Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 279 The king of thieves versus the king of thieves

This script is wrong!

Aren't you supposed to be moved by our loyalty, develop a good impression of us, accept us as your younger brothers regardless of past grievances, and from then on enjoy a good life and reach the pinnacle of life?

How come you just kicked people out!

Chen Xin'an snorted, without even looking at them, and cursed: "You are such a big person, and you still don't know right from wrong, right from wrong!

Do you regard collaborating and committing evil and causing harm as some great event, and do you still think that your brother is the one who takes the lead in loyalty?

Such people are bad and stupid. If they fall into my hands, I must deal with them and give them a long memory! "

Hua She and others were so frightened that they dared to hide it!

"Someone gave us 10,000 yuan and asked us to go to several companies every night to do some damage, steal something, etc..."

Chen Xin'an stretched out her hand and said to him: "Give me the list!"

Hua She hesitated for a moment, then Guan Qi came over and kicked him in the stomach. Hua She fell to the ground and rolled over. After standing up, she honestly took out a piece of paper.

Chen Xin'an opened the list and asked, "Who asked you to do this?"

"I don't know you! The accent doesn't sound local. I only know that my surname is Lu!" Hua She didn't dare to play tricks and confessed honestly.

Chen Xin'an hummed, nodded and said, "You're selling your brother out now? Didn't you show loyalty just now? It's not safe for you, the wallflowers, to follow anyone! It's so unprincipled!"

Flower Snake: "..."

Depend on! Flip the table!

Anyway, you are right, right? Can you play with others like this if you can fight?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is really possible...

"I'll go!" Chen Xin'an suddenly screamed when looking at the list, because Liangmao Liquor Company was on the list!

Your uncle, you even dare to cause trouble in my woman's company. I feel like you are really seeking death!

Suddenly thinking of something, Chen Xin'an asked Hua She, "Is the man named Lu you just mentioned an old man in his sixties?"

Hua She shook her head and said, "I don't know!"

"I don't know!" Chen Xin'an stared at him and cursed: "They gave you 10,000 yuan, and you say you don't know what he is like?"

Hua She nodded and said, "We were all contacted by phone. The 10,000 yuan was also sent by someone else. He never showed up!"

This guy didn't lie.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "Is the person who gave you money a man or a woman?"

"Woman! She's very coquettish, wearing a short skirt, and has a great figure!" Hua She looked like she was about to drool.

Chen Xin'an looked at him and asked, "Is she a woman with charming eyes and a big mouth?"

Hua She said with a surprised look on her face: "I didn't expect you'd seen it before! Yes, that's her! Am I right? Isn't this woman very coquettish? That figure..."

He stretched out his hands and gestured with a wicked smile on his face. When he saw Chen Xin'an and Guan Qi looking at him as if they were stupid, their smiles immediately froze on their faces.

Lu Bowen!

This old turtle is hiding very well!

I thought the matter had been exposed and the old guy had run away.

I never expected that he was still hiding in Dongshan and was still causing trouble!

What is he going to do?

The phone vibrated suddenly. Chen Xin'an took it out and saw an unknown number.

Chen Xin'an handed the phone to Guan Qi and asked him to help answer it, and then asked Hua She, "Do you know where that woman lives?"

Hua She shook her head and said to him: "We all met at the coffee shop. We met three times in total. Each time, I left first and then she left. I don't know where she lives!"

"Ah! You are so sick!" Guan Qi, who answered the phone, suddenly shouted and almost threw the phone away, which shocked everyone!

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "What did you do to be so surprised?"

Guan Qi hung up the phone and handed it to Chen Xin'an, "harassing phone call!"

You seem to be telling a story!

Will there be harassing calls on my mobile phone? I have never used this number for this business or that business, so there are very few harassing calls.

Sure enough, the number that I just hung up on called again.

This time Chen Xin'an answered the call herself. As soon as she pressed the answer button, a sinister voice came from the other side: "Hello..."

This voice sounded like it was coming from hell, without any emotion at all, and it didn't even sound like it was coming from a human being!

The sound is ethereal and terrifying. Even a grown man would be a little creepy hearing it at night!

Now Chen Xin'an also understood why Guan Qi called out just now. It was indeed a bit scary to suddenly receive such a call in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an never does anything wrong and is not afraid of ghosts calling the door. I never believed this, so I cursed into the phone:

"Do you want to die? Did you hit me with a harassing phone call?

Not a harassing call?

So why are you so weird here?

You have no strength?

Are you starving to death? No energy at night?

Just had surgery?

What's wrong with you just having surgery...just having surgery? Who are you?

Meng Fei?

do not know!

Your apprentice is Xiaojiu...

I go!

Stealing the king! "

After working on it for a long time, it was the old man in the hospital who had just finished the operation! Xiaojiu’s master stole Wang Mengfei!

No wonder he is as sinister as a ghost. He just climbed back from the Naihe Bridge today. Where can he find the strength to speak?

Chen Xin'an was a little embarrassed, laughed twice, and said to Meng Fei: "Why did you call me if you didn't stay in the hospital bed? How did you know my number?

Xiaojiu told you? Then if you have anything to do, just ask Xiaojiu to tell me!

What did you say? "

Chen Xin'an suddenly straightened his body, raised his voice and said, "Xiaojiu hasn't come back yet?

She had already left after seven o'clock!

Just go back and leave after an hour?

You don’t know where he went?

Who to follow? International King of Thieves? "

At this moment, Chen Xin'an noticed that Jin Dazhu's expression changed at his feet. He narrowed his eyes and said to Meng Fei: "Okay, Lao Meng, I will go find Xiao Jiu. You can rest in peace and recover!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an squatted next to Jin Dazhu, looked at him coldly and said: "The three of you came to China together.

Now two of them have appeared. If you said you didn't kill Miyamoto Sai, then he was killed by the third person, right?

What is the name of this third person? "

Jin Dazhu's eyes rolled around, and just when he was about to speak, Chen Xin'an took out a cloth bag from his body, then pulled out two silver needles and stuck them in Jin Dazhu's head!

"Ah! My head is going to explode! Pull it out quickly! What is this! Please stop torturing me, I'm almost dead, let me go quietly!" Jin Dazhu howled loudly. With.

Chen Xin'an pulled out the silver needle and scolded him with a dissatisfied look: "You are too weak!

Miyamoto Sai can hold on for at least five minutes, but thirty seconds is not enough for you!

Do you still have the nerve to say you are tougher than others? "

Jin Dazhu said with runny nose and tears: "When Miyamoto Zai endured this, were his internal organs also injured?"

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, nodded and said, "I'm also injured!"

"Then I can hold on for five minutes!" Jin Dazhu looked like he was willing to die generously.

Chen Xin'an held the silver needle and said, "I'll satisfy you!"

Just as he was about to take the injection, Jin Dazhu collapsed and said, "Forget it! I really can't hold on any longer!"

I'm in so much pain, I really want to die! I've got it all!

The third person is the international thief king, Chahongtu! Tailan people! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with contempt on his face and said, "Where has he gone now?"

Jin Dazhu said with a grimace: "Liangmao Liquor Industry!"

Your uncle!

Chen Xin'an immediately said to Guan Qi: "I'll go to the company first and I'll be back before dawn. I'll leave this place to you! And you guys!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Hua She and the others and said, "Give you a chance to atone for your sins! Find me the man named Lu tonight. If he succeeds, I will arrange errands for you in the future!"

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