Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2781 Follow me hand in hand

The alarm bells rang throughout Doosan Prison, and the prison guards were fully armed and locked the door tightly.

The service building where the dining hall is located was filled with thick smoke, and there were occasional explosions of broken glass.

The prisoners occupied the dining hall and dormitory room and began to rush out.

All the security guards went into battle, but it was still difficult to resist. From time to time, injured security guards were pulled out and carried to a relatively safe place.

Warden Han Jinzai stood in front of the office window, looking through the glass at the black smoke upstairs on the side, and shouted to his subordinates: "Hasn't the riot squad notified you yet?"

The subordinate put down his cell phone and responded to him with a panicked expression: "The internal phone line has been damaged and cannot be called!

The communication signal blocking tool has been forcibly activated. It is probably a hacker invasion. Now the password has been tampered with, we no longer have permission, and we can’t make calls on our mobile phones!

You can only contact the riot squad via satellite phone..."

"Then what are you waiting for!" Han Jinzai turned around and took out the key from the desk drawer.

Then he walked to the iron cabinet next to him, opened the lock, took out a phone that looked like a big brother, and handed it to his subordinate.

I quickly dialed a few numbers and waited for the call to come through. My subordinate quickly identified himself and asked for support.

After the call was completed, his subordinate returned the phone to Han Jinzai and said to him: "We'll be there in fifteen minutes!

But warden, for ten minutes, I'm afraid of those guys..."

He looked out the window with a worried look. Today's situation was a bit out of control!

The most important thing is that the medical team is still inside, and one of these people has an accident, and the prison will not be able to eat and walk around!

Han Jinzai's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Since you treat me like this, don't blame me for being cruel!

Notice, kill Cui Dongjian at all costs!

Whoever can kill this person, I will give him credit! "

Today's situation is all caused by this bastard.

Usually in prison, Han Jinzai gave Cui Dongjian enough face.

In many cases, he even disobeyed the orders of the Xinghai Group, the major shareholder behind it, and treated Cui Dongjian lightly.

There was no way, this guy was generous enough and gave him a lot of things outside.

But he never expected that this bastard would do this to him.

Even if today's incident can be calmed down, several people died, which is really not a small responsibility.

Maybe he, the warden, would end up doing this!

So Han Jinzai now hates Cui Dongjian so much that he has murderous intentions!

At this time, Cui Dongjian was already standing at the door of the office building.

Two security guards were lying on the ground. One had his neck cut and the other had his head broken. They were both dead.

Taking a deep puff of his cigarette, Cui Dongjian squinted his eyes and said, "Just rush out and play into the hands of the prison guards.

They have already set up their guns and are waiting for us to fall into the trap!

So let’s use this trick to seize the office building!

Listen to me. When the meeting is over, the troops will be divided into two groups. One group will go to the warden's office and capture Han Jinzai for me!

Another group of people stormed the ammunition depot! As long as we seize that place, even if the riot squad comes, we can fight them head-on! "

The group of prisoners behind them all looked excited and murderous.

After hearing Cui Dongjian's words, they all responded in unison: "Yes!"

In the yard, Chen Xin'an and Brother Snake in police uniforms stood together with Wang Jixing and a group of prison guards and security guards in a row.

Opposite them, the doctors on the medical team were trembling and cautiously moving forward.

They didn't dare to leave. Behind them were hundreds of menacing prisoners armed with various weapons.

Luo Qianhe was also in the team of doctors, wearing a white coat and standing next to Yin Hye Kyo.

He shook his head at Chen Xin'an, who was almost twenty meters away in front of him.

Chen Xin'an nodded slightly, received the message, turned around, and said to the two people around him: "Cui Dongjian is not here!"

Wang Jixing was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "Then where did he go?"

Chen Xin'an looked around, pointed to the building on the right with a machine gun on the roof and asked, "Where is that place?"

"Office building!" Wang Jixing said to Chen Xin'an, then his face changed drastically and he said in shock:

"I know where Choi Dong Gun went!

The office building houses the warden's office and ammunition depot!

Choi Dong Gun wants to rob the ammunition depot! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Let this place become chaotic, and we will take advantage of the chaos to enter the office building!"

Wang Jixing pulled the walkie-talkie on his shoulder and said: "Captain, these people have released those serious criminals, we can't let them get close to the gate!"

Soon, a voice shouted from a loudspeaker from the watchtower: "Listen, don't go any further!

Put down your weapons and raise your hands in surrender!

Otherwise we will take enforcement measures! "

Wang Jixing looked at those white coats with some worry and whispered: "Mr. Chen, those doctors..."

Chen Xin'an turned around and said: "Follow the plan! Don't worry, my junior brother will protect them!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a banging sound above his head!

Then a large cloud of smoke fell from the yard, mixed with a pungent and unpleasant smell!

Tear gas smoke!

Large plumes of smoke rose in the crowd, violent coughs continued to sound, and the crowd became a mess!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an threw the shield in his hand to the ground, took out a small bottle that Luo Qianhe had given him before, smashed it under his feet, and shouted to Wang Jixing and Brother Snake: "Let's go!"

The two of them also threw away their shields, turned around and ran to the side with Chen Xin'an.

Luo Qianhe, who was in the crowd, took out a few bottles, threw them on the ground, and shouted to Yin Hye Kyo next to him: "Hand in hand, follow me!"

He grabbed Yin Hye Kyo's arm, covered his mouth and nose with his other hand, and put on the sunglasses he had prepared.

A puff of white smoke appeared in his sunglasses, and he ran quickly in that direction. He soon stepped on a hard object. He quickly bent down and picked it up. It was a shield!

"Don't move!" The security guard yelled in her ears, and Luo Qianhe pulled Yin Hye Kyo's arm.

Yoon Hye Kyo shouted: "Don't shoot, we are the medical team!"

The security guard waved the smoke in front of him with his hand. When he saw the people coming in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief and shouted to them: "Go to the back quickly!"

Someone behind him suddenly shouted: "Don't let the hostages escape!"

Luo Qianhe stopped, pulled Yin Huiqiao behind him, then raised the shield in his hand and shrank his body behind the shield.

A group of prisoners rushed over, raised their kitchen knives and sticks, and struck at him!

The people next to them hurriedly picked up the shields that were under their feet. The prisoners had already rushed forward, slashing and smashing at the shields!

The security guard behind him rushed up, picked up a rubber stick and whipped it hard on the prisoner, and then pressed the red button, causing the electrode at the front of the stick to emit a powerful current and poke the prisoner!

Following the shrill screams, the prisoners fell to the ground one by one, foaming at the mouth and twitching.

Luo Qianhe led the doctors, holding shields to resist while retreating behind the security guards.

Gunfire rang out, and after confirming that no hostages were in the hands of the prisoners, the guards at the sentry began firing warning shots.

Even at this time, the prison authorities could only focus on repression and did not dare to shoot unscrupulously.

Otherwise it would turn into a massacre!

At the entrance of the ammunition depot, two guards were holding pistols, pointing at the prisoners who were approaching in the darkness in front of them, and shouted in a panic: "Stand back, take one step forward, and we will shoot!"

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