Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2833 She is different from those women


Indeed, Moon Jae-hun wanted to let Moon Cheng-min die and Moon Xiu-ying die, so that everything in the Moon family would belong to him alone.

However, this kind of plan can only be thought of behind the back, and it must be done quietly. It must not be said on the stage.

No one is willing to sacrifice their life for a cold-blooded bastard who has lost all family ties and has no humanity!

That's simply worse than a beast.

So Moon Chengmin shouted it out in front of everyone, and Moon Jaehun couldn't do it anymore if he wanted to do it!

And he didn't expect that this guy who had always been cowardly and incompetent would dare to talk to him with such an attitude and tone.

For a moment, he was a little confused.

After taking a deep breath of cigarette, Moon Jae-hun squinted his eyes, looked at Moon Sung-min with a straight face and cursed:

“Third brother, what nonsense are you talking about!

You are my brother, why would I want to kill you?

You know how important that truck is to me and the entire Wen family.

Since this woman’s brother hid the goods in the truck, what’s wrong with me asking her to inquire about the situation? "

Moon Sung Min threw away the stick in his hand, took off his coat, turned around and wrapped it around Yoo Ji Yeon, shook his head and said:

"The one who hid the cargo was not her brother, but the driver who pretended to be mute!

And you should have found out that the driver is Chen Xin'an!

They took control of the Liu brothers and sisters, used their sister as a hostage, and asked their brother to help them sneak into Haichao Company.

But they never believed Ji Yan's brother, so every time something happened, they never let her brother know the whole plan.

Even if you beat Zhiyan to death, you still have no way of knowing the whereabouts of the cargo.

Because she really doesn’t know, not even her brother knows! "

Moon Jae-hun squinted his eyes, looked at Moon Cheng-min and said, "Third brother, you seem to be very nervous about this woman?

I know you can't walk when you see a beautiful woman, but you don't know what the situation is now!

When I find that truck, I will deliver whatever kind of woman you want.

Now for the sake of the Wen family, don’t act nonsense! "

"Brother, I beg you, let Ji Yan go!" Moon Sung Min's eyes were red, and he knelt down facing Moon Jae Hoon, crying:

"I was held hostage by Chen Xin'an, and I spent every day in fear. I was afraid that the gang would kill me if their purpose of exchanging hostages was not achieved.

In those days, it was Zhiyan who took good care of me.

Like me, she was also held hostage by those bastards.

We are together, care about each other, take care of each other, and we have come to where we are today.

Brother, I'm in love with her!

I did love to play before, but the feeling Zhiyan gave me was different from those women!

She is very important to me, for her, I can give up everything! "

"Really?" Moon Jae-hun looked at Moon Sung-min with a sneer.

Moon Sung-min, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his right hand and said to Moon Jae-hun: "As long as you can let Ji-yeon go, I am willing to give up my identity in the Moon family.

I left the Wen family and did not enjoy all the property and benefits of the Wen family.

If you still don’t believe it, you can draft a contract right away and I’ll sign it! "

There was a hint of surprise in Wen Zaixun's eyes, but it only flashed past.

He immediately straightened his face, walked over and helped Wen Chengmin up, frowned and said:

"Third brother, don't talk nonsense!

You are my brother, how can you leave the Wen family?

I'm not forcing you to give up your property. Don't let others make irresponsible remarks about me! "

"I volunteered!" Moon Chengmin stood up, picked up a knife next to him, cut the rope on Liu Jiyeon's body, then held her in his arms, looked at Moon Jae-hun and said:

"As long as I can be with her, I can give up everything!

Let us go, okay? "

Moon Jae-hun stared at Moon Sung-min closely, as if he wanted to see if he was acting.

Moon Chengmin looked at him without blinking. This look made Moon Jae-hun feel a little strange.

That former waste actually had such courage?

Just because of the woman in front of me?

In fact, Moon Jae-hun also knew very well that Liu Ji-yeon really didn't know where Liu Min-yong was. He just wanted to find someone to vent the increasingly evil fire in his heart.

Now that the third child has given up on the Wen family for this woman, it saves him a lot of trouble, and the evil fire has finally dissipated a lot.

He grinned, nodded and said to Wen Chengmin: "Yes, my third child has indeed grown up, don't talk nonsense about leaving the Wen family.

The blood of the Wen family flows in your bones, so you will be a Wen family member when you are born, and a ghost of the Wen family when you die.

Since you vouch for it, I believe what she said. She did not know anything about it.

Guangtian City is not at peace during this period, so you two should not stay here.

I'll send someone to take you to your hometown in the countryside!

You guys stay there for a while, and I'll take you back after I finish solving things here! "

Moon Chengmin looked at Moon Jae-hun, without any hesitation, lowered his head and said: "Thank you, brother!"

Wen Zaixun smiled slightly, winked at the thugs beside him, and asked someone to send the two of them out.

After everyone left, Wen Zaixun's face sank.

The thug on the side came to his side and whispered: "Mr. Wen, when we get to the countryside, do you want me to find an opportunity to kill the third young master..."

He didn't continue speaking, but he slashed his palm down, making a beheading motion.


Moon Jae-hun slapped him in the face and cursed: "Then it's my brother, what do you want to do?"

The thug quickly apologized, covered his face and took two steps back.

It's not that Moon Jae-hun really cares about brotherly love, but that if he wants to kill Moon Soo-young, he can't do anything to Moon Sung-min again.

Otherwise, if all his brothers and sisters are killed by him, in the eyes of others, he will really be worse than a beast!

Moreover, Wen Chengmin has voluntarily given up everything in the Wen family. If he wants to kill everyone, he will feel a little less human.

Walking to the window, Moon Jae-hun opened the curtains and said through gritted teeth:

"Sure enough, Chen Xin'an is responsible for everything! Old Ding, you personally lead the team tonight and dig out all Chen Xin'an's people for me!

If Chen Xin'an doesn't use that truck of goods in exchange, I will kill one person a day and kill everyone who has anything to do with him! "

Ding Taiyou trembled and wanted to say something, but when he saw Moon Jae-hun's ferocious face, his heart trembled and he quickly nodded in agreement.

At this moment, there was a sound of hurried running outside, and someone knocked open the door. He panted and said to Moon Jae-hun, "Mr. Moon, no, it's not good! The warehouse is on fire!"

Moon Jae-hun walked over with a straight face, kicked the opponent's leg, and scolded him: "Why are you so panicked? If there's a fire, go put out the fire. What's the use of coming here!"

The man was kicked and wanted to go out dejectedly. Ding Taiyou shouted to him: "Wait a minute! Which warehouse is on fire?"

The man quickly said: "It's Sancang!"

"Sancang?!" Wen Zaixun and Ding Taiyou shouted in unison.

Then Moon Jae-hun got furious and yelled: "What the hell are you doing here? Come out and put out the fire!"

If you lose the contents, I will skin you! "

The raging fire surrounded the entire warehouse. What was strange was that even though such a huge flame was burning, the factory did not call the fire truck, but only used its own fire-fighting equipment to put out the fire.

Even the fire truck itself came to the gate. The company actually sent a large group of people to block the fire truck and refused to let it in!

The terrible thing is that after the fire burned for more than an hour, a deflagration occurred.

The violent explosion shattered all the glass within hundreds of meters nearby, and the entire warehouse and surrounding buildings were completely destroyed!

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