Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2826 You'd better do whatever you are told to do



The middle-aged man who jumped into the air and was about to kick Chen Xin'an on the head was kicked and sent flying three meters!

Fortunately, there were still many disciples below. He hit a few of them, and a group of them fell to the ground in a panic!

It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop!

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief.

The middle-aged man stood up in embarrassment, holding his stomach and shouting to Chen Xin'an with a red face: "Impossible, how could you see through my cheating?"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said with a look of disdain: "It's all bells and whistles but of no use!

You Eastern Chao people like to engage in flashy stuff like this the most!

If you haven't experienced actual combat, you won't understand the true power of kicking!

At your level, you still want me to deal with you with all my strength?

Are you qualified? "

"You!" The middle-aged man was ashamed and angry, and scolded Chen Xin'an: "How dare you underestimate me. Just now I was unprepared. Now I will let you see Dongchao Taekwondo..."

"There's so much nonsense! If you want to fight, just fight!" Chen Xin'an didn't bother to listen to what he had to say. She ducked and grabbed the long knife of the person next to her and threw it at the middle-aged man!

The man originally wanted to sneak up on Xiao Zhang and control him while Chen Xin'an was not paying attention.

This would be considered a great achievement!

Unexpectedly, before he could take action, Chen Xin'an snatched the long knife from his hand as if he had eyes on his back!

The swordsman looked at his empty hands, a little confused.

Where is my knife?

Seeing Chen Xin'an throwing his long knife at the curator, the swordsman's pants were almost wet!

If he stabbed the curator to death with his knife, he would be beaten to death by his fellow apprentices!

Fortunately, the curator was also smart, and he and the swordsmen beside him all rolled and crawled to avoid the knife, and he also breathed a long sigh of relief.

But the next second, Chen Xin'an kicked him on the head, knocking him unconscious!

The middle-aged man got up and looked at Chen Xin'an with fear in his eyes.

At this time, he didn't want to see Chen Xin'an's strength. He waved his hand and shouted to everyone around him: "Come together and chop him to death!"

A group of people did not obey the order. Although they shouted, their feet did not move even half a step forward.

This person is difficult to deal with!

Even the curator is no match for him. With his strength, there is no need to risk his life for that little salary.

Although they are also members of the Gym Alliance, the local gyms are less loyal to the Holy Master than those in Chaojing.

After all, he has never received the most direct benefit from the Saint Master.

Even if some support money is given to the gym, it falls into the hands of the gym director and has no direct relationship with them.

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Xiao Zhang: "Old Xiao, can you hold on while I carry you into the car?"

Xiao Zhang's head has swollen, but because of the suppression of the silver needle, his mind is still clear now.

He nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "No problem! Leave it to me later!"

"Just hold on tight!" Chen Xin'an bent down, took Xiao Zhang's arm, put him gently on his back, and said in a deep voice: "I will take you out!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards a swordsman next to him without any warning!

The swordsman was so frightened that he never imagined that Chen Xin'an would actually target him!

Before he could react, Chen Xin'an hit him with a knee on his stomach. He screamed in pain and arched his body like a shrimp.

His hand was empty, and the long knife had been snatched away by the opponent!

"Aman, Aqi, look for a car!" Chen Xin'an shouted.

"Received!" Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi responded at the same time, moving closer to Chen Xin'an.

The middle-aged man shouted angrily: "Stop them, don't let them go! Whoever hurts them will get a one-time reward of five million!"

"Your voice is ugly and I don't like it! So you'd better shut up!" A voice suddenly came from beside him.

The middle-aged man was startled and subconsciously kicked him from the side!

But the next second, his leg was intercepted in the air and kicked, almost breaking his thigh!

The middle-aged man howled miserably, staggered, and hugged his thigh.

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly, looked at him with disdain and said, "Kicking? I happen to know it too!"

Leg skills are not as good as lifting them high, because the higher you lift them, the bigger the gap becomes.

Remember? "

As he spoke, Luo Xiaoman kicked the middle-aged man in a row!

The middle-aged man was kicked so hard that he stepped back without even a chance to kick out.

Finally, he tripped and almost fell down!

Luo Xiaoman smashed his leg down, and the middle-aged man couldn't avoid it. He was knocked to the ground, and his whole chest felt as if he had been hit by a heavy stone!

Lying on the ground, the middle-aged man was hopeless.

He is the best leg master in the world!

Why are all the people I met today more perverted than him?

It doesn't matter if he can't beat Chen Xin'an. After all, he is the enemy designated by the Holy Master. If he doesn't have any strength, he can't afford this treatment.

But why is the person next to him so scary?

This leg skill is not inferior to him at all, and is even better in terms of sharpness!

The middle-aged man is not stupid. He can see that if he competes with the guy in front of him, he will not last two minutes!

There is no skill in the opponent's kick, it's just straight forward.

But the more such moves become, the harder it is to guard against them. If they say they kick you in the head, they will kick you in the head. There are no tricks at all!

Before he could get up, his ears hurt sharply.

With a scream, Luo Xiaoman grabbed the middle-aged man's ears and dragged him up from the ground!

On the other side, Li Qi also knocked down the two people next to him and dragged Dayu up from the ground.

Everyone retreated one after another, not daring to come forward.

One is the curator and master, and the other is the master's favorite apprentice.

Once these two people are restrained, everyone will lose their backbone and their fighting spirit will disappear.

"Don't kill me, I can't help myself!" Dayu's face turned pale and he begged Li Qi for mercy in a trembling voice.

Li Qi released him and turned around to leave.

There was a hint of murderous intent in Dayu's eyes. He took off the crossbow from his back and cursed at Li Qi: "Go to hell!"

But before he could pull the trigger, Li Qi suddenly kicked him backwards!

This kick happened to hit his right leg, which was already fractured. Daewoo, who gritted his teeth and held on to his body, let out a scream that was not like a human voice, and fell to the ground again.

Li Qi picked him up with his feet, turned him over, took the crossbow from his hand, and said lightly:

"You'd better not play tricks, otherwise you will taste what it is like to die even if you want to!"

He wanted to grab Daewoo's shoulders and lift him up, but at this moment Daewoo's right leg was completely deformed and he couldn't stand up at all.

Li Qi didn't care and simply grabbed his arm and dragged him to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Ask your people to drive the car over, and you come with us!"

The middle-aged man wanted to show his strength in front of all the disciples. He snorted coldly. Just as he was about to speak, Luo Xiaoman kicked him in the stomach!

He took two steps back, but his arm was grabbed by Luo Xiaoman.

As the other party exerted force, the middle-aged man immediately felt that something was wrong and shouted: "Don't do it..."

It's a pity that Luo Xiaoman didn't listen at all, and broke his wrist with a click!

"Ah!" The middle-aged man screamed loudly, but the other party kicked him twice in front of his thigh.

The soreness instantly made him unable to stand, and he fell to his knees with a plop!

Luo Xiaoman scolded impatiently: "You'd better not talk nonsense, I don't understand and I don't want to hear it!

You do whatever I ask you to do, otherwise I will destroy your legs immediately! "

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