Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2719 You don’t want him to die in prison, right?

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This sentence was like a cannonball, exploding the entire playground!

"Avenge Brother Enzai!" a group of prisoners shouted and rushed towards the prison guards.

The prison guards drew out their electric shock batons and rushed forward. The prison guards standing high up fired directly into the air, trying to shock the prisoners.

The doctors all changed their expressions and hid behind the table in fear.

Chi Siyuan did not expect that his words would have such consequences.

At this moment, he was huddled under the table with a pale face, for fear that the prisoners would rush up and eat him alive!

But when his eyes fell to the side, he was startled and shouted to Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman: "What are you doing?"

The stretcher had been placed on the long table, and Brother Enzai was also lying on the window, covered in blood and motionless.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe stood on the left and right, one pressing on the patient and the other grabbing the wrist as if listening to something.

They exchanged a look, and although their expressions were solemn, they both nodded.

The person is still alive. Although the life characteristics are very weak and strange, he is still alive at this moment.

As for whether it will happen later or not, it depends on whether the method can bring the dead back to life.

The other person's body is so strange.

Just like what Chi Siyuan said just now, many organs have failed, and if it had been someone else, they would have turned into corpses.

But this man has good physical fitness. Although he is very weak, he can still hold on.

The failing organs have not stopped working, but are still carrying out their duties.

How did this happen?

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe looked at each other and formed a consensus.


A special kind of medicine made Eun-jae's body become the delicate balance it is now.

On the verge of death but not dying, and even if handled properly, it can remain in this state for a long time!

Hearing Chi Siyuan's question next to him, Chen Xin'an said calmly: "He can be saved, come and help!"

Chi Siyuan was stunned for a moment, then frowned and shouted at him: "Are you kidding me?

In his current state, not even God can save him!

You two are working in vain here, it will only accelerate his death!

Get out of the way quickly. This is the trouble caused by their prison and has nothing to do with us. Don't let the medical team take the blame! "

This guy really doesn't have a long memory. His words can really choke someone to death!

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to talk to him and shouted to Yin Huiqiao who ran over: "Help hold his arm down and don't let him move!"

Yin Huiqiao, who originally wanted to ask Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe to escape from here together, was stunned for a moment.

However, remembering the supernatural medical skills of these two men, she no longer hesitated and stepped forward to hold Brother Enzai's hands.

Chen Xin'an nodded to Luo Qianhe, used the knuckle of his right middle finger as a hammer, raised his right arm high, and then slammed it on Brother Enzai's heart!

Brother Enzai's body made a muffled sound and his upper body bounced up, but immediately fell back down without any other reaction.

Chi Siyuan shouted angrily: “What on earth are you doing!

Don't be pretentious here, I can't even figure it out what kind of treatment method you are using!

You're not saving him at all, you're trying to kill him, right?

I don't care what personal grudges you have with him. If he dies in your hands now, it will have nothing to do with our medical team!

You can't ask the entire medical team to pay for your ignorance and recklessness!

Stop it, if you keep messing around, don't blame me for being rude!

Captain Yin, why didn’t you stop them when they were messing around? Instead, you helped them?

If you do this, I will definitely report it to my superiors! "

Seeing that the three of them ignored him, Chi Siyuan gritted his teeth angrily, pulled Chen Xin'an's arm, and cursed:

"I told you to stop! Damn you, do you want to harm me?"

Chen Xin'an didn't have time to pay attention to him, so she stretched out her legs and kicked him under the table!

"Shut up! Don't bother me, otherwise I'll make you just like him, lying here!"

Chi Siyuan, who had been kicked, was just about to get up when he covered his stomach with his hands and his expression changed. When he heard Chen Xin'an's words, he looked even more embarrassed and gritted his teeth and said:

"I filmed it. This is evidence of incrimination! Everything has nothing to do with me!"

He took out his mobile phone and recorded the three of them with Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an is too lazy to pay attention to him. As long as you don't cause trouble, I won't pay attention to you if you are running around naked!

"Hey! What are you doing!" Park Guangzhu also pulled away, looked at the actions of Chen Xin'an and the others, and immediately turned his gun.

Chen Xin'an still didn't stop, but said calmly: "If you don't want to cause chaos in the entire prison, don't stop us.

Maybe we can save this man's life.

I think you don’t want him to really die in prison at this time, right? "

Park Guangzhu was stunned for a moment, with a hesitant look on his face.

Chen Xin'an shouted to him: "Don't be stupid, help carry the person into the examination room at the back and put him on the bed!"

Park Guangzhu opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

Yin Hye Kyo scolded him impatiently: "Why are you nervous! This is your place, and your people are everywhere. Can we still take the prisoner away in this situation?

It's such a mess here now, if he is accidentally injured again, he will really be dead! "

Park Guangzhu took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Okay, I believe you once!"

After saying that, he strode over, and together with Luo Qianhe, lifted Brother Enzai and sent him to the examination room at the back.

Originally, he wanted to watch from the side, but Chen Xin'an kicked him out on the grounds that the place was too small for activities.

He himself didn't want to worry about the outside world, so he had no choice but to walk out.

Putting down the curtains, Chen Xin'an nodded to Luo Qianhe and said softly: "You use the pulse-taking technique to stabilize his heartbeat, and I'll do the injection!"

The purpose of sending people in is to administer the needle.

This is a method that even Dongchao doctors don't know. Once it is used outside, the secret will be exposed.

"What about me? What should I do?" Yin Hye Kyo was also full of excitement as she was about to witness the magical ancient Chinese medical skills again.

Chen Xin'an said to her: "Look, as much as you can learn is yours.

Just look outside and don't let anyone else in! "

"Okay!" Yin Hye Kyo nodded excitedly.

Who can be called a master?

People like Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe are like that!

This kind of unique skill with authentic inheritance would definitely not be stolen by others.

So even if you want to use it, you have to do it secretly to prevent others from seeing it.

But these two people, so generously performed in front of her, and allowed her to learn as much as she could!

With this kind of mind and this magnanimity, there are few people in Dongchao who can compare with them!

Seeing Yin Hye Kyo crying with gratitude, Luo Qianhe curled her lips.

This silly girl really thinks that senior brother is generous!

The key is that even if you watch it with your own eyes or even record it with a camera, you still can’t learn it!

This stuff has been taught since elementary school. Only by practicing the inner strength in conjunction with the ancient martial arts inheritance can the effect of curing diseases and saving lives be achieved.

You just look at it half-heartedly, and you still dream about learning one and a half moves. It's just a dream!

But Luo Qianhe is not a second-rate person like Chi Siyuan, who talks without restraint.

You can watch as much as you like. Having you here saves us a lot of trouble.

After a few injections, Brother Eun-jae, who was lying on the bed, suddenly felt his chest rise and fall rapidly!

Chen Xin'an didn't dare to delay and immediately helped him up.

Luo Qianhe rubbed his back with his right hand a few times, then clenched his fist with five fingers and punched him hard on the back!

With a pop, Brother Enzai spat out a mouthful of smelly blood, and slowly opened his eyes!

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