Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 274 There's Something Wrong with You

The wine bottle broke into pieces and fell into pieces. The clerk stumbled forward, holding his head in his hands, and blood flowed from the gaps between his fingers.

Before he could stand still, a bunch of gangsters rushed over and surrounded him. They all had bottles in their hands and swung them at his head!

When the store owner rushed out, more than a dozen bottles had been knocked on the clerk's head. His head was covered with blood and he was unconscious. However, those people still didn't let him go and continued to hit him on the head with bottles!

"Bosses, please calm down and stop beating me! If you hit me again, you will die!" The boss, still wearing an apron, ran out, blocked the clerk with his body, and begged for mercy with a smile on his face.

Hua Zhi picked up an empty wine bottle, walked to the boss, looked at him with a sneer and said:

"He deserves to be beaten to death! Mud, when I come to your place to spend money, I can pay as much as I want, and you will get a dime if not more!"

This guy is so good, he came over and called us beasts, and made us lie down on the ground and eat with your dogs!

What's the meaning? Is the store bullying customers? Are you bullying me, Hua Snake? You think I'm too kind, don't you? "

The boss quickly bowed and said: "I'm sorry, Brother Hua She! This little brother is new here. He doesn't understand anything and has offended a few people. I apologize to all the big brothers on his behalf!"

You don’t need to buy any of the orders tonight, I’ll take it! Brothers, please calm down and spare him! "

Hua She sneered and said, "Spare him? What the hell are you saying? I, Hua She, don't have any face, right? I've been scolded by others, and that's it. Will I still be a fool in the future?"

The boss said with a smile: "Brother Hua She, how do you want to solve it? You can't really beat people to death, right? We still have to solve it after all!"

"Solve it?" Hua She grinned, suddenly hit the boss on the head with a bottle, and cursed at him: "That's how I want to solve it! Just beat me until you feel better!"

As soon as he made a move, the group of people next to him followed suit and waved wine bottles at the boss's head.

"These bastards!" Guan Qi got angry and tried to stand up with both hands. Chen Xin'an shouted to him, "Sit down!" and then gave Mu Fan a wink.

Mu Fan also noticed that a few more gangsters left the dog meat stall, and immediately sent a brother to follow them.

Another ring of beer bottles was smashed down. After everyone stopped taking action, the boss calmly patted the glass shards on his shoulders and said to the flower snake with the same smile:

"It turns out that Brother Hua She wants to solve it this way. You can tell me earlier. I have no problem. Brother Hua She can fight however he wants!"

Also hit by a wine bottle, the clerk has now turned into a bloody gourd.

But nothing happened to the boss. His head was clean, and even his Mediterranean hairstyle was not messed up.

This guy is a bit strong! Hua She and a group of brothers looked at each other, but they didn't expect that they were not afraid of being smashed when they met a tough guy!

The boss smiled and said to Hua She: "Brother Hua She, if you feel it's not enough, just say hello, I promise not to fight back!

Even if my little brother is young and ignorant, don't argue with him. Just let him go this time, okay? "

A dozen bottles were smashed on the head and nothing happened. No one can do this, right?

Hua She was not a fool, and he also understood that the boss was no ordinary person. Since he was given enough respect and handed him up the stairs, he borrowed Po Xia Donkey, laughed, and said to the boss:

"If I, Hua Snake, don't accept anything else, I will accept that he is a man of justice! Since the boss is like this, if I continue to pester him, I will seem too petty! I..."

Before he could finish his words, there was a whistling sound in his ears. Before he could understand, an unopened bottle of beer flew past his ears and hit the boss on the forehead!

Wine bottle fragments and wine splashed everywhere, even Hua She had a cut on her face, and her body was splashed with wine!

"Who the hell threw this!" Hua She touched the blood stains on her face, turned her head and yelled: "You almost hit me on the head! You are so blind... Boss Jin, have you finished solving it?"

Jin Dazhu walked over holding his pants and picked up another bottle of wine from the guest table next to him.

The men at that table quit, pointed at him and cursed: "If you want to beat me, I'll beat you. Don't take our wine, we still have to drink!"

There was a young woman next to him, who was leaning sideways to feed the baby in her arms. Seeing that Jin Dazhu hadn't raised his pants yet, she turned her head in disgust and cursed:

"You gangster! How shameless this man is! It's so disgusting!"

Jin Dazhu turned his head, grinned, and swung the bottle of wine on the man's head. Before he could scream, Jin Dazhu flipped the table over!

The things on the table spilled all over the man and woman in an instant. Even the child in his arms was not spared, and the soup splashed on his face!

Fortunately, there was no food that had just been served. It was not very hot anymore, just a little hot, but it also caused a red mark on the baby's face, which made him cry loudly!

"Hit people..." The man yelled, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Jin Dazhu suddenly rushed over and kicked him in the chest.

This kick made him immediately lie on his back on the ground, with the back of his head hitting the floor tiles, his eyes rolling, and he passed out!

"Ah!" The young woman screamed and wanted to help the man up. Jin Dazhu grabbed him and lifted up her clothes with one hand!

This made the people at the woman's table become anxious, yelling and rushing over to attack Jin Dazhu!

It's a pity that they are no match for Jin Dazhu. As soon as they met, they were punched, kicked and knocked to the ground!

The woman was anxious and rushed over desperately, holding the child in one hand and trying to tear Jin Dazhu away with the other.

But he was slapped in the face by the fat man next to him. He sat on the ground with a bleeding nose. He couldn't recover for a long time!

Despite this, her right hand still held the child tightly and did not let go!

Jin Dazhu clicked his tongue and said to Erpang: "Women are not meant for beating. If you want to beat them, you don't use this, but use yours..."

He glanced obscenely down at the second fat man. The second fat man understood and laughed loudly, giving him a thumbs up: "Boss Jin, brilliant! Excellent!"

Jin Dazhu laughed, looked at the young woman and said, "You Chinese women just like to show off!

You've been breastfeeding in public, so what if you take it all off?

If you're embarrassed, it's okay, I can help you! "

He laughed and walked over, grabbed the woman's upper body clothes, and just as he was about to pull it down, a man strode over and kicked him!

Jin Dazhu let go of the woman's clothes, moved his body to the side, and then punched her!

The boss with a sullen face also punched him, and the two of them focused on each other at the same time. Jin Dazhu just shook his upper body, but the boss took two steps back!

"Haha! I knew something was wrong with you a long time ago, and I found out as expected!" Jin Dazhu showed a proud look on his face, looked at Er Pang and others beside him and said:

"What are you waiting for? Destroy this store and see who else is inside!

Ten minutes later, I don’t want anyone left standing with them! "

The second fat man grinned and said: "Don't worry, Boss Jin, we are good at this kind of thing! Just hold on!"

Just when he was about to take action, Hua She frowned and said, "Don't move yet! Boss Jin, what exactly do you want to do!"

After all, he is the leader of this gang of gangsters, and his mind is not that simple. Now it can be seen that Jin Dazhu did these things with premeditation!

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