so arrogant that rabbits don’t eat grass from their nests, but those bastards don’t follow the rules and won’t listen to anything they say. There’s nothing I can do about it! "

Chen Xin'an also looked helpless.

The old man is invincible because of his seniority. Not everyone is worthy of being the ancestor of the Thieving Sect!

"Doctor!" The man in the bed next to him called cautiously, and Chen Xin'an turned her head to look at him.

The man said to Chen Xin'an with some embarrassment: "Doctor, can those injections of yours help relieve pain?

It's so uncomfortable at night and the pain makes me want to die. If there is a way for me to have a peaceful sleep, I can give you money! "

"I'm not a doctor!" Chen Xin'an replied to him.

But the man was not discouraged and said to him: "Whether you are or not, I can see that you have medical skills! As long as it allows me to have a good sleep, I will give it to you for any price!"

"Two million for one shot!" Chen Xin'an said casually.

The man stopped talking.

This is boring. Why didn’t you say 20 million per shot? Do you think you are Hua Tuo? Even Hua Tuo would not kill him so cruelly!

The fat woman cursed angrily: "You shouldn't ask him more questions! Do you think this person is reliable?

Two million for a needle, is your needle inlaid with gold, or is your hand inlaid with gold?

Even if it is pure gold, you are not worth the price!

If you don't want to help, don't help, no one cares!

If this kind of half-assed thing really causes problems for people, where are you going to reason with them? "

At this moment, someone opened the door and walked in, snorted and said: "Isn't two million for one shot unreliable?

Do you know how much the hospital charges?

Five million for one shot!

Mr. Chen's needle is not inlaid with gold, nor is it pure gold, but it is more valuable than any other gold needle. It is simply hard to exchange for a thousand pieces of gold!

If you can get Mr. Chen to take action, it's worth ten million! "

The fat woman was unhappy and scolded him: "Who are you? What nonsense are you talking about here!"

The visitor snorted coldly: "Dean Li Rongfa! What advice do you have?"

He is the director of the People's Hospital!

The fat woman quickly closed her mouth and looked at Chen Xin'an with shock in her eyes.

This guy can actually be so highly praised by the dean. He is really quite capable!

Even the Internet-addicted boy Xiao Lei turned his eyes away from his mobile phone and looked at Chen Xin'an with interest.

Li Rongfa came over, smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, I just heard from the doctor in the department that you are here. Come over and say hello! This is..."

Li Rongfa looked at the old man and Xiaojiu on the hospital bed. The patient who made Chen Xin'an come over to visit must have a good relationship with Mr. Chen, right?

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "My friend! Is Dean Li not busy today?"

Li Rongfa blushed and said to Chen Xin'an: "I will have an operation later, but I am not confident. I stopped by and wanted to ask Mr. Chen for advice..."

I'm looking for help!

Chen Xin'an smiled, looked at Li Rongfa and said:

"It makes Director Li not have the confidence to operate. It seems that the patient's condition is not as serious as usual! Tell me, what's going on?"

Li Rongfa nodded and whispered something in Chen Xin'an's ear, and Chen Xin'an's expression also changed.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Dean Li, go get ready first. I'll be there later!"

"Then thank you so much, Mr. Chen!" Li Rongfa excitedly held Chen Xin'an's hand, nodded to him, and then hurriedly turned and left.

After Li Rongfa left, Chen Xin'an looked at the man on the bed next to him.

The other party glanced at him awkwardly and said with a smile: "I was joking just now, Mr. Chen, don't take it seriously!"

Two million per injection... He felt that it was actually quite good for him to endure the pain for a while, but it was just leg pain, at least not heartache.

Chen Xin'an looked at his gauze-wrapped leg and asked him, "How did it get hurt?"

The man said a little embarrassedly: "I accidentally fell when I was going down the stairs!"

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at him and said, "I fell down the stairs and fell on my leg. Instead of splinting, I got stitches. I got tetanus. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

The man's face froze and he looked a little embarrassed. He looked at Chen Xin'an and was speechless.

Chen Xin'an frowned. It was just a casual question at first, but now it's a little strange. This man seems to be hiding something.

The fat woman had already run outside to make a phone call. Her son was still sitting by the bed, looking careless, as if he didn't care at all.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "How did you do it?"

"This is none of your business..." the man muttered quietly.

The son who was sitting next to him slapped him on the leg and said with a smile: "If you are asked to chop, you just want to chop. You are still hesitating about this. You are really a coward!"

"Ouch!" The man hugged his leg and screamed at the doctor. The slap hit his wound, making him scream in pain:

"You bastard! I'm going to kill you! I won't let you tell me. If I tell you, my whole family will die!"

I'm going to kill you and you won't be allowed to talk about it? You are so obedient! Chen Xin'an looked at the man, her curiosity deepened, and she asked him, "What is going on?"

The man endured the pain and said, "I told you, it's none of your business!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Okay, don't worry about me, just tell the police. I just have something to do with Captain Xu, so I asked her to come over!

Since your injury was a stab wound, it is suspected of intentional injury, which is worthy of a criminal case. Please explain it to the police! "

As Chen Xin'an spoke, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and prepared to make a call.

The man's face changed drastically, and he said to Chen Xin'an with a sad face: "Don't call the police, don't let the police know!

I don't know that person, he sneaked into my restaurant at night.

I chased him away and he beat me. When I tried to run away, he cut my leg!

He also warned me not to open the door and leave him alone for the next few days.

I can't tell others or the police, otherwise they will kill my whole family! "

Chen Xin'an and Guan Qi's expressions changed.

Guan Qi looked at the man excitedly and said, "Do you remember what that man looks like?"

The man shook his head and said, "He has his face covered. I don't know what he looks like!"

"Then what accent does he speak with?" Guan Qi asked again.

The man shook his head again: "It's a bit strange, but I can't recognize the accent!"

The internet-addicted boy said: "They're probably not Chinese, they're probably Eastern Chao people!"

"People from Dongchao? Do you know that?" Chen Xin'an, Guan Qi and Xiao Lei's father asked in unison.

Xiao Lei shrugged his shoulders and said, "Because he saw the game I was playing and said, why is it still the third generation? He has been playing the fourth generation for half a year!

Only Dongchao people have four generations to play, because the game was developed by them! "

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