Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2722 This mission is more dangerous than the last one

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Since it's the company's task, it's fine.

Xiao Zhang remained calm and made several gestures to Liu Minyong.

Liu Minyong turned to Ding Taiyou and asked, "Vice President Ding, do you have a road map?"

Ding Taiyou glanced at the man with glasses, saw him nodding, and immediately said: "Yes, here, come and take a look!"

Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong followed Ding Taiyou to the coffee table next to him, waiting for him to spread out the map in his hand.

Ding Taiyou pointed at the map with a pen and said: "The truck has been parked in Warehouse No. 3 and is being loaded. You are familiar with the company's refrigerated truck.

Departing from here, the destination is here, and will be shipped tomorrow morning.

You should take this route because it takes the shortest time and has the best road conditions. "

Xiao Zhang looked at the map and said nothing.

Liu Minyong was also difficult to speak, so he could only stay by his side.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhang grabbed the pen in Ding Taiyou's hand, crossed out the car number, and then wrote down a few numbers.

Liu Minyong understood immediately and said to Ding Taiyou: "Don't use the current refrigerated truck, replace it with a container truck with this license plate!"

Ding Taiyou frowned and cursed: "This is not something you can decide! Use whatever car the company tells you to use!"

Xiao Zhang threw away the pen and turned around. His meaning was very clear. If you don't accept my suggestion, then don't ask me to do this!

Ding Taiyou was so angry that he was about to scold him, but the man with glasses on the side smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Okay, just do as he said and change cars!"

Liu Minyong on the side also said to him: "Vice President Ding, if you set a task, my cousin and I will do everything possible to complete it successfully.

Not only to deliver business to you, but more importantly, to ensure the safety of the goods we transport!

Therefore, our suggestions are all based on reality.

How to do it safely.

If you stipulate this and that, who will be responsible if something happens? "

Ding Taiyou's face darkened, and he turned to Minister Cui and said, "Notify the warehouse immediately and change the truck to load the goods!"

"Okay!" Minister Cui took out his mobile phone and walked aside to make a call.

Xiao Zhang picked up the pen again, crossed out the route map that Ding Taiyou had marked before, and then made a few more marks.

Ding Taiyou frowned and asked Xiao Zhang with a puzzled look on his face: "Liu Guangxian, what are you doing? These things you are targeting are not on the same road. Which road are you going to take?"

Liu Minyong explained to him: "Vice President Ding, what my brother means is that these roads are all alternative sections.

There is no fixed path to take, just take whichever is safe.

As long as the goods can be delivered, you can take any route! "

Ding Taiyou scolded with a livid face: "What a mess! Do you know how important this truck is?

It’s more expensive than the car you gave me last time!

You have also witnessed the police's strict security against our company recently.

There are also those enemies who are spying on us secretly. Who doesn’t want to get our goods?

You are such a childish person. Once the goods are lost, you can't even afford to pay for it with your life! "

Liu Minyong shrugged his shoulders and said to Ding Taiyou: "Vice President Ding, that's why we do this!

Once the route is fixed, the other party only needs to dig a hole in front of us and wait for us to fall into the trap.

Only by flexibly changing our routes can we prevent the enemy from detecting their true intentions and truly get rid of them! "

Ding Taiyou frowned and wanted to say something, but he felt that what he said made sense.

But the man with glasses waved his hand and said to him: "Okay, then Vice President Ding will just give orders.

How to complete it, the initiative is left to the two of them.

I'm just giving a reminder.

Do not let this truck fall into the hands of others under any circumstances.

Let no one know that it belongs to Haichao Company!

If you leak it, you won’t have to deliver anything in your life, I’m not kidding! "

He didn't know who this man with glasses was, so Liu Minyong didn't take him seriously.

Hearing him say such words, Liu Minyong naturally felt a little uncomfortable. He was about to retort, but he happened to see the other person's eyes looking over.

With just one look, Liu Minyong felt his whole body go cold, his hair stood on end, he shuddered, and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

He didn't know why, but he felt that the other party was definitely not saying harsh words.

On the contrary, it seems that human life is regarded as an insignificant thing, and it can kill you while talking and laughing!

Who is this person?

How come he has such a cold and terrifying temperament?

Ding Taiyou clapped his hands and said to the two of them: "Did you understand the mission clearly? Set off at eight o'clock!

There's still some time now, let's sit down and have something to eat.

Don't be cautious, as long as you can do things well, there will be many opportunities like this in the future.

Haichao Company is a place that values ​​talents. If you have this ability, the company will never lose money to you. "

Xiao Zhang smiled, glanced at Liu Minyong, and the two sat down openly.

I wasn’t full just now. It would take five or six hours to drive back and forth to load and unload the goods. It was already midnight when I finished the work. Where could I go to eat?

Since there is a ready-made one, it doesn’t matter who you are working with or what their status is, you can eat the most in the world!

Seeing them wolfing down the food, Ding Taiyou and Minister Cui both looked a bit unhappy.

These vulgar workers really have a moral character that cannot be supported by mud.

With so many leaders present, why don't you two say a few compliments and nice words?

Others who want to curry favor with themselves do not have the right opportunity.

Now the opportunity is right in front of them, but these two bumpkins don't know how to seize it!

But the bespectacled man had no grudge at all and watched with gusto. He even had the food delivered to Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong for them to eat.

At eight o'clock, Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong stood at the door of warehouse No. 3. Looking at the container truck that had been loaded with goods, Xiao Zhang took out a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Liu Minyong.

After taking the water and gulping down half the bottle, Liu Minyong waved his arm and said to Ding Taiyou and Minister Cui beside him: "Vice President Ding, Minister Cui, let's go!"

Minister Cui said: "I know you are used to it, so just keep the monitoring on the car normal. As for the communication system, we will not disturb you unless there are special circumstances.

I will only repeat one sentence: This mission is not easy, it can be said to be more dangerous than the last time.

But I believe in your strength, you will be able to complete it successfully! "

Ding Taiyou said to the two of them: "To be on the safe side, we will send three vehicles out of the company in different directions at the same time.

There are also two cars accompanying you to provide cover for you and protect your safety.

If you encounter danger, you don't need to worry about them, just make sure that the goods behind are in the hands of others! "

Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong nodded. When they heard that the leaders had no more explanations, they turned around and got in the car.

Watching the car drive away slowly, Minister Cui frowned and asked Ding Taiyou:

"Vice President Ding, why do I think these two guys are unreliable?

The previous refrigerated trucks were so good. They were everywhere on the street and they were not conspicuous at all.

Nowadays, blue containers like this are used to transport goods back from the dock.

How can we transport goods at such a late hour? How conspicuous would it be if we ran out?

This is for fear that others won’t know, right? "

Ding Taiyou snorted and said angrily: "Go and tell the president. The president agrees to change the car. It's useless to tell me!"

Minister Cui curled his lips, looked at the direction the truck was leaving, squinted his eyes and said, "Forget it, it's tonight anyway, we'll find out soon if it's a human or a ghost!"

On the container truck, Liu Minyong shook his head and asked Xiao Zhang with some confusion:

"It's strange. Why am I feeling dizzy now that I haven't drank?"

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