Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2809 You have done so much evil that death is not a pity.

With the involvement of the anti-smuggling police, the situation became more delicate.

Although they are the smallest in number, no one dares to underestimate them.

What's more, the leader of the team is still an inexperienced guy who doesn't give face to anyone. This makes everyone a bit jealous, and no one wants to be targeted by the official.


In a rage, Moon Jae-hoon slammed his phone to the ground!

His face was gloomy, as if it was covered with a layer of pot ash, and his teeth were clenching.

Everyone in the office was trembling with fear and did not dare to breathe.

Since the watch lost signal, Wen Zaixun led everyone back to the office.

Even though I couldn't sleep after a long night of work, and everyone was so sleepy that they couldn't open their eyes, no one dared to complain!

Ding Taiyou also had a sullen face and kept asking, "Who told the police? Who is so mean? Even if you tell Yuan Dun's people, it is better than telling the police!"

What I fear most about this truck is not being snatched away by opponents, but being snatched away by the authorities!

You know, all of them are Dongchao national treasures!

Being snatched away by his opponent, Moon Jae-hun will try his best to get it back no matter what the price.

But once he was intercepted by the authorities, would he dare to attack them?

He wouldn't dare to do this even if he had ten guts!

He spent the entire day doing things to avoid official attention, just not wanting them to get involved.

He also knew that anyone who wanted to get this truck of goods was unwilling to let the authorities intervene, otherwise everyone would have no chance.

But now, the authorities still know about it, and they are still the most difficult anti-smuggling team!

Who told them?

This person is simply more hateful than Minister Cui!

Because he wants to put the Wen family to death!

Let him Wen Zaixun never recover, never turn over!

Staring with red eyes, Moon Jae-hun suddenly turned around, walked quickly to Xuan Chang-min, and said coldly, "Give me your phone!"

Xuan Changmin was stunned for a moment, glanced at the smashed mobile phone on the ground, and said carefully, "Mr. Wen, there is a spare one in the drawer..."

"Bring it to me!" Wen Zaixun roared, shocking everyone!

Xuan Changmin didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and quickly took out his mobile phone, opened the password and handed it to Moon Jae-hun.

Holding the secretary's cell phone, Moon Jae-hoon did not make a call, but quickly checked the call history on the phone.

After a while, he made a call on his secretary’s mobile phone and said in a deep voice, “Don’t talk nonsense, listen to what I say!

Immediately check the call list of this number within two days and send it to this number.

Ten minutes, I'll wait here! "

After hanging up the phone, Moon Jae-hun walked behind the desk with his cell phone and sat down on the office chair.

Xuan Changmin's face turned pale. He forced a smile and asked Moon Jae-hun, "Boss, are you doubting me?"

Moon Jae-hun glanced at him and said coldly, "Xuan Chang-min, how many years have you been following me?"

Xuan Changmin took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled it, his expression became natural, and he said with a smile, "It will be three years in two months!"

Moon Jae-hoon looked at him with squinted eyes and asked, "How do I treat you?"

Xuan Changmin pursed his lips, nodded and said, "Not bad! To be honest, the boss's temper is not very good, and he doesn't care too much about anyone.

It is rare to work with a boss with such a personality, so you must be extra careful.

Fortunately, the boss is not stingy, and the money is readily given, so the grievance is worth it. "

Everyone was sweating for Xuan Changmin. He dared to say such things in front of the boss. Don't you, a little secretary, want to live?

Sure enough, Wen Zaixun's face became even more gloomy. He suddenly grabbed a pen holder on his desk and smashed it at Xuan Changmin.

I don't know whether he was not careful or just didn't want to dodge, but the ceramic pen holder hit Xuan Changmin's forehead and shattered with a crash.

At the same time, Xuan Changmin had a gash on his forehead, and blood flowed down like a red snake.

Everyone is scared

They didn't even dare to breathe out, and they all looked at this scene in horror.

However, Xuan Changmin remained motionless, as if he didn't feel anything. He didn't even wipe away the blood, and just stood there with a smile on his face.

The phone rang again, this time with a message.

Moon Jae-hoon looked at the messages on his phone, his expression getting increasingly ugly.

He walked over quickly, grabbed Xuan Changmin's hair, forced him to raise his head, looked at a phone number on the screen and asked

"Whose phone number is this? You have been contacting him frequently in the past two days. Why?

Do you think that if you delete the call history on your phone, I won’t be able to check it?

You underestimate me, Moon Jae-hun!

Say, who is he! "

From the moment he took away his cell phone and checked the call records, Xuan Changmin knew that he had been exposed.

After experiencing the initial panic, he had calmed down.

Now that he was completely exposed, he didn't react at all. He just smiled and said to Moon Jae-hun.

"Since the boss already knows the answer, why do you need to ask more questions?"

"I want to hear you say it yourself!" Moon Jae-hun punched him in the face and roared, "Hang him up!"

Several security guards ran over and grabbed Xuan Changmin's arm, fearing that he would escape or resist.

But from the beginning to the end, Xuan Changmin had no intention of running away or resisting, and just stood motionless.

There is a hook on the top of the head, and a person can be hung in the air by tying a rope.

This was something Moon Jae-hun had nailed on purpose. He liked to sit on the office chair and watch his men torture those who disobeyed.

There were many company leaders and even many group veterans and elders of the Wen family beside him.

At this moment, some were sitting and some were standing, looking at this scene with different expressions.

Moon Jae-hoon took a stick from the security guard and slapped Hyun Chang-min hard on his head and face!

With a click, the stick was broken. Xuan Changmin also turned pale, and his ribs were slapped.

One was broken.

The whole body curled up due to the severe pain, but because it was hung, it could only passively stretch.

This pulled the injured part of his body and made him sweat in pain, but he never said a word!

Moon Jae-hun threw away the broken stick in his hand, pointed at Hyun Chang-min and cursed, "You are such an ungrateful wild dog!

I have raised you for three years, but you betrayed me!


Can those police officers pay more than me?

Why did you betray me? "

Xuan Changmin laughed, but a mouthful of blood gushed out from his mouth.

He looked at Moon Jae-hun contemptuously and said in a hoarse voice, "Ask me why, I can tell you.

Because I am a police officer!

I entered the Xinghai Group just to investigate you!

It’s been almost three years, and I’ve known a lot of dirty things about you.

Moon Jae-hoon, you’re done! "

The room fell silent instantly, and everyone looked panicked.

This secretary who usually seems honest and responsible is actually an undercover police agent!

Moon Jae-hun tilted his head, looked at Hyun Chang-min coldly and asked, "When did you start investigating me?"

Xuan Changmin didn't hide anything from him, and said with a smile, "That's when you started to contact dh18!

I have a lot of evidence of all the investments, all the trials, all the deals you've done over the years.

Moon Jae-hoon, you are so crazy and considerate of human life that you are full of evil!

You are such a person, it is not a pity to die! "


An old man slapped the table next to him hard, glared at Moon Jae-hun and cursed

"Asshole! Didn't you say that experiment has been stopped?

I told you, no one should touch those things.

Did you take my words as fart?

You idiot, don’t you know that thing will drag the Wen family to hell? "

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