Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2850 You can’t leave until I catch the wind for you


The successful completion of this operation mainly relied on the accuracy of Sister Hua's intelligence.

Moreover, with the help of Wang Jixing, coupled with the complicated forces on the freighter, which were at odds with each other and had a guilty conscience, Chen Xin'an and others took advantage of the situation.

Chen Xin'an and others quickly returned to Guangtian City. After the people and goods disembarked, they hired a crew member to drive the anti-smuggling boat to Chaojing Ze Shenzhen Port.

All the unique markings on the ship have been polished or damaged. This is an ordinary retired anti-smuggling ship, but it has the same number and does not have any signs of the anti-smuggling team.

But since it was found along the Chaojing coastline, it can only be assumed that it belongs to the Chaojing Anti-Smuggling Brigade.

After receiving the call from the freighter, Chaojing Yaohan and Li Guangmin drove to the beach to pick up the ship.

Seeing that all the black goods had disappeared, Li Guangmin was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

An hour later, the cargo ship that was unloading suddenly stopped. The Chaojing anti-smuggling team came and seized five containers containing the white goods.

However, when the anti-smuggling team was preparing to take away the white goods, a group of unidentified people suddenly attacked the anti-smuggling team's vehicle.

The white goods were snatched away, and most of the anti-smuggling team members were killed or injured!

That night, two warehouses in Zeshen Port were burned down, and a large amount of goods were turned into ashes. These were all the property of Chaojing Yaohan!

The two major factions of Chaojing Yaohan, Li Guangmin and Yuan Jinghai, officially declared war. From time to time, scenes of one group of people chasing and killing another group of people appeared on the streets of Chaojing.

However, it was only chaotic for one night, and the next day both sides calmed down. I don't know if they shook hands and made peace, but they no longer took action.

In Room 2208 of Chaojing Liska Hotel, Jin Enzai looked at the news on his mobile phone, threw it aside indifferently, and said to Zheng Zaizhong beside him:

"Prepare the car, we will return to Guangtian City later!"

Zheng Zaizhong and Jin Xiu looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

"Boss, we haven't seen anyone yet, are we leaving like this?"

Jin Enzai waved his hand and said: "No need to see you, he won't come back, and something will happen if you wait any longer!

Brother Yanjun is right, the Holy Master has already intervened in this matter!

It is beyond our power to bring the situation to its present state.

The Holy Master is not a fool and will not let those two guys fight to the death.

After all, he was the one who suffered the greatest loss.

The goal has been achieved and the seeds have been planted. We don’t need to worry about how it will develop. Let’s go! "

Although Zheng Zaizhong and Jin Xiu felt it was a pity, they did not dare to disobey the boss's order. The three of them immediately checked out of the room and drove back to Guangtian City.

After they hid the black goods yesterday afternoon, they drove to Chaojing.

Returning to their old place, the three of them were not in the mood for sightseeing. First they burned down Li Guangmin's warehouse and then smashed up a video game mall in Yuan Jinghai.

This directly caused Li Guangmin and Yuan Jinghai to tear off their disguises and start fighting!

The three of them were hiding in the dark, constantly fanning the flames, causing the two factions to fight harder and harder, and even fired guns on the streets of Chaojing!

This is a situation that has not happened in Chaojing for decades.

The entire Chaojing officialdom was mobilized, and interviews with senior officials of the two major factions failed to suppress the fire.

In the end, it was the Holy Master who personally intervened to stabilize the situation and stop the fighting.

Originally, Jin Enzai wanted to make an appointment with a senior executive of Chaojing Yaohan.

He was considered the third in command and had a relatively close relationship with the Jin family back then.

If Li Guangmin and Yuan Jinghai fight this time and both sides suffer, then it is not impossible that the Jin family will quietly enter the game and then control Chao Jing Yaohan again.

However, due to the mediation of the Holy Master, the situation did not achieve the expected results, so the senior executive did not dare to show up, and Jin Enzai also saw that the situation was not good and ran away.

Just as they were about to leave the city, the car suddenly came to a screeching halt.

Jin Enzai, who had closed his eyes to rest, opened his eyes and saw several cars stopped on the road ahead, and there were many figures moving on both sides.

"Boss, something is wrong!" Jin Xiu, who was driving, whispered and gestured to the back.

There is a gun in the trunk, and you can reach right over from the back seat to get it.

In order not to attract attention, Jin Enzai did not bring too many people to Chaojing this time, just the two of them.

But there are guys in the car who can handle danger.

Without saying a word, Zheng Zaizhong turned around and bent down to lift a box from the trunk. There were three pistols and two boxes of ammunition in it.

Those black goods were not taken.

Chen Xin'an said not to let those goods show up for the time being until he leaves.

It's not that he's afraid of causing trouble, but it's to prevent the Holy Master's revenge.

When he left Dongchao, it was also the time when he had settled his grudges with the Holy Master.

If you use those black goods again, you won’t have so many scruples.

"It's Li Guangmin's people!" Jin Xiu suddenly shouted, suddenly slammed the gas pedal, and then quickly pulled the steering wheel full!

At the same time, a ball of flame rushed towards me!

With a crash, a burning glass bottle hit the windshield, and the flames immediately blocked the view of the people in the car.

Jin Xiu didn't dare to delay. He looked at the windows on both sides and suddenly stopped and turned around!

Suddenly there was a gunshot outside. The bullet penetrated the glass, grazed Jin Xiu's ear and entered the seat behind, and then hit Jin Enzai's head in the seat.

Fortunately, while making a U-turn, Zheng Jaejoong had already held down Jin Eunzai's head, lowering his upper body and hiding him between the front and rear seats!

The car had turned around completely. Jin Xiu stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed out with a roar. The tires rubbed against the ground and raised a cloud of white smoke.

But at this moment, the car braked suddenly and stopped again.

It turned out that there were many vehicles behind, blocking the way completely!

The back door of a car opened, and Park Jinmin, who was wearing a suit, walked down, then walked over step by step, wiped his nose and said:

"Brother Eun Jae, why didn't you inform your brothers when you came to Chaojing?

Or did you come yesterday afternoon?

If it wasn't for President Han reporting to President Li, I wouldn't know that Brother Eun Jae was back!

You are going to leave before welcoming Brother Eun Jae?

That won't do, President Li will blame us!"

Jin Eun Jae's face was ashen, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Han Jinxi, this bastard!"

The person he was waiting for was him, but he didn't expect that this bastard not only didn't dare to come, but also betrayed Jin Eun Jae and told Li Guangmin about his coming to Chaojing!

"Don't get out of the car!" Jin Xiu said to Jin Enzai and Zheng Zaizhong in a deep voice: "There is an alley ten meters to the left, and only one car can pass.

I will drive the car over later, go out of that alley, and get on the Jingguang Bridge as soon as possible!" Zheng Zaizhong stared at Park Zhenmin outside and said: "Then do it together! Give them a surprise, and then take the opportunity to leave!"

"Okay, do it when I step on the accelerator!" Jin Xiu held the steering wheel tightly with both hands and said to Jin Enzai: "Boss, don't stand up straight, get ready!"

"Go!" With a loud shout, Jin Xiu suddenly stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed forward!

At the same time, Zheng Zaizhong leaned out and fired several shots at Park Zhenmin and the people behind him with a gun!

When Jin Xiu stepped on the accelerator, Park Zhenmin was already alert.

As he jumped to the side, he shouted to the people behind him: "Shoot! Leave them here, whether they are dead or alive!"

A group of people who were blocking the car all raised their guns and aimed at the car and started shooting.

Jin Xiu turned the steering wheel sharply, the car left the road, hit the small tree next to it, and drove down the slope!

Gunshots rang out and bullets flew.

Seeing Jin Enzai's intention of driving this car, Park Zhenmin shrank his head to avoid the bullets, and shouted while running: "Get in the car! Stop them, don't let them get away!"

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