Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2772 Don’t try to sow discord here

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Bulletproof cars are good. No matter how angry the people behind them are, the rain of bullets will not harm the people in the car.

Of course, the premise is that you dodge all the way and don't stop there stupidly and be surrounded by others and shoot at you.

When Luo Xiaoman left the factory, he found an opportunity to abandon the loading truck, climbed into the Yax, and sat in the back seat.

On the main road, the traffic on the road increased, and the pursuers behind became wary. The speed of the car became slower and slower, and they were quickly thrown away.

Luo Xiaoman disassembled the crossbow, put it back into his backpack, and said with a smile: "It's so exciting!"

He glanced at Wen Chengmin who was lying on the seat next to him, kicked him and scolded him with a smile: "Look at how brave you are, and you are still scared to cry? Have you peed your pants?"

Wen Chengmin couldn't understand Luo Xiaoman's words, but at this moment, he seemed to be crazy. He suddenly jumped up, threw himself on Luo Xiaoman, and punched and kicked him!

Luo Xiaoman was a little confused. The key was that Wen Chengmin still had a steel needle on his neck!

What he did was a sure way to die!

Sure enough, a large amount of blood began to flow out of his nostrils, and even blood foam began to spit out from his mouth!

"Are you crazy?" Luo Xiaoman didn't understand how this kid could suddenly have such a strong hatred for him, so he forgot to resist and dodge, and received two solid punches.

However, the pain made him react immediately. He reached out and grabbed Wen Chengmin's throat and pressed him against the back of the chair!

"Aqi, take over!" Chen Xin'an said, immediately popped off the seat belt, turned around and jumped into the back seat.

Li Qi also put down the gun in his hand and moved from the passenger seat to the driver's seat.

Chen Xin'an reached out and twisted the steel needle on Wen Chengmin's neck. After lifting it, he stabbed him with two more needles to stop the bleeding. He said to Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, let go!"

Luo Xiaoman let go of his arm, but Wen Chengmin refused to let go and wanted to pounce on him. Chen Xin'an grabbed his chest and pushed him forward. He cursed in a deep voice: "We were not the ones who killed your father!"

Wen Chengmin froze, looking at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, his nose rose and fell rapidly, and finally he covered his face with his hands, leaned on the back of the chair and cried bitterly!

Luo Xiaoman also understood the reason for his madness. He cursed and moved his butt to the side.

"Why? Why would he do this? That's dad! How could he attack dad?

Why did the second sister run away? Dad is not out of danger yet, how can she run away on her own? Dad usually loves her the most!

How could the Holy Master disregard my father's life and death like this? The Wen family did so much for him and gave him so much money every year, but why could he treat his father so cruelly? "

Chen Xin'an didn't speak, just sat next to him and watched him vent his emotions.

Wen Chengmin saw the scene clearly in the old shipyard workshop just now in the car.

Even when leaving the workshop, he glanced at Wen Xiuying who ran out and hid in the dark.

But from the moment his sister abandoned him and his father and left, to Director Wan giving the order, to the time his father was beaten to death, and he followed Chen Xin'an and the others to evacuate the large workshop, his mind has been in a blank state.

He couldn't believe what he heard and saw!

Covering his face and letting tears fall from his fingers, Moon Chengmin cried and said:

“Dad trusts his eldest brother the most, and leaves most of the family business to his eldest brother.

He himself said that the eldest brother will be the helmsman of Xinghai Group from now on!

He values ​​his eldest brother so highly and spares no effort to cultivate him, but his eldest brother actually..."

Luo Xiaoman sighed beside him. He also has a brother and a sister, so he can naturally understand how delicate the relationship between family members is.

Fortunately, my father is not the boss of some chaebol, and my brother and sister don't have such intrigues.

Otherwise, with his character and temper, the Luo family would have been in chaos long ago!

Wen Chengmin cried and said: "There is also the second sister, my father loves her the most, and all the good things in the family are left to her!

My father was the most partial to her. Even if it was her fault, he would only hit my brother and me and never accuse her!

But she left her father behind and ran for her life alone!

How could she do this? ! "

Luo Xiaoman sighed and patted his shoulder.

Wen Chengmin cried and shook his head: "I know that eldest brother dislikes dad for not letting the entire group go to him.

He has always been on guard against me and my second sister.

But I never want to argue with him. I know that they have always looked down on me and disliked my mother for betraying my father!

But I have never betrayed my father!

I never thought that I would compete with my eldest brother and second sister for anything!

I just want a complete family, and I want you to see me more and call me brother.

Can't you even meet this requirement? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Wen Chengmin and said, "Then do you want to avenge your father?"

Wen Chengmin trembled all over, raised his head, looked at Chen Xin'an warily with eyes swollen from crying, gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him with disdain and said, "Does it matter what I want to do?

Most importantly, what do you want to do next?

Why, your brother is willing to sacrifice your father's life for the power of the group. You, a filial son, have been crying here for a long time, and now you want to show your brotherly love here with me? "

Wen Chengmin blushed, snorted and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't try to sow discord here! Although I saw it...

Seeing those scenes doesn't mean I will be manipulated by you and turn against my eldest brother and second sister! "

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "Whatever you want! But I think even if I let you go now, I'm afraid you can't go back to the Wen family!"

"What did you say? Impossible!" Wen Chengmin said to Chen Xin'an angrily, "I am the third son of the Wen family, Xingnan Cave is my home, how can I not go back?"

Chen Xin'an sneered and said, "Your father is alive, you are the third son of the Wen family!

Your father is dead, and your eldest brother has the final say on who you are!

If I'm not mistaken, your eldest brother should have been looking for such an opportunity for a long time, right?

Otherwise, why didn't he come today?

Your father is dead, he can tell people outside that he died in my hands.

But what caused all this?

Of course, I came here to save you.

Your father agreed to negotiate with me in order to save you.

Because the negotiations broke down, I, Chen Xin'an, killed your father!

Xinghai Group was leaderless, and your eldest brother took over.

Do you think he will let you go, a useless brother who is more likely to cause trouble than to accomplish anything, and the culprit who killed your father?

Or do you think that this elder brother will still treat you as his own brother out of brotherly love? "

Wen Chengmin was speechless!

How could he not know what kind of character his elder brother is?

From childhood to adulthood, he never really looked up to him. In the past, he was restrained by his father, so he was more restrained towards this younger brother.

Now that his father is dead, let alone his elder brother, even his second sister can't tolerate him!

Even if he already understands that he has no desire to fight for power, for a brother, he should divide the family property more!

What qualifications does a bastard who cheated on his wife have to share the family property with the children born to their wives who were married in a formal way?

Chen Xin'an held Wen Chengmin's shoulder and said, "And that so-called Saint Master.

Can't you see it now?

He just treats you as pawns that can be sacrificed at will!

Do you think it's worth it to work for such a person? "

Wen Chengmin turned pale, looked at Chen Xinan and asked: "What do you want to do?"

Chen Xinan looked at him, grinned, and said in a deep voice: "Wen Chengmin, if I help you defeat your elder brother and second sister and take over Xinghai Group, do you dare to take the position of president?"

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