Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2774 This person is not so easy to kill

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These words were like a thunderbolt, shocking Jin Enzai!

He turned his head stiffly, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "What?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged his shoulders, walked to the sofa and sat down, and said to him: "What happened tonight. I just left to see him!"

Jin Enzai looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and murmured: "Brother Yanjun, you are so... I don't know how to evaluate you. You actually killed Moon Youhuan!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Don't frame me! Wen Youhuan was not killed by me, but by his eldest son!"

Kim Eun-jae was even more stunned and speechless!

After a while, he burst out laughing, clapped his hands and said, "Okay! A good death!"

"What did you say? Your father died!" Wen Chengmin shouted angrily and wanted to rush over, but Liu Jiyan hugged him again.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand to Zheng Zaizhong, and then said to Jin Enzai who looked puzzled: "The third son of the Wen family, Wen Chengmin!"

Jin Enzai suddenly realized it, looked at Moon Chengmin and smiled: "I thought he looked familiar!

Boy, I said your father died well, are you still not happy?

Don’t you know how many immoral things your Wen family has done? "

Moon Sung Min gritted his teeth and wanted to rush forward to attack Kim Eun Jae, but was kicked in the chest by Jung Jae Jung.

In pain, he bent over and spat out a large pool of saliva. Liu Zhiyan, who was next to him, screamed and ran over to support him.

Like a wronged child, Moon Sung Min hugged Yoo Ji Yeon and burst into tears.

This kind of spineless behavior made Zheng Zaizhong very disdainful. Just as he was about to kick him again, Jin Enzai shouted and waved his hand to let him go away.

If someone's father just died, it's natural for him to be a little emotional.

Kim Eun-jae pointed at Moon Sung-min and said, "Brother Yanjun, why are you with this kid?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said: "We will discuss this matter later, and I may ask you to help with something.

He will be with us these two days, but you can leave some brothers here tomorrow! "

Jin Enzai chuckled and said, "Why go to all this trouble? Can't I just tie him up?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid that he will run away.

Even if I let him go now, he would not dare to leave.

Wen Youhuan died, and Xinghai Group was in chaos.

If nothing else goes wrong, the person who will control Xinghai Group in the future should be Moon Jae-hoon!

How much do you know about this person? "

Zheng Zaizhong went to lead everyone to allocate rooms. The area here is large enough and there are many rooms. It is much more spacious than the apartment.

So Chen Xin'an didn't have to worry about everyone having no place to sleep, and let everyone choose. He was chatting with Jin Enzai in the living room.

When Jin Enzai heard Moon Jae-hun's name, his expression suddenly dropped.

He frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "I can only say that this kid is more difficult to deal with than me!

In fact, some of the major things that Xinghai Group did in the next few years were all caused by this kid.

Therefore, the scale of Xinghai Group’s development in recent years has almost doubled compared to before!

But it also offended many people!

Moon Jae-hoon is more sinister and ruthless than Moon Yoo-hwan!

Just do whatever it takes to make money!

If he is allowed to control the Xinghai Group, I will either be absorbed by him or eliminated by him!

He won't let me go! "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Brother Snake was imprisoned because of Moon Jae-hoon's operation.

Therefore, Chen Xin'an had no intention of letting this person go from the beginning.

"In that case, I will kill him!" Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice, "I will look for opportunities in the next few days!"

Jin Enzai frowned and said: "Brother Yanjun, don't be impulsive, this guy Moon Jae-hun is not that easy to kill!

He is cunning and no one knows where he is hiding.

If you show up here tonight, you might be a hundred miles away tomorrow night!

If you don’t believe it, ask his third brother, does he know where Moon Jae-hun is now?

Also, this person has close ties with the authorities and is protected by many people around him.

Let’s first talk about whether we can kill him. Even if we succeed, we will be in big trouble! "

Chen Xinan was thinking about something, so he didn't respond.

Jin Enzai thought he knew the difficulty and said with a smile: "Brother Yanjun, don't be anxious.

This is Guangtian City after all, and Moon Jae-hun’s power is something you and I can’t even imagine.

I know you are very capable and have good skills.

But to deal with a big shot like Moon Jae-hun, we have to take our time and look for opportunities!

He is rich and has many masters working for him.

So killing him is much harder than killing his father! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, shook his head and said: "Whoever I want to kill, even if there are thousands of troops around me, I can't save his life!

I was just thinking, would it be more cost-effective for someone like Moon Jae-hun to keep him alive and let him be a dog, or to kill him directly? "

This man is ruthless and unscrupulous, but he is also quite capable and can make Xinghai Group expand exponentially in a short period of time!

If you want to lead Xinghai Group, Moon Jae-hun is definitely the best candidate, he is much better than Moon Sung-min.

Although Wen Xiuying is also very smart, she is a woman after all, so she can't convince the public. She is also far behind her elder brother in terms of ability.

Otherwise, Moon Youhuan would not keep her by his side every day. Unlike Moon Jaehun, who could safely leave some things to him and let him handle them on his own.

Chen Xin'an was not afraid of how insidious and unruly he was at all. All the professional killers were subdued by him, and she was willing to act as his informant. What did he mean by just being the son of a Dongchao chaebol?

He has hundreds of ways to make Moon Jae-hun's life worse than death. No matter how unruly his temper is, he must be submissive in front of him!

It’s just that Jin Enzai looked at Chen Xinan like a fool and thought he was telling a joke!

"Wha, what? Brother Yanjun, are you drunk?" Jin Enzai said to Chen Xin'an with a smile:

“Don’t underestimate this person, let alone the masters around him!

Do you think that after all the things he has done, no one wants to take revenge?

But the killers they sent were all killed without exception.

And he died so silently that even the police couldn't find any clues!

Brother Yanjun, I don’t want anything to happen to you because you underestimate this person. You are my best friend! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, waved her hands, and said nothing more.

It was already late at night, and Jin Enzai would not stay here at night. He gave Chen Xin'an a few words and left, but he left a dozen of his men behind to patrol outside all night.

When the locks are changed tomorrow, the head of the house will be Chen Xin'an.

Early in the morning, Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe drove to Guangtian Hospital.

Yin Hye Kyo had already been waiting here, quickly changing the appearance of the two of them, restoring them to the appearance of Yeon Jun and Seok Kyu.

The real two doctors, Yan Jun and Shi Gui, had already taken vacation and went to Chaojing for a trip with the money Chen Xin'an gave them.

The medical team has been assembled and everyone has boarded the cart. However, Chi Siyuan did not come and a doctor was replaced to fill the vacancy.

I heard that he was sick, but everyone also knew that this guy was scared!

Seeing Dr. Yanjun's skills with his own eyes, he was really scared.

He was afraid that people would settle old scores for him, so he simply quit the medical team.

Today's destination is Doosan Prison. When the medical team arrived, an alarm sounded. It turned out that the prisoners started fighting while waiting in the canteen.

Fortunately, the security team was dispatched relatively quickly and controlled several of the leaders, quickly calming the situation.

Chen Xin'an got out of the car, looked around, and winked at Luo Qianhe.

Stay calm, find Brother Snake first, and then create opportunities.

But when the two of them looked around at the prisoners lined up, they found that there was no sign of Brother Snake at all!

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