Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2814 I must intervene in this case


Several policemen looked at each other, put their guns into the holsters with gloomy faces, and moved their wrists.

Ping Hengjun and Wang Jixing panicked, looking at everyone in a dilemma and said: "What are you doing! Mr. Chen, let the captain go, he is not the bad guy you think!"

"Two brothers, teammates, don't do it! We are not enemies, can we talk it out?"

Chen Xin'an lowered his head and looked at Kong Zhenjing who was stepped on by him and said: "They are like my brothers. If you want to do something to them, I will kill you. Remember?"

Ping Hengjun and Wang Jixing were stunned, lowered their heads in disbelief, and looked at Kong Zhenjing lying on the ground.

Being stepped on by others in front of his men, such a great humiliation made Kong Zhenjing, who was proud by nature, feel more uncomfortable than death.

The inner rage made him eager to get up, even if he was charged with illegal law enforcement, he had to kill this bastard who humiliated him!

But no matter how he struggled, the foot on his back did not move at all!

It made it difficult for him to breathe, but it would not crush him to death.

At this time, Kong Zhenjing sadly discovered that his strength was really incomparable to that of others!

The other party clearly had the ability to take his life at will, but he only tortured and humiliated him.

At first, Kong Zhenjing would still feel ashamed and hate, but after hearing Chen Xinan's words, he trembled all over, calmed down, and lay on the ground motionless, no longer resisting.

The sound of fighting next to him came over, and he heard the screams of his men. Kong Zhenjing lay on the ground and yelled: "Stop fighting! Stop it! It's my fault, it has nothing to do with you!"

Everyone stopped, even if they didn't stop.

Four policemen against two people, they were beaten without any power to fight back, even if they wanted to pull out guns and batons, they had no chance!

After being a front-line anti-smuggling team member for so many years, and having experienced countless battles of all sizes, these team members still felt that they were so useless for the first time!

They were simply not opponents of the same level, and they had no power to fight back!

These two people beat them up. Even if Kong Zhenjing didn't shout, they didn't plan to fight back! If they hadn't shown mercy, they would have been beaten to death! The strength gap was huge. If they continued to fight, they would only humiliate themselves. Ping Hengjun and Wang Jixing ran over and said to Chen Xinan with a pleading look: "Mr. Chen, can you let the captain go?" Now they both understood why Chen Xinan was angry, how could they not be moved! But they also sincerely admired Kong Zhenjing, because there are not many policemen like this now. So Kong Zhenjing is their idol, and they don't want to see their idol embarrassed. Chen Xinan finally moved his feet, looked at Kong Zhenjing coldly, and said in a deep voice: "If I hadn't met Park Xiandong, you would be a dead man now!" Kong Zhenjing turned over and climbed up, supporting himself with his hands. After brushing off the dust on his body, he said in a hoarse voice: "The night before yesterday, Zaifeng jumped off the cross-sea bridge! If it hadn't been rescued in time, he might have..." Ping Hengjun and Wang Jixing were stunned. It was obvious that they didn't know about this. Kong Zhenjing raised his head and said in a trembling voice: "He is only 25 years old, still so young, but his future has been ruined! The Internet is full of curses against him, and his house has been splashed with paint. His prosecutor qualification has been revoked, and his girlfriend has broken up with him. Those who used to flatter him now treat him as a grandson, scold him, beat him, and humiliate him! He can't raise his head in this life, and his whole life has completely fallen into darkness. As a brother, what's wrong with me avenging him? But I still softened my heart. So I asked Xiandong to find you two. Seeing that you are safe and sound, I feel a little relieved..." Chen Xinan turned his head and looked at him and asked: "Then do you know why you feel guilty?" Kong Zhenjing was stunned. He didn't seem to have thought about this question carefully. Chen Xinan shouted angrily: "Because you also know that this matter cannot be blamed on them at all!

What is the reason for your brother's fate?

It is because of your family's pampering and spoiling, and because of your brother's protection and connivance.

And the person who caused his current situation is not them, but me!

You used your work to trick them to your side, looking for an opportunity to kill someone with a borrowed knife, and vent your anger for your brother. Originally, your motives were impure and your heart was ill-intentioned!"

Chen Xinan's words were like thunderbolts, ringing in Kong Zhenjing's ears.

Now he carefully recalled everything he had done before, and found that he had unknowingly done something wrong under the premise of being eager to avenge his brother!

After all, he is a policeman with justice in his heart, thinking about fulfilling his duties and worthy of his uniform.

He is not a bad person, but was blinded by heartache and hatred for a while.

Now that he was awakened by Chen Xinan, he really realized how outrageous he was wrong.

Fortunately, no big mistake was made, and the most undesirable consequence did not appear after all, which also made Kong Zhenjing feel relieved.

He turned around and walked in front of Ping Hengjun and Wang Jixing. He wanted to say something, but his face was burning and it was difficult to speak.

Seeing Chen Xinan squinting at him, Kong Zhenjing took a deep breath and said to the two:

"Ping Hengjun, Wang Jixing, I apologize to you for what happened today!

I just hope that you won’t have a bad impression of the anti-smuggling team because of my mistake.

They are all my good brothers and heroes who have contributed to the people of Dongchao! "

"I know!" Ping Hengjun and Wang Jixing nodded vigorously.

Although they were only seconded for two days, they were still attracted by this exciting work when they were with these people.

Moreover, when everyone is together, the relationship is much better than in the original unit.

After all, these are brothers of life and death. Once they go on a mission, they can rest assured to leave their backs to each other!

They like such a working atmosphere and such a stimulating and fulfilling life.

"Then..." Kong Zhenjing looked hesitant, looked at them and asked, "Are you willing to stay in the anti-smuggling team?

Don't worry about job transfers, I can talk to your leaders and ask for people directly!

If you don’t trust me as captain, I can put you in other teams..."

"Captain, we are willing!" Ping Hengjun said to Kong Zhenjing with excitement on his face: "We believe in you too!"

Wang Jixing also nodded hurriedly.

Chen Xin'an frowned slightly, looked at Kong Zhenjing and said, "I don't understand the personnel changes of Dongchao Police.

But I also know that asking them to join the anti-smuggling team is not something you, a small anti-smuggling captain, can do!

Also, you should go back and don’t participate in today’s matters.

This is not something you, the Guangtian police, can tolerate.

The driver of that truck is my brother, I have to intervene in this matter!

I don't trust you Mitsuda police, so don't let me do anything to you! "

Kong Zhenjing snorted, squinted at Chen Xin'an and said, "Of course a small anti-smuggling captain can't fall into your eyes.

But what if there is a red stone platform standing behind me? "

Chen Xin'an looked stern.

Hongshitai is the center of power of Dongchao, just like the Hexagonal Tower of Eagle Flag Country!

I didn’t expect that Kong Zhenjing’s background was so great!

But it's not surprising that he can easily second two prison guards to the anti-smuggling team, which already shows that he is not a simple anti-smuggling captain!

Kong Zhenjing looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Mr. Chen, since the delivery driver is your friend, then I will open the skylight and speak frankly!

I must hold that cart of goods in my hands and cannot give it to anyone!

That is a national treasure that belongs to us, Dongchao, and no one else has the right to own it.

So I have to intervene in this case, even if you want to stop it.

Unless you kill me now! "

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