Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2811 Who fired the shot?

Mashan County threshing floor.

The cell phone in Bian Xiuzhe's pocket rang, but his hands were cuffed and he couldn't answer it.

"Officer Kong, please let me go first. The company called. It's urgent! Please, can't I admit my mistake?"

Kong Zhenjing glanced at him, squinted his eyes and said, "Okay, let me answer the phone! Xiandong, help him open one hand!"

Park Xiandong walked to Bian Xiuzhe, took out the key and opened the handcuffs on his right wrist.

Bian Xiuzhe hurriedly took out his phone and pressed the answer button.

Soon, Bian Xiuzhe's expression changed. He glanced at the crowd around him, seemed to have made up his mind, nodded vigorously and said, "I understand, go right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Byun Soo-cheol shouted to the security guard behind him, "Find Ryu Kwang-hyun and the truck at all costs!"

A group of security guards hesitated and glanced at the people around them.

Bian Xiuzhe shouted loudly, "If there is any problem, the company will take care of it for us!"

"Yes!" All the security guards responded in unison, relieved!

"Let's go!" Bian Xiuzhe raised his arms and wanted to leave with the security guards!

Several people behind me shouted, "Stop!"

Park Zhenmin looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "Didn't I make it very clear just now? The front is the development site of our Yaohan Group. No one is allowed to enter without our permission..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Bian Xiuzhe said impatiently

"Is there an official approval document? If you can't get it now, don't fool everyone with this trick to deceive children!

I don’t have time to waste time here with you. Your Flying Star team intervened to rob the goods. Our Xinghaiwen General Assembly will ask Mr. Li for an explanation on this matter.

Don't stop us now, otherwise it will be bad for everyone! "

"Hahaha!" Park Zhenmin laughed, looked at Byian Xiuzhe with contempt and said, "You deserve it too! Can't you see what form it is now?"

The hundreds of people in gray suits behind him also laughed at the same time, and the sound was very scary.

Byun Soo-cheol reached into his arms, took out a gun, pointed it at Park Jin-min's head, and said coldly, "What now?"

Immediately, he

All the security guards behind him took out a gun and pointed it at Park Zhenmin's head!

The company has prepared guns for this escort, but they cannot be used until critical moments.

Now is the critical moment.

The call just now was made by the vice president himself, giving everyone a fatal order to find the person and the car as soon as possible.

If you can't find it, it will be the company's most severe punishment!

Bian Xiuzhe is an old man in the company, so he naturally knows how terrible the most severe punishment is.

So he couldn't control that much. Even if the police were present, they couldn't stop him.

Park Zhenmin broke out in cold sweat. It felt too bad to have a dozen people pointing guns at his head.

Even if there are hundreds of brothers behind him, there is no way to alleviate this feeling.

He didn't even dare to let his brothers take action. If he couldn't protect them, the security guards would go off because of their nervousness. When the time came, his head would be blown off for no apparent reason. That would be such an unjust death!

Kong Zhenjing yelled at Byun Soo-cheol, "Asshole! You are so brave! Do you think we police officers don't exist?"

Bian Xiuzhe turned to look at him and asked, "Officer Kong, that car belongs to our Haichao company, do you admit it?"

The driver of the car is also an employee of Haichao Company, do you admit it?

Now our driver and car are missing, and our company came to look for him. What law did we commit? Isn't this natural? "

"You..." Kong Zhenjing was speechless for a moment, and was stopped by the question!

Bian Xiuzhe snorted coldly, looked at the others and said, "Officer Kong wants to investigate the case, but we don't care.

But our company wants to find its own employees and goods, and I hope Officer Kong will not stop us.

Rather, why these people appear here has impure motives.

If Officer Kong wants to stop them, he should stop them!

Let's go! "

Bian Xiuzhe raised his hand, and a dozen security guards

Turn around and leave!

But at this moment, there was a bang, and someone fired a shot!

A man in a gray suit fell to the ground and the whole place was in chaos!

Gunfire broke out, and all forces began to fight each other!

Byun Xiuzhe's face turned pale, and he shouted angrily to his men next to him, "Who shot?"

A group of security guards all shook their heads. Cai Zhongji, who was shrinking behind the crowd, cried and said, "It seems like the sound is coming from behind!"

It is useless to pursue this matter now. Byian Xiuzhe said to everyone, "Find a way to get out!"

At this moment, someone shouted to them, "Brothers from Xinghai, go this way, we will cover you!"

Bian Xiuzhe turned around and saw Han Zhikui and his brothers.

These are considered allies, they are here to pick up the truck!

"Follow them!" Bian Xiuzhe was overjoyed and called his men to quickly move closer to the group of men in suits.

"Boss, do you want to do something?" Zheng Zaizhong lay on the ground and asked Jin Enzai beside him.

Jin Enzai scolded, "What the hell! They are dog-eat-dog, what does it have to do with us!"

We are here just to hold off Park Zhenmin and his gang, not to eliminate them.

We don't have the ability either.

I originally wanted to persuade Park Zhenmin, but I didn't expect that this guy would now turn his back on me.

Then let him do whatever he wants, sooner or later he will cry!

Let's take action against those bastards from the Gym Alliance. If we don't find a chance, we'll retreat.

Your own safety is the most important thing! "

"Understood!" Zheng Zaizhong responded, waved to the brothers beside him, and quietly approached the gym alliance group.

Director Ding's face was ashen and he said to the disciples beside him, "Youhe, tell everyone, don't take action, our target is not here!

Evacuate outside as soon as possible. If you can find the goods, take both the people and the vehicle away.

If you can't find it, look for Chen Xin'an, that is our goal! "

The current situation is the most important to them


After all, they are good at playing with cold weapons, and this is all they carry.

There are no firearms prepared. Once you enter the battlefield, the losses will be huge!

But the entire threshing floor was in chaos, with countless people fighting and gunshots ringing out.

They want to evacuate the battlefield immediately, which is easier said than done!

Now he regretted leading the operation.

The gyms in Guangtian City were kicked out, and one of them was a branch of his Liya Gym. The director was his brother, and he was also injured by Chen Xin'an.

He came from Chaojing with his troops tonight just to get revenge on Chen Xin'an.

However, the Holy Master also personally issued a secret order to him.

That is to find a way to get the goods!

He didn't know what the items were that could make even the Holy Master tempted.

But they will definitely be priceless.

The reward given to him by the Holy Master was one percent.

It sounds like a small amount, but he knows whether the Holy Master is a stingy person.

This one percent is the kind of wealth he will never earn in his life!

I originally thought this was a good opportunity to please the Holy Master and make a fortune at the same time.

Now it seems that this is a fatal situation!

Not only did it involve the largest financial group in Dongchao, Chaojing Yaohan's power infighting, but it even brought the official into the mix.

If this is not handled well, the windfall will not come, and it will cause a lot of trouble!

What's even more depressing is that now it's a question of whether he can even save his life.

A group of desperadoes actually shot each other with guns in front of the police. Is this really legal?

Now he doesn't care about any bullshit goods or making a fortune, he just wants to leave this place.

The worst case scenario is to make amends, find Chen Xin'an, and kill him again!

I don’t know if he was attracted to this truck or for other reasons, he actually appeared in this area.

The credit that comes to you will not be reaped in vain. This is what the Gym Alliance should do!

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