Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2744 You will not be restrained from now on

Seeing the squad leader lying in a pool of blood, the people in the security class were shocked and angry.

Even if you are the president's favorite now, you can't be so cruel and beat people like this when you are your favorite, right?

In Haichao Company, when did the security department suffer such a big loss?

At this moment, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside, and then a tall man appeared at the door and shouted in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"Captain Zhengxi!" A group of security guards shouted to the visitor as if they had seen a savior.

"Captain, these stinky drivers are going to rebel. They don't like our security department at all. Look at how the squad leader was beaten by them!"

"It was the mute who made the move! He took advantage of the fact that the president was kind to him today, so he didn't take our security department seriously!"

"We inspected the dormitory in accordance with the regulations. Not only did these guys disobey the management, they also had a bad attitude and attacked us! Captain, if this continues, how can we manage the company?"

Captain Ding Zhengxi is a person who can talk to the company's senior management, and he is also a relative of the vice president.

Now that he is here, there is nothing to fear!

So what if you are favored in front of the president?

I don't think the president would quarrel with the vice president just because of a newcomer, right?

"Shut up!" Ding Zhengxi said with a dark face, without looking at the squad leader on the ground, turned his head and said respectfully to the door: "Minister Cui, please come in!"

Unexpectedly, the captain did not come by himself, but even Minister Cui also came.

Everyone quickly stood up and stood still.

Minister Cui walked in from the door. Looking at the mess in the room and the squad leader lying on the ground, he frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

A security guard quickly said: "Report to Minister Cui, the transportation team is here tonight..."

Before he could finish speaking, Minister Cui said impatiently: "I didn't ask you!"

He turned his head and asked Cai Zhongji: "Squad leader Cai, this is your territory, just say it!"

Cai Zhongji hurriedly said: "Today's mute... No, it was the two brothers Guangxian and Minyong who suffered and suffered, so our transportation class put on a little show to help them calm down.

The main reason is that they are afraid that the two of them may have any misunderstandings about the company, so the brothers will work together to solve the problem.

Everyone was having a good time, when someone from the security department came in and kicked the table down.

They also beat our people, saying that we were unruly. "

Minister Cui asked with a dark face: "Didn't you say I allowed this?"

"I told you!" A driver glanced at the security guards and said angrily:

"But they said not to scare others with you, minister, but they are not afraid! No one can violate the company's rules, and you, minister, are no exception!"

"We..." A group of security guards panicked, but they did say so at the time, and it was not a false accusation. This was what they couldn't defend!

Minister Cui's face was ashen, he looked at the security guards around him, nodded and said:

"Okay! Your security department is getting more and more powerful now, and you don't even take me seriously anymore!"

"Minister Cui, that's not what you meant..." A group of security guards were all panicked.

This person is also a senior leader of the company. Once he is offended, there will be no good consequences for him!

Ding Zhengxi glared at everyone, turned to Minister Cui and said, "Minister Cui, it was my failure to discipline them. I apologize to you on their behalf!"

Minister Cui snorted coldly, glanced at him and said, "Ding Zhengxi, I can't bear it.

You have contradicted me face to face. What kind of captain leads what kind of soldiers!

I will report this matter to the president and ask him to handle it!

I'm not here tonight just for you! "

Ding Zhengxi's face turned pale and he quickly said to him: "Minister Cui, please don't be angry. I will give you a satisfactory result in this matter. Please don't alarm the chairman first, right?"

In the past, his uncle and Minister Cui didn't get along well, so he followed his uncle and contradicted Minister Cui several times.

During this period, my uncle became very close to Minister Cui. According to his wishes, he could form an alliance with Minister Cui.

So now he has to change his attitude towards Minister Cui and try not to offend this person.

Besides, tonight's situation is very detrimental to the security department.

Dumb and his brother are now re-employed by the company, and even the president is very optimistic about them.

If the Security Department offends them now, it is simply asking for trouble!

As the captain, he was the first to be dealt with!

Minister Cui ignored him, turned around and said to Dumb and Liu Minyong: "On behalf of the company, I came here to see how you are recovering from your injuries?

By the way, I brought you two boxes of medicine. Please apply them tonight.

Use one pill every day, and the wounds on your body will be almost gone in two days! "

Everyone had a look of envy on their faces.

The company has a miracle medicine that is effective in treating both internal and external injuries.

But not everyone is qualified to use it.

Even if you have money, you cannot buy this kind of medicine. You must apply for it through a physical examination.

I didn’t expect that the company would pay so much attention to these two brothers and would give them medicine!

Moreover, it was actually delivered by Minister Cui himself!

The people in the security department all looked panicked, and everyone was regretting why they were possessed by evil spirits tonight and had to follow the squad leader here!

Minister Cui took out two small boxes wrapped in colored paper, handed them to Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong and said:

"Drink it before going to bed, and you will feel much better tomorrow morning!

If you have any trouble in the company in the future, you can come to me directly without having to report it to each level.

Also, you will not be subject to ordinary rules in the future, especially work and rest times.

You can sleep at any time you want, as long as it doesn't delay your mission!

Who dares to point fingers at you, I will help you settle it! "

These words were basically addressed to the Security Department.

With a dark face, Ding Zhengxi kicked the security guard in front of him and cursed at him: "Why are you still standing there?"

The security guard staggered, but did not dare to talk nonsense. He just faced Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong, bowed deeply, and said, "I'm sorry! Please forgive me for my recklessness tonight!"

Other security guards followed suit and bowed to Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong, begging for forgiveness.

Minister Cui snorted and said to Ding Zhengxi: "It's not that easy! Let them go back to hand over the work, pack up their things tonight, and get out of the company!

I will prepare the contract immediately, and the dismissal salary will be credited to their account tomorrow! "

A group of security guards had earth-colored faces, and they were all stunned.

No one expected that the consequences would be so serious, even losing their jobs.

You must know that the current unemployment rate in Dongchao has exceeded history, and there are many idle people in the society.

Once they are fired, they lose their source of income and their lives are over!

Xiao Zhang turned around and waved his hand to Minister Cui.

Minister Cui was stunned and didn't understand what Xiao Zhang meant.

Xiao Zhang pointed at the security guards, then one on each side, put his hands on their shoulders, and shrugged at Minister Cui.

Liu Minyong quickly said: "Minister Cui, what Guangxian means is that we are all colleagues, and we can quarrel and reconcile.

It's not worth firing them for a trivial matter!

Please also ask Minister Cui to be accommodating and let everyone go! "

A group of security guards looked at Mute and Liu Minyong in disbelief. They did not expect that these two people would intercede for everyone.

Even Ding Zhengxi looked a lot closer to the two of them.

Minister Cui also knew that firing so many people at once would put pressure on the company's security.

So he took advantage of Po Xia Donkey and scolded the security guards with a straight face: "For Guangxian's sake, I won't pursue what happened tonight.

Captain Ding, please restrain your people from now on. No one will plead for mercy next time! "

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