Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2867 Your marksmanship is worse than mine


"Get ready, we've passed the municipal area ahead!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at the car navigation and said to Luo Xiaoman: "After passing the Fuguang Overpass, then through the Oak Park Tunnel, you will enter the Oak Hole."

Luo Xiaoman stood up, climbed over the car seat, came to the back, patted the crossbow that had been prepared and said, "Don't worry, everything is ready. I'm already very hungry and thirsty!"

On the seat next to him were four crossbows and seven or eight barrels of crossbow arrows.

This is not the most conspicuous thing. What really gives Luo Xiaoman confidence is the pistol in the bag next to the crossbow!

These were all taken from the killers of Xingyaotang, and Kyoto brought them over this time.

Ahead was the Fuguang Overpass in the eastern suburbs of Chaojing. Koloda rushed towards the bridge with black smoke and a harsh roar.

Luo Xiaoman laughed and scolded: "Old Chen, look at this crappy car you picked, it's embarrassing to drive!

Those who didn’t know better thought we came here on a tractor!

If you lower the accelerator, this bridge is choked enough to get on!

Did you see that the cars behind are catching up?

Holy shit! That grandson has a gun and a silencer! "

Luo Xiaoman was startled. He didn't expect these guys to be even more impatient than him. They started to take action as soon as they left the municipal area, and they even used guns!

This is on the way to the overpass, and the speed cannot be increased!

My car is light and I can overtake easily!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an grinned and cursed at him: "You know nothing!"

Suddenly the steering wheel was turned violently, the car turned sideways, and hit the front of the other car with a bang!

The black Hyundai didn't have time to react. A large piece of the front of the car was smashed. The car lost control and veered to the right, falling off the bridge!

Chen Xin'an then turned to the left, frightening the other car and quickly giving way!

Koloda didn't give it a chance at all. With a flick of his butt, the opponent's car turned over!

After rolling down the road a few times, it turned over again.

But white smoke came out from the front of the car, and it lay down on the spot!

Luo Xiaoman was dumbfounded, turned around and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "I'll go, you're awesome, Lao Chen! This driving skill is as good as Lao Xiao's!"

Chen Xin'an pouted, snorted and said: "The key is that the car is strong enough!

Dongchao's car is as brittle as paper and can't be hit!

This thing looks inconspicuous, but it is made by Lunde. It is strong, durable and has great stamina. It has never lost in a collision! "

Now Luo Xiaoman finally understands why Chen Xinan chose such a clumsy-looking Lunde off-road vehicle when there were so many good cars to choose from!

He had been prepared for this situation for a long time!

The car got on the overpass. In front of the roundabout, a Hyundai suddenly crossed over from the side road and hit Koloda.

Chen Xin'an shouted: "Hurry up!" Suddenly he slammed on the brakes, and with a loud bang, Koloda stopped on the spot!

The Hyundai car that rushed over didn't expect to stop when the other party told it to stop, but it couldn't brake and hit the center guardrail!

Fortunately, the driver reacted quickly and already applied the brakes.

The front half of the Hyundai car was hanging out, and the people in the car were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they didn't dare to move.

But at this moment, Koloda restarted and hit the butt of the car.

The people in the Hyundai car screamed loudly, and the car moved uncontrollably off the road, and then fell down more than 20 meters under the bridge!


The Hyundai hit the road below and burst into flames!

Fortunately, no cars passed below, otherwise we would have suffered a terrible disaster!

Koloda did not stop, went around the turntable, and continued driving forward.

Bang bang bang!

The rear window and side window glass were shattered one after another, and the guys couldn't help but shoot!

They didn't dare to get close to Koloda anymore, so they could only follow behind and use silenced pistols to keep shooting at Koloda!

Chen Xin'an shouted to Luo Xiaoman: "Be careful! Don't show your head! Don't do anything when you get off the bridge!"

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman bent down and hid under the seat and responded to Chen Xin'an.

The speed of the car has increased, and Chen Xin'an is not driving in a straight line. The car is moving irregularly.

The opponent is not a sharpshooter, nor does he dare to get too close. In this case, hitting the target depends entirely on luck!

"Downhill!" Chen Xin'an suddenly shouted, and the car moved forward along the road under the bridge!

At this moment, all the cars behind were catching up, trying to take advantage of the opportunity to get off the bridge and forcefully overtake to block Chen Xin'an's path.

They didn't know where Chen Xin'an was going, so they didn't overtake other cars along the way.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an was about to leave the eastern suburbs, I thought he wanted to leave Chaojing, so I wanted to stop him at all costs!

What greeted them was a burst of gunfire!

At this moment, their position is at the high point and the opponent is at the low point.

Without cover, they were all exposed to Luo Xiaoman's range!

In fact, Luo Xiaoman's marksmanship is worse than theirs, but he can't stand the targets because they are so big and numerous, and he can hit someone blindly with his eyes closed!

On the long road under the bridge, there was loud gunfire, and several cars collided with each other, even rolled over, broke the railings, and rolled down the bridge.

The overpass was like a disaster scene, with screams, thick smoke billowing, and fire shooting into the sky!

Koroda kept accelerating and roared off the bridge.

"Enjoyable!" Luo Xiaoman shouted excitedly.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "Don't be too happy yet, there is the Oak Park Tunnel ahead, our car can't outrun them in it!

Give me two guns, and I will have to take action when the time comes! "

Without saying a word, Luo Xiaoman took out two pistols, loaded them with magazines, and handed them to Chen Xin'an.

Few of the windows of Koloda were in good shape, and even the body of the car was riddled with bullet holes.

This car will definitely not be returned, and Chen Xin'an has no intention of returning it.

Anyway, there is still a Thunder Horse there, and with the car rental deposit and so on, the boss will not lose money.


Chen Xin'an simply smashed the glass next to her with her elbow so that her view would be clearer.

It's not bulletproof. When it comes to actual combat, this layer of glass doesn't work at all.

In the reversing mirror, the lights of the cars behind me were swaying wildly. I don’t know how many cars were honking their horns and overtaking, and they were catching up quickly.

The Oak Park Tunnel is not far ahead and has six lanes in both directions.

The two tunnel entrances enter and exit, like two big eyes staring ahead.

A black Huanyu rushed over very fast, trying to reach the tunnel entrance first and stop Koloda there.

Luo Xiaoman shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, hit it!"

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything. He just held the gun in his left hand and stretched out the car, and fired two shots at the black world!

Luo Xiaoman cursed: "Look, you're aiming at the wrong place. Your marksmanship is worse than mine!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black Huanyu, which was already preparing to overtake on the side, made a loud noise, and its left front tire blew out!

The driver hurriedly turned the steering wheel to the right, but at high speed, the car was completely out of control and rolled directly to the right!


The Huanyu car crashed through the middle guardrail and rushed into the green belt.

Amidst the screams, a person was thrown out of the car. Before he landed, his head was cut off by the wire fence!

Then there was a loud bang and it hit the mountain between the two tunnels!

The scene was simply unbearable to watch. The entire car was instantly destroyed and burst into flames. The people inside didn't even scream as they were already surrounded by fire.

I'm afraid they would have died the moment they hit the mountain!

Luo Xiaoman's mouth opened into a big circle, his eyes were bigger than bull's eyes, and he was speechless for a long time!

The car behind did not dare to overtake, and subconsciously kept a distance from Koloda, watching helplessly as the car entered the tunnel!

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