Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2848 I have a bad temper


The fighting on the ship continued, with constant gunfire.

Jin Enzai's men and the Flying Star Team are still at odds with each other. The crew members are all hiding in the cabin and dare not show their heads.

Chen Xin'an turned his head, looked at Mo Feiren hiding in the corner and said, "Okay, you can come out and take me to find those goods!"

Mo Feiren walked out tremblingly, looking at the corpse on the ground with an even more frightened expression. He glanced at Chen Xin'an cautiously, and then followed him forward.

After taking a few steps, Chen Xin'an heard a subtle clicking sound from behind, like the safety of a pistol being turned on.

He stopped, stood there, and said coldly: "I knew you weren't a good person either!

I was fighting with those two Itto-ryu swordsmen just now, and you were sneaking around, trying to aim your gun at me, but you just didn't find the chance!

Tell me, who are you? "

Mo Feiren behind him pointed his pistol at Chen Xin'an's head and said with a cold snort:

“No one is allowed to destroy the route we finally took!

If you want to snatch these white goods, you will die! "

Chen Xin'an wanted to turn around, but she heard Mo Feiren behind him shout: "Don't move!

If you dare to move, I will blow your head off with my gun!

Tell me, who sent you?

Is it Da Ying or Dong Chao?

If you want white goods, I can send them to you specially.

But if you want to rob it, you are courting death! "

It turns out that this guy regarded Chen Xin'an and his gang as gangsters trying to steal white goods!

There were not only black goods on this freighter, but also white goods. Chen Xin'an already knew this information.

Chen Xin'an asked in confusion: "In this case, why did you conflict with the Flying Star Team?"

The Holy Master is ambitious and greedy.

He wanted both the gun and the medicine. Since the Flying Star Team was arranged, why did he get involved with these drug-selling Murphys?

The Mo Fei Ren snorted and cursed: "Those bastards want to ruin our deal and don't want these white goods to enter Dongchao.

Along the way, we lied to them that the white goods could be forwarded to Da Ying. Unexpectedly, we were about to leave the high seas, and they still wanted us to give up those things! "

Chen Xin'an asked strangely: "Who are you giving your white goods to?"

Mo Feiren cursed impatiently: "Shut up! You don't need to know so much!

You are not the real coast guard. Tell me who sent you? "

Chen Xin'an sighed and shook his head.

Mo Feiren sneered coldly and cursed: "Who came up with the idea of ​​pretending to be an anti-smuggling coast guard?

It's so stupid and full of holes!

You are really a bunch of fools for being found out so quickly! "

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "Actually, we didn't even think about getting through, as long as we can get on the ship smoothly!"

Mo Feiren sneered and said: "You are really stupid to say that you are stupid. What will happen even if you are allowed to get on the ship?

You can't defeat those Flying Stars bastards, and we won't let you succeed!

Although those bastards are indeed not good people, they just want to prevent us from unloading goods in Dongchao, not to kill us all.

On the other hand, it is simply impossible for you fake Coast Guards to leave this ship alive! "

"Really?" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and turned around suddenly!

Mo Feiren was shocked and immediately pulled the trigger and shot Chen Xin'an in the head.

But a scene that shocked him appeared!

The man suddenly tilted his head at the same time as the gunfire sounded!

The movement was so fast that it left a blurry afterimage in his eyes, even making him wonder if he had seen it wrong.

But the next second, his right hand holding the gun was grabbed. Before he could react, there was a crisp click and his wrist had been broken off!

"Ah!" He screamed with his mouth wide open. Although the pistol was not taken away, he could no longer shoot with this hand!

Chen Xin'an stood in front of Mr. Murphy, looked at him coldly and said, "Who told you that it would be useless to get on the boat?"

He grabbed Mo Feiren's throat, narrowed his eyes and said, "You only have one chance to live, don't waste it!

Tell me, where are those white goods sent? "

Mo Feiren only felt that his throat was stuck and it was difficult to breathe, but he strangely did not delay speaking, but his voice sounded a little strange.

"My surname is Yuan, but I don't know my real name. Someone will come to pick her up after she lands, we just need to hand over her!

Thor was responsible for talking to those people, but he had been beaten to death by the Flying Stars! "

Surname Yuan?

Yuan Jinghai?

The second boss of Chaojing Yaohan?

This is interesting.

The black goods belong to Li Guangmin, and the white goods belong to Yuan Jinghai.

They are all from Chaojing Yaohan, and they are also the business of the Holy Master.

But they all wanted to destroy each other, which resulted in a situation where the people on the ship were in opposition and in the same boat.

The strange thing is that it is impossible for the Holy Master not to know about the contradiction between them, so why would he put them on the same cargo ship?

The Mo Feiren in front of this question definitely couldn't answer this question. Chen Xin'an didn't waste his time. He waved his arm and said to him:

“Take me to find those goods, you know where they are, so you better not talk nonsense to me.

I have a bad temper. If you make me angry, you will never get any good results! "

Mo Feiren covered his neck and stumbled forward a few steps, lowering his head and walking towards the cargo area.

In fact, Luo Xiaoman had just come over and said that the goods had been found.

Chen Xinan was now coercing this Mofei man just to make sure.

After all, it was troublesome and dangerous to dismantle the container at sea, so try to do as little useless work as possible.

"Cease fire!" The loud speaker on the ship suddenly sounded, and a sharp shout came, still in Chinese.

Chen Xinan looked helpless. Luo Xiaoman, this guy, actually went to occupy the central control room.

Most of the people on the ship did not understand, but they guessed what it meant.

Originally, they had not paid attention, but the next second, several black shadows flew up and slammed on the container!

Those were the bodies of Brother Yingshuo and two masters of the one-sword style.

Li Qi's hands were stained with blood. He stood on a high place and clapped his hands, looking coldly at the group of people hiding in the container passage.

"It's Brother Yingshuo! There are also two escort officers, they are all dead!"

Someone shouted, and the surroundings were deadly quiet.

Brother Yingshuo was their leader, and his death meant that there was no leader.

The two escort officers were the most skilled in the escort team and the backbone of everyone.

Once they died, the entire escort team became a mess, with no fighting power at all!

A masked man climbed to a high place, holding a stolen gun and firing a burst of bullets at the sky, shouting loudly: "Surrender your guns, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

The people of the Flying Star team were pale and hesitant.

Finally, someone couldn't bear the pressure, raised his gun with both hands above his head, and shouted loudly: "I surrender, don't shoot!"

Someone took the lead, and the others followed suit.

We are all escorts, not dead soldiers, and there is no need to sacrifice our lives for a ship of goods!

More and more people came out with guns in their hands, put the guns in their hands on the open ground, and then squatted down with their heads in their arms.

The masked man waved his hand, and the "coastal police" rushed up, picked up the guns on the ground, and after checking, they immediately turned the muzzles and aimed at the people of the Flying Star team!

Chen Xinan had already led the Murphys through the crowd and came to the cargo area.

Li Qi followed and stood beside the Mo Feiren.

At this time, the Mo Feiren also knew that the situation was over. If he dared to conceal it, his life would be in danger.

He immediately pointed at the containers, one by one.

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