Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2857 Do you want to drown me with saliva?


This is a building construction site under construction, but it has been stopped for the past two days due to some things, and there is not a single person in sight.

Chen Xin'an looked at the location and determined that this was where it was.

The two got off the motorcycle and looked at the building.

The basic framework has reached the sixth floor, with scaffolding everywhere and exposed steel bars, making it look dilapidated.

There is an open space in front of the building as big as three or four basketball courts, filled with piles of sand and cement, as well as construction vehicles such as mixers and cranes.

But the key has been taken away.

Chen Xin'an winked at Li Qi and prepared to split up to look for it.

But at this moment, a voice came from above: "Chen Xin'an!"

The two of them looked up together, and a man in sportswear appeared on the third floor, looking at them coldly from above.

"My name is Che Zhengxian, and I am the fifth of the eight direct descendants of the Holy Master. Others call me the Fifth Master!

I am also the chief security instructor of Chaojing Yaohan. This time I came to Guangtian City. In addition to finding the cargo, I also have another purpose, which is to kill you!

Mr. Chen, let me ask you something.

If you are a man, don't lie and tell me the truth!

Did you rob the black goods on that ship at sea?

It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it, I will check it out!

If I find out that it is related to you, I will cut you into pieces!

And that truckload of goods, I know that the driver is one of your people, so you must know where the truckload of goods is hidden!

If you are wise, tell me where the goods are as soon as possible, and your death will be a little more comfortable by then.

Otherwise, I will let you know what it means to be unable to live and to die!

Manhole cover, your surname is Chen. Now that you are here, don’t expect to leave!

Idiot, I lured you here with just one phone call. How did this kind of intelligence give the Saint Master and the boss such headaches? "

As he spoke, there was a rustle behind him, and a large group of people appeared in the empty space just now.

Looking at their attire, Chen Xin'an could recognize that they were all members of the Gym Alliance.

Everyone is an old acquaintance, but most of these people are from Chaojing.

Because all the gyms in Guangtian City have been kicked out by Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman.

Che Zhengxian looked at Chen Xin'an with a ferocious smile and said, "Chen, I'll give you two minutes..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an interrupted him impatiently and said, "Don't talk so much nonsense!

Did you bring me here to drown me in your saliva?

where is my friend?

Bring them out! "

"You..." Che Zhengxian glared at Chen Xin'an, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll make you arrogant later! You don't know how to praise!"

He waved his right hand, and there was a sound of chains above his head.

A zipline appeared on the sixth floor. Two people were tied and dropped on the hook. As the zipline slowly appeared, they kept kicking their feet in mid-air.

They were tied up all over, stuffed in their mouths, unable to speak, and their hands were hung up. Once they were let go, they would fall straight to the sixth floor!

Fortunately, they are still alive, but their noses and faces are swollen, and they have obviously been beaten!

"Chen, kneel down and beg me!" Che Zhengxian said to Chen Xin'an with a sinister smile: "Then I can consider letting them go and taking you back to Chaojing!"

Several thugs from the Gym Alliance from Chaojing came up behind Chen Xin'an and shouted at him:

"Hey, did you hear Brother Zhengxian's words, let you kneel down!"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense to him? Just break his legs!"

"I can't stand his arrogance for a long time! How dare you speak to Brother Zhengxian in such a tone at this time!"

Several thugs were new this time. They had never fought against Chen Xin'an before, so they didn't know the opponent's strength.

In order to leave a good impression in front of Che Zhengxian and gain the upper hand, he rushed over to attack Chen Xinan!

But before they even touched each other, they saw Chen Xin'an, who had his back to them, suddenly turned around. There was no fear of being surrounded on his face, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

Before they could figure out the meaning of this sneer, they felt a sharp pain in their legs!

Chen Xin'an's kicks were like shooting stars, and she kicked the three people's knees in a round!

With a crisp sound of bone cracking and the screams of the three people, all three people fell to the ground and rolled around.

"What the hell, beat him to death!" Cha Zhengxian's face turned dark with anger.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an dared to take action even though he was surrounded by everyone!

Following his order, a group of gunmen appeared beside him, all holding pistols and aiming at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi below.

But it was impossible for the two of them to just stand there and act as targets for them, then rush into the building in a flash!

"Stop them! Kill them!" Che Zhengxian shouted angrily.

The five or six gunmen around him turned around and ran down the corridor.

Soon there was a burst of gunfire from the direction of the stairs, and Che Zhengxian cursed with a grin on his face: "Idiot, you are really looking for death!"

The loss of the cargo made Mr. Li of Chaojing Yaohan extremely angry. The black goods on the cargo ship at sea were robbed when they were almost at his doorstep, which made Li Guangming almost vomit blood!

At first, he thought it was his old enemy Yuan Jinghai who was responsible, so Li Guangmin directly promoted Yuan Jinghai.

Later, the master took action and suppressed the two of them.

That night, Yuan Jinghai's illegal goods were also investigated by the Chaojing anti-smuggling team, which made Yuan Jinghai faint. However, it was a blessing in disguise that Li Guangmin cleared up his misunderstanding.

The Holy Master suspected that Chen Xin'an did all this.

Although there was no concrete evidence, Li Guangmin sent a team of killers to Guangtian City with the purpose of killing the wrong person rather than letting him go.

Che Zhengxian was originally angry that Li Guangmin would not let him, the chief security coach, take action, but the Holy Master directly gave him the task.

Now that the team of killers sent by Li Guangmin haven't found Chen Xin'an yet, he accidentally met this guy!

That's just right. Now that you're here, don't even think about going back alive!

This trap has been laid out for you to take the bait, and this guy really did not disappoint. He actually came and brought one person with him!

This is simply to die!

The gunshots rang out for a while, but then stopped, and then there was a burst of screams.

Che Zhengxian frowned and shouted towards the stairs: "Are you done? There are only two of you. You have six guns. If you still can't get it done, you can go die!"

No one answered, and there was no movement in the stairwell, but soon there was a shout, and the group of gym alliance thugs downstairs came up!

Che Zhengxian waved, and his subordinates brought him a wooden box, which temporarily served as a stool for him to sit down on.

"Let's go and see if they were killed? Does it take so long for just two people?" Che Zhengxian said impatiently.

The man next to him immediately ran towards the stairs, and soon ran back with a look of horror on his face, shouting to Cha Zhengxian: "It's not good, brother Zhengxian!"

Che Zhengxian picked up half a brick next to him and smashed it over, angrily yelling: "Why are you so flustered?"

The men turned aside to avoid Brick, fearing that he would be angry again, and quickly said: "Brother Zhengxian, A Kun and the others are... dead!"

"Ah?" Cha Zhengxian was stunned for a moment, looked at his men with wide eyes and asked, "What did you say?"

The subordinates said with a look of fear: "A Kun and Yuan Zhe are both dead! Those two guys are missing, and the people from the gym alliance are looking for them layer by layer!"

Cha Zhengxian's face was filled with disbelief, and he murmured: "How could this happen?"

His expression suddenly turned ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "A bunch of trash! I have to take action myself! Chen Xin'an, come here, fight me if you have the guts!"

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