Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2820 Are you here to date her?


This is the largest department store in Tianbei City, with a total of eight floors.

From affordable products to luxury goods counters, there is everything you need.

However, Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi were not in the mood to go shopping. After buying some clothes and shoes, they were ready to go back.

Standing on the escalator, Li Qi leaned into Chen Xin'an's ear and whispered: "Boss, there's something wrong with those guys behind you!"

Chen Xin'an didn't look back, but she knew who he was talking about.

Four or five young people have been following them for a long time. Every time Chen Xin'an pays the bill, they will stand aside, pretending to select goods, and peek into Chen Xin'an's wallet.

In order to reduce trouble, Chen Xin'an has been paying in cash since she came out today, without swiping a card.

This guy should be a thief, but when he saw three people around Chen Xin'an, he couldn't make a move and kept looking for opportunities.

They arrived on the first floor soon. Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman stood in front with their pockets in both hands.

Chen Xin'an was standing behind them with a bag in her right hand.

Not far behind Chen Xin'an, there were four young people who had been following them for a long time.

With a click, the escalator suddenly stopped.

But the people on the escalator screamed and fell forward with inertia!

The entire escalator instantly became a mess.

The moment the escalator stopped, Chen Xin'an also fell forward. She just grabbed the handrail next to her with her left hand to stabilize her body.

But the people behind him all rushed over and fell on top of him!

In the blink of an eye, a hand reached into Chen Xin'an's arms, and another pair of hands hugged his shoulders and strangled his arms.

Someone even grabbed the pocket in his right hand and tried to snatch it away too!

Coupled with the collision of four people, Chen Xin'an could not stabilize his body and was about to fall down the escalator!

The boy who reached out to steal the wallet had a victorious smile on his lips.

This trick was exactly what he came up with, and the person who pressed the emergency button was his brother.

After getting the wallet, they took away the new clothes and shoes. The three fat sheep were knocked down by four people, and they must have been hit hard.

At that point, I won’t even have the strength to stand up, let alone catch up with them and get their money back!

It's a pity that things didn't develop in the direction he imagined!

When the guy in front put his hand into Chen Xin'an's arms, he touched a hand before he even touched his wallet!

Chen Xin'an's hand that was originally holding the escalator reached into her arms at some point and grabbed this guy's wrist!

Another person hugged Chen Xin'an's shoulders, trying to strangle his arms so that he could not move.

This kid is the tallest and strongest among these people. Most people really can't suppress him.

It's a pity that he can't trap Chen Xin'an at all!

The opponent just squatted down, causing him to lose control of his body and roll over Chen Xin'an!

Originally, it was on the escalator, with the terrain high in the back and low in the front.

When Chen Xin'an squatted down, all the people behind him lost their support and fell forward screaming.

At the same time, the person who originally wanted to steal the wallet was grabbed by Chen Xin'an's arm and was thrown on his back!

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi in front had quickly turned aside and stood on both sides of the escalator, watching a group of people rolling down from it.

Not just the thieves, but also the tourists standing on the escalators higher up.

Chen Xin'an is not a saint. In this situation, it is impossible for him to use his body to catch a group of strangers.

Anyway, no one was killed by the fall, just some injuries.

The most unlucky ones were the four little thieves. They were originally thrown down by Chen Xin'an on purpose, and then they were pinned down by others and suffered a lot.

Some faces were covered with blood and they couldn't get up for a long time.

The guy who wanted to steal the wallet held his right arm with his left hand, and with a look of pain on his face, he stood up and glared at Chen Xin'an.

He wanted to rush forward and take action, but he saw Chen Xin'an looking at him with a smile but not a smile. He frowned, pointed at Chen Xin'an with his left hand, helped his companion up, and turned to leave.

Of course Chen Xin'an would not take such little thieves seriously, and ignored them. She took Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi down the escalator and left the mall.

The marathon is still going on and will end in the afternoon.

Chen Xin'an was not interested in this, so he hailed a taxi and returned to the hotel.

It was already noon. The three of them put their things in the room and went downstairs to the restaurant to have lunch.

After eating for half an hour, the three of them went upstairs. They vaguely heard the phone ringing in the room outside. Chen Xin'an quickly opened the door and went in, but the phone was silent.

Chen Xin'an immediately picked up the phone and called the main station via the internal line, asking if there had been any calls just now.

The voice of the receptionist was that of the one who checked in before, and Chen Xin'an now knew her name, Jin Xiuhe.

However, Jin Xiuhe said that no call came in, so Chen Xinan had to give up.

But I clearly heard the phone ringing, so why did the receptionist say no one was calling?

Li Qi walked to Chen Xin'an and said to him: "Boss, someone has entered the room!"

Chen Xin'an frowned, stood up and looked at the room.

Sure enough, there were signs of being tampered with, but the money was all on him and not lost.

But the newly bought clothes were missing.

What's even worse is that all the crossbows were stolen!

You can't keep this thing with you all the time. In order to deal with emergencies, the three of them did not disassemble it.

Everything was put in the rucksacks, and now all three rucksacks are gone!

Chen Xin'an turned around and came to the window. She glanced at the window, which was still closed tightly.

Turning his head, he said to Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi: "Aman goes to the rooftop, Aqi comes down to the parking lot, and we will meet at the main desk on the first floor in half an hour!"

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi responded and quickly turned around and left.

Chen Xin'an stood by the window, opened the curtains and looked outside. After five minutes, he turned around and walked out of the room.

In front of the bar on the first floor, Chen Xin'an smiled and said to the receptionist: "Excuse me, where is Miss Jin Xiuhe Jin? Shouldn't she be in her class now?"

The receptionist smiled and explained: "She had something to do and asked me to take over half an hour early.

You just left, you should be in the locker room now, right?

Sir, does Xiao Jin want to go on a date with you? "

Here, it is not uncommon for receptionist ladies or room attendants to be attracted by wealthy guests and take them out on dates.

The two female colleagues next to him were laughing, but there was a hint of jealousy in their eyes.

Chen Xin'an didn't explain, and asked with a smile: "Where is the locker room?"

The lady at the front desk pointed her finger at the back, pretending to be dissatisfied and said: "You'll be out in a moment, sir, can't you wait so long?"

Chen Xin'an laughed, turned and walked to the locker room.

There is an employee passage to the left of the counter, and the locker room is next to the corridor.

Originally, non-employees were not allowed to enter, let alone men entering the women's locker room, but this rule was basically ineffective in the Dongchao service industry.

Rich people are not bound by any rules at all, and everyone is not surprised.

Just as Chen Xin'an was about to push the door open, an aunt wearing a cleaner's uniform suddenly walked out.

Chen Xin'an quickly stood aside and let her go first.

The aunt lowered her head and walked out without even looking at Chen Xin'an.

But Chen Xin'an felt something was wrong. He turned his head to look at her and frowned.

This aunt is quite fashionable, wearing a uniform and high heels?

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and called out: "Jin Xiuhe!"

Auntie was shocked all over, but she didn't stop and instead sped up.

She seemed to hear Chen Xin'an's footsteps behind her, and she even lifted her legs and started running!

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