Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2831 Our opportunity lies with him


A black car rushed over quietly but swiftly!

Chen Xin'an pulled Wen Xiuying aside, Luo Xiaoman also kicked Ma Zaiyin away, jumped up, and stepped on the hood of the car!

His body turned somersaults in the air, and then stood firmly on the ground.

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the ground again. It was terrible!

Ma Zaiyin was kicked away by Luo Xiaoman, but Han Yu had no one to care about him.

The unlucky guy was hit in the head by the car and his brains were squeezed out!

Fortunately, I was still in a coma before I died, and I didn't feel any pain. I just burped in confusion!

The black car missed hitting anyone and tried to turn around and hit him again.

But in the modern business car parked not far away, an arm was stretched out, holding a crossbow in his hand.

With a buzzing sound, a crossbow arrow penetrated the windshield and smacked into the driver's forehead!

The man in the passenger seat hurriedly tried to unbuckle the driver's seat belt, but Chen Xin'an had already rushed over.


He broke the passenger window with one punch, grabbed the man's hair, and pulled half of his body out of the car!

At the same time, the man in the back seat of the car stretched out his arm, holding a gun in his hand, and wanted to aim at Chen Xin'an.

But because the front passenger was blocked by the passenger, he had no choice but to shake his arms and look for another angle.

Chen Xin'an didn't give him this time. She grabbed the co-pilot's hair with one hand and the hand holding the pistol with the other, pressed it down, and then pulled the trigger.

A man who originally wanted to get out of the car door from the other side and attack Chen Xin'an was shot three times in the back and fell to the ground dead!

Chen Xin'an used both hands to forcefully drag the two people out of the car, and then pushed them together in the middle. With a bang, the two people collided hard, and blood spattered!

The two of them didn't even make a sound, they completely passed out!

Looking at the two people who were thrown to the ground casually, Ma Zaiyin said with a trembling voice with lingering fear:

"They are from the headquarters of the Chaojing Gym Alliance, I have seen them!

This is a loyal supporter of the Holy Master! "

According to Hua Xia, these people should be the dead men of the hermit!

Chen Xin'an said coldly: "How many supporters like them are there?"

Ma Zaiyin glanced at Han Yu, whose head had been shot on the ground, and said sadly:

"All the direct descendants are! There are about three to five hundred people!"

Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes, Luo Xiaoman was still angry and cursed: "Old Chen, how can you bear this?

That old Yinbi didn't come over at all, he must be hiding in a corner of Chaojing, letting these idiots come and die!

I think we should go directly to Chaojing, dig out that big rat and crush it to death!

Otherwise we won't be able to leave at all! "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said to him: "Go back to Guangtian City first!"

Xiao Zhang is injured and cannot stay here for long.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman got into the car, and Modern Business drove away quickly.

Looking at the back of the business car, Ma Zaiyin gritted his teeth and cursed: "Don't leave if you have the guts! If you stay a little longer, I'll skin you two!"

Wen Xiuying sighed and said to him: "Uncle, let's go help. We have to be ruthless to deal with those people from the association!"

Ma Zaiyin looked at her with wide eyes and said in disbelief: "My child, you don't really want to cooperate with him, do you?

Just make a show of it. In a few days, my uncle will apologize to the General League and say that he was forced to do it and acted on the occasion, so it will be fine! "

"Then what?" Wen Xiuying looked at Ma Zaiyin and said, "You still give almost half of your hard-earned money to the Holy Master every year?

But when we were in trouble, what did the Holy Master give us?

The last time you fought against the Chaoji Gym, what did the Gym Alliance do?

Even if they hit fifty big boards each, I won’t say anything!

But it's obviously our Qingsong's business, but just because Chaoji has two direct descendants, we are asked to pay compensation to others!

Why! "

Ma Zaiyin showed an angry expression on his face. He turned his head, looked at the bloody Han Yu on the ground, and sighed heavily:

"Silly boy, if you want to be passed down personally, why don't you just tell me directly?

Do you think I will stop you?

As long as you remember that I, the master, brought you here, that is enough!

Why hide it from me and betray me?

If you end up like this, it's all your own fault! "

Wen Xiuying glanced at the corpse on the ground with disdain, and said to Ma Zaiyin: "Uncle, why do you care about such a white-eyed wolf who eats everything in and out?

Let's quickly get rid of the guys from the Gym Alliance, and then you go to Guangtian City with me! "

Ma Zaiyin was stunned, looked at him with a strange expression and asked, "Why are you going to Guangtian City?

Once that Chen Xin'an goes back, Guangtian City will definitely be in chaos!

If we mix in, aren't we afraid of getting into trouble? "

Wen Xiuying narrowed her eyes and snorted: "The more chaotic the better! Uncle, believe me, if we want to achieve our goal, we must seize Chen Xin'an as a foreign aid!

I had a premonition that this was the chance to get rid of the Holy Master completely.

If we stand in the right position, our profits this time will be more than expected! "

Ma Zaiyin looked at her in disbelief and said: "Xiuying, do you really think that this Chinese can defeat the Holy Master?

If we are wrong, we will have no place in Dongchao! "

Wen Xiuying gritted her teeth, nodded vigorously and said, "I believe it, I think our opportunity this time lies with him!

So I think this one is worth the gamble!

And it’s not just this battle that I’m interested in!

As long as we can bring Chen Xin'an back to China, our future profits will be much greater than if he died in Dongchao!

Uncle, whether it is Xinghai Group or Qingsong Gym, being stuck in a small place like Dongchao is really too limited.

If we want to break through, China is an indispensable market.

Chen Xin'an has the ability to make us a lot of money.

The premise is that we have to show enough sincerity!

Uncle, believe me, I have never lied to you in these years! "

Ma Zaiyin was silent for a few minutes, and finally slapped his thigh and said, "Okay, I'll bet with you again!

Let's go! "

It's just that I haven't come back for a day and a night, but Guangtian City seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes!

Entering the city is not troublesome, but if you want to get out after entering, you have to pass many levels!

Moreover, many temporary checkpoints have been added on the streets to randomly check passing vehicles.

The always busy main road was now deserted, as if the whole city had been emptied out overnight.

In fact, you can guess it without asking. These are Moon Jae-hoon's masterpieces.

He has gone completely crazy. He combined all the resources he could mobilize and launched a large-scale search of Guangtian City!

"Boss, should we go to the hospital or go directly back to the apartment?" Li Qi turned around and asked Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an looked out the window and said to him: "Don't go anywhere, just find a shopping mall to stop!"

The car quickly stopped in the underground parking lot of Guangtian City Dongcheng Shopping Mall.

Chen Xin'an took out her mobile phone and called Luo Qianhe. The call was quickly answered. Before Chen Xin'an could speak, Luo Qianhe said anxiously:

"Brother, don't go back to the apartment!

We have all come out and are now in the college area.

The hospital is temporarily safe, but people from the Wen family are keeping an eye on it day and night! "

Chen Xin'an asked: "Is everyone at home okay? Are you safe now?"

Luo Qianhe said: "This is the university living area, which is relatively safe.

Elaine, I, and the Shen sisters are all here.

It’s all up to Sister Nanzhu to run a stall to help us cover it! "

Chen Xin'an asked strangely: "Where are Liu Zhiyan and Wen Chengmin?"

Luo Qianhe said with guilt: "They were captured by the Wen family!"

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