Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2789 Aren’t you here to settle accounts with me?

No one understood why Chen Xin'an was so nervous, but when he said he wanted to change cars, no one had any objection.

Luo Xiaoman turned the car into an alley, and there were many cars parked on the roadside.

He got out of the car and walked around, then pointed at one of the cars. That car didn't have an alarm.

For Chen Xin'an, it is really easy to steal a car.

Of course, this must be an old car, with a mechanical key and no engine anti-theft system.

Fortunately, in Dongchao, such nostalgic old cars are not uncommon.

After all, in a country where small cars are common, not everyone can afford a high-configuration car.

With a roar of the accelerator, Chen Xin'an started the car and said to Luo Xiaoman:

"I'll drive, you sit in the passenger seat, and Dr. Yin and Ge Ge will treat Brother Snake's wounds.

Apply the medicine and go to the hospital for further treatment. "

"Okay!" Everyone responded in unison.

Everyone quickly changed cars and the car left the alley. Chen Xin'an quickly set the navigation and re-selected the route.

What he didn't expect was that no matter which way he went, there would be surveillance cameras constantly taking pictures.

"It's strange, there weren't so many surveillance cameras on this road before!" Yin Hye Kyo looked outside with a puzzled look on her face.

Having entered the city, she was familiar with every road.

It’s not that there weren’t surveillance cameras in the past, but they weren’t as numerous and dense as today. Even Chaojing’s road surveillance system wasn’t as exaggerated as it is here!

Chen Xin'an said to everyone with a gloomy face: "Everyone, be careful, we should be targeted!

An accident may happen at any time, so sit tight! "

The person who can make such a grand gesture is either Moon Jae-hun or the Hermit.

It is estimated that the latter is more common, because there are still a lot of things in Moon Jae-hun's family, and it is impossible to deal with them so quickly.

The hermit's arrival in Guangtian City at this time is not good news for Chen Xin'an.

To deal with such a peerless master, Chen Xin'an thought that the most enjoyable way to fight would be for the two of them to fight to the death in a place where no one would disturb them and would not affect others.

Even if you die at the opponent's hands, it will be the highest honor for a warrior and a great joy in life!

But ever since this old Yinbi met him once, it seemed that he had been subconsciously avoiding the opportunity to face him alone.

He always sent some soldiers composed of disciples to harass him in the future, and never let him go, chasing him all the way from Da Ying to Dongchao.

Even if he knew that he could come to Dongchao, it was still a game played by this old Yin.

Because his power here is much greater than in Da Ying!

But Chen Xin'an didn't care. After all, whether it was a bureau or not, he had to come and rescue his brother.

Now it depends on whether this old Yinbi will personally come forward to fight him to the death after knowing his exact location!

With less than three kilometers to go before arriving at Guangtian Hospital, Chen Xin'an looked at the green light at the intersection ahead and stepped on the accelerator.

Just when the car was about to reach the center of the intersection, Chen Xin'an suddenly shouted: "Sit tight!"

Then he suddenly stopped with his foot, and then turned sharply to the right!

Xiao Zhang once said that when Chen Xin'an drives, the most dangerous position is never the co-pilot.

Even he has not changed his instinct to turn left when encountering danger.

But for Chen Xin'an, in an emergency, she would subconsciously turn to the right to protect the person in the passenger seat.

Because when he was driving, the people who had the closest relationship with him sat in this seat.

Either his relatives, or his brothers and friends!

A gray off-road vehicle roared past the intersection on the right at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour!

Black Hyundai simply flamed out.

The fronts of the two cars were almost grazing each other. If Chen Xin'an hadn't reacted too quickly, or had subconsciously turned to the left just now, the two cars would have collided with each other, and the consequences would have been disastrous!

But before anyone could take a breath, another car rushed towards them. Chen Xin'an didn't even have time to light up the car and leave. He shouted to everyone: "Hold your head and bend over!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bang, and the other party ran straight towards him!

The people in the car seemed to be flying, being thrown up by the huge impact.

Fortunately, they were all wearing seat belts and were not thrown out.

With two bangs, the driver's and passenger's airbags deployed, squeezing Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman into the seats.

Several men wearing helmets jumped out of the off-road vehicle, holding knives in their hands. They seemed to have been hit hard, and they staggered towards the Hyundai.

There was no need to open the car door, just from the position of the broken glass window, he raised the knife and stabbed the people in the car indiscriminately!

But at this moment, with two popping sounds, the two airbags were punctured at the same time!

A large piece of steel needle flew out of the car, and the group of swordsmen who rushed to the front screamed and threw away the knives in their hands, covering their faces with their hands, and blood flowed from their fingers!

"Are you okay?" Chen Xin'an jumped out of the car and shouted to the three people in the back seat.

Luo Qianhe endured the pain in his body and said loudly: "I'm fine, Brother Snake has passed out! Dr. Yin has a head injury and is bleeding. I don't know if he has a concussion!"

"I'm fine!" Yin Hye Kyo said weakly: "Don't worry about me!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an shouted: "Give me, give me the bag!"

car back seat

Luo Qianhe quickly took the backpack, opened the car door and handed it out!

Chen Xin'an took out the crossbow from inside, quickly assembled it, and then shouted: "Aman!"

He had already jumped out of the car and ran towards Luo Xiaoman, who was beating him wildly and turned his head.

Chen Xin'an threw the crossbow and quiver over and shouted to him: "Kill!"


Luo Xiaoman grabbed the crossbow, opened the quiver, filled it quickly and skillfully, and pulled the trigger at a group of people rushing over not far away!

Chen Xin'an also reloaded a crossbow, handed it to Luo Qianhe and said: "No matter who it is, if they get close to you, take action!

Protect them both from the car! "

"Okay!" Luo Qianhe took the crossbow and began to fill the arrow compartment.

Seeing many people coming from all directions with knives, Chen Xin'an had no time to assemble a crossbow for himself.

He simply grabbed a quiver, pulled out a crossbow arrow from it, and threw it forward like a javelin!

A big man who looked like a squad leader raised the machete in his hand, pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted:

"Did you see that, that guy is the person the Holy Master is looking for!

The Holy Master said that whoever can capture him, regardless of life or death, will be rewarded tens of billions..."


A crossbow arrow flew over without warning, piercing the center of his forehead. The tip of the arrow came out from the back of his head, and blood was still dripping down.

The big man seemed to have been tapped on his acupoints, his steps stopped suddenly, with a hint of a smile on his face, but his eyes gradually widened, and his body fell straight backwards, hitting the ground heavily!

The people next to him let out a cry of surprise and moved around to avoid it.

It took a while to calm down, but I saw that he had expired, but the arrow on his forehead was still trembling slightly, and everyone had a look of fear on their faces!

Immediately afterwards, arrows like rain came towards me, mixed with large steel needles and arrows, covering all the swordsmen in all directions!

Although there are only two opponents at the street corner, to the swordsmen around them, it feels like they are facing thousands of troops!

Chen Xin'an took a running start and kicked the driver who had just stepped out of the off-road vehicle back into the car. However, he jumped on the front of the car and shouted loudly to the surroundings:

"Hermit, get out!

Aren't you here to settle accounts with me?

Now that I am here, do you dare to come out and fight with me? "

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