Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2869 Seize the gun and car


Horrible screams came one after another, and the entire tunnel seemed gloomy, like hell.

The crossbow's striking surface in the continuous firing state is much larger than that of a pistol!

The arrows flew out in a large area, and the arrows were all fired at close range!

The gunmen were beaten so hard that they ran away, howling like ghosts and wolves.

But at this moment, the automatic rifle started firing!

The dense bullets were like a rainstorm, pouring on Chen Xin'an!

He eliminated the gunmen around him, which gave the Xingyaotang killer a chance.

Chen Xin'an made a leap, rolled across the front of the car, then fell to the ground, turned over, grabbed a body, and kicked it away!

The dense bullets beat the flying corpses to pieces. Chen Xin'an rushed into a car with the door open next to him. He quickly started the engine and put it into gear. As soon as he accelerator, the car roared forward!


The car directly hit the two gunmen blocking the front, and then hit the front of the car behind.

There was a crackling sound, and several automatic rifles were pointed at the car, and bullets poured out!

"Old Chen!" With a shout, Luo Xiaoman, who was hiding behind a car, suddenly stood up, holding a crossbow in each hand, aiming at the Xingyaotang killers!

The killers of Xingyao Hall never imagined that there would be a person hiding less than two meters away from them!

They were startled and turned around in a hurry, trying to get rid of the guy next to them first.

But Luo Xiaoman didn't give them a chance at all.

With the buzzing sound of crossbows being fired, a large number of crossbow arrows enveloped them!

The sneak attack was so sudden that the killers didn't react at all.

Their attention was all on Chen Xin'an, and they didn't expect that there was another person lurking here!

And this person's strength is not much worse than Chen Xin'an!

Amidst the screams, someone had been hit by an arrow and fell to the ground.

Although the other two people were injured, they still held on and did not fall down. They picked up the automatic rifles in their hands and fired at Luo Xiaoman!

Luo Xiaoman didn't have time to reload the arrow silo, threw away the crossbow in his hand, rolled forward on the spot, and hid behind a car.

The two killers no longer care about chasing Chen Xin'an at this moment, and first deal with the enemy in front of them.

They gritted their teeth and pulled out the arrows on their bodies, not caring about dealing with the bleeding wounds. They winked at each other and, one after another, passed around the front and rear of the car, outflanking it front and rear!

The two appeared on the other side of the car almost at the same time. They were about to shoot, but lying on the ground was their companion who had just shot together. Now he was lying side by side, dying!

Where was that guy just now?

Where did you hide?

The two of them were still surprised that their companions on the ground stood up at the same time and rushed towards them!

how so?

The two were startled and took a step back to dodge, but a man appeared on the ground with an automatic rifle in his hand!

It turns out that the guy just now was hiding under the bodies of his two companions!

And he took his companion's gun!

The two killers immediately understood, but it was too late!

With a burst of gunfire, Luo Xiaoman first killed the killer at the front of the car because his gun was aimed in this direction.

After a burst of fire, he immediately turned over and lay down, and then turned the gun and pointed it at the person at the rear of the car!

Gunshots rang out again, and all four killers, including the two men he lifted up, were shot several times and fell to the ground!

Luo Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief, got up from the ground, walked over and picked up the crossbow on the ground, then slung two automatic rifles on his shoulders, turned around and ran towards the Mercedes-Benz cross-country.

Unexpectedly, the car suddenly roared and drove forward!

Then an arm stuck out from the car window next to the driver's seat, holding a pistol in his hand, and pulled the trigger backwards!

There is actually a driver hidden in this car!

Seeing the killer being dealt with and someone rushing over, the driver's first reaction was that the guy was going to steal the car!

He was very smart and started the car immediately to run.

Afraid that the other party would catch up, he shot at the back.

You know that you can't hit anyone like this, but as long as you can scare the other person, it's considered a success.

Luo Xiaoman was also furious. The cooked duck flew away, and the fight for his life just now became meaningless!

He picked up the gun in annoyance and pulled the trigger on the Mercedes-Benz Cross Country.

But that car was modified and bulletproof. The bullets hitting it didn't do much except splashing a lot of sparks and leaving some white spots.

Luo Xiaoman was about to give up angrily, but found that the Mercedes-Benz business car suddenly bumped to the side, hitting the stone wall of the tunnel with a bang!

what happened?

Luo Xiaoman was a little confused, and he cautiously chased after him with a gun in hand. He heard the driver's wailing from a distance!

When he got to the car, he realized that the door was covered in blood and the driver was holding his left hand and crying loudly.

Unexpectedly, the sudden burst of fire did not cause any damage to the car, but it hit the driver accidentally and broke the driver's left hand!

No wonder this guy hit the wall and his hands were torn like this by the bullets. It’s a good thing he didn’t die from the pain!

Luo Xiaoman opened the door, pulled him out of the driver's seat, then raised his right foot and stomped hard on the driver's right arm!


The opponent's right arm was broken on the spot. The driver screamed in pain, his eyes turned white, and he lay on the ground and passed out!

Luo Xiaoman ignored him at all, picked him to the side with his feet, opened the back door of the Mercedes-Benz Cross-country, threw his things into the back seat, and sat in the driver's seat.

First, he changed the magazines of the guns and crossbows in his hands, filled the arrow magazine, then closed the car door, started the car, took two steps back, turned around and rushed towards the car array in front!

Aiming at the cars in front, Luo Xiaoman hit the gas pedal and crashed directly into them!

The gunmen standing between the cars were unable to dodge and were pinched by the cars until they vomited blood and collapsed to the ground.

Luo Xiaoman drove the Mercedes-Benz cross-country sideways, lowered the window glass, and shouted to the car array: "Old Chen!"

There was no response, and Luo Xiaoman's heart sank.

He grabbed the passenger's automatic rifle and was about to get out of the car when a loud shout suddenly came from not far away: "Here we come!"

One person held up his hands while running, flipped over a car in the air, and rushed towards the Mercedes-Benz Cross Country.

Behind him, a large group of people were chasing him. The four people at the front were obviously very strong and their body agility was better than the others.

They clung to Chen Xin'an for less than five meters!

Moreover, they were running and shooting at the same time, and their marksmanship was quite accurate. If Chen Xin'an hadn't dodged in time, he would have been hit by countless shots!

"Old Chen, squat down!" Luo Xiaoman shouted, picked up the automatic rifle, aimed it in Chen Xin'an's direction, and pulled the trigger!

When Chen Xin'an heard Luo Xiaoman's voice, she didn't see what he was doing yet, but she had already crouched down.

The tacit understanding between the brothers is here. As long as an order is given, regardless of whether you understand the situation or not, follow it first!

The faces of the four people following Chen Xin'an changed drastically, and their reactions were not slow!

Someone didn't care about being embarrassed, and just rolled like a donkey and fell to the ground.

Someone simply grabbed the gunman next to him and blocked it in front of him!

With a clicking sound, bullets swept across the area. Several gunmen were shot, and fell to the ground with blood pouring from their chests and eyes wide open.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, Chen Xin'an quickly stood up and ran over, shouting to Luo Xiaoman: "Drive, let's go!"

He jumped into the air and jumped directly into the car through the lowered window!

Luo Xiaoman didn't hesitate, he immediately put away his gun and turned around, sat in the driver's seat, closed the car door, raised the window glass, started the car, knocked away the blocking car behind him, turned around and drove forward!

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