Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2871 I hope we can be lifelong friends


To put it bluntly, Kim Eun-jae is just a gangster leader in a mixed society.

He has limited cognition, a small structure, simple thinking, impulsive and warlike!

According to his idea, if you have a gun, you have the right to speak, and you can take the enemy's life in your hands and let him control it.

He didn't care at all how serious the consequences would be!

Jin Enzai laughed loudly, shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother Yanjun, you don't understand Dongchao!

As long as you have enough money and power, you can do whatever you want in Dongchao!

Do you think I really just want to get Chaojing Yaohan back?

you are wrong!

My goal is to integrate the eight major Dongchao chaebols and become the largest chaebol in Dongchao!

If I control the entire Dongchao economy, even Hongshitai will treat me as a guest of honor and treat me respectfully!

At that time, what will this black stuff mean?

Hongshitai is asking me to invest in Dongchao’s ordnance research and development system! "

He patted Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother Yanjun, no matter what problems you encounter in China or who you want to deal with in China, in one sentence, I, Jin Enzai, will help you unconditionally!"

Zheng Zaizhong said to Chen Xin'an: "I will wrong you two tonight and stay here for a few hours.

Our brothers have already arrived from Guangtian City.

Once we meet them, we can take action.

Don't worry, you two, this car repair shop belongs to a relative of mine. It's very safe. Li Guangmin's people won't find it here! "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said to Jin Enzai: "Boss Jin, I came here because you were trapped by Yaohan Group and I want to take you back safely.

But now it seems that you are not trapped, and you still have the ability to resist.

In this case, let's leave now and go back to the city! "

Kim Eun-jae and Zheng Jae-joong were both stunned.

The two looked at each other, then turned to look at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman and asked: "Brother Yanjun, brother Xiaoman, won't you do this with us?

I can guarantee that this will be a big event that can cause a sensation in Dongchao! "

"Absolutely, but we're not interested!" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly.

Jin Enzai frowned, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "It seems that Brother Yanjun still has no confidence in this action! I can assure you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "I believe you can succeed. I can even believe that you can successfully obtain control of Yaohan Group and make it the largest consortium in Dongchao!"

Jin Enzai asked with a puzzled face: "In that case, why don't brothers Yanjun join me to create a great cause?"

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "Because the premise of all this is to kill Li Guangmin's family and force him to surrender.

For me, I do have a grudge against Li Guangmin, but his mother and children have nothing to do with this matter.

We in China have a saying, I don’t know if you have heard of it, grudges in the world cannot bring harm to the family! "

"Hahaha!" Jin Enzai laughed, shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Brother Yanjun is super powerful and has extraordinary skills, but he has a heart of a Buddha!

But there is also a Chinese saying that I have heard: to be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself!

There is another saying that I have also heard: if the grass is cut without removing the root, it will grow again when the spring breeze blows!

Brother Yanjun, if someone wants to kill us, why are we still here talking to them about moral principles? Isn’t this sick?

How can you make him regret, how can you make him scared, so scared that he kneels down to beg for mercy, and make them surrender in the shortest time. This is the best way to fight the enemy! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Boss Jin, you have your own methods, and I have my bottom line.

Your goal is to be the biggest in Dongchao, but I only want to settle scores and take revenge on Li Guangmin and have nothing to do with his family.

So I don’t care what you do, and don’t force me to do anything.

You are my friend. If your life is in danger, I will come to save you.

Others, I can't help.

I hope we can be friends for life, instead of accompanying you to conquer the country and act as a monarch and minister! "

Jin Enzai stared at Chen Xin'an.

Luo Xiaoman squatted aside, smiling, holding a wrench in his hand, and slowly stood on the ground and turned around.

Zheng Zaizhong looked at everyone nervously, wanting to persuade but didn't dare.

Jin Enzai watched Chen Xin'an slowly shake his head and said with a serious face: "You are wrong, I have never thought about being a monarch or a minister with you!

Even if I really achieve the height I want, Kim Eun-jae and Yeon-jun will still be brothers!

Everything I have is yours!

I can give you whatever you want because you saved my life!

I, Kim Eun-jae, am not a person who refuses to repay a favor, let alone kill a donkey for the sake of trouble!

But since you don’t want to do this, I won’t force you!

When you return to the city, give me a seat.

My brother is here and I will send someone to help you.

I already know about Lao Liu's arrest. When the time comes, I will send someone to help you rescue their brother and sister! "

Chen Xin'an was about to speak, but suddenly frowned and made a gesture to everyone.

Everyone fell silent.

Chen Xin'an asked Zheng Zaizhong in a low voice: "How many people know that you are here?"

Zheng Zaizhong shook his head and said: "Except for my cousin Enze, there is no one else!

Mr. Chen, what happened? Could it be..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and whispered to everyone: "Get in the car first!"

Luo Xiaoman immediately went over and opened the door of the Mercedes-Benz Cross Country.

Everyone got into the car quietly.

As soon as the car door was closed, there was a loud bang, a ball of fire came out of the garage door, and a big hole was blown out!

Thick smoke was billowing, and gunshots were heard outside!

Jin Enzai shouted loudly: "It's the killers of Xingyaotang! You bastards, they actually found this place! Zheng Zaizhong, your damn cousin is a traitor and betrayed us!"

Chen Xin'an looked around, then put his hand under the center console.

After a while, he found a hidden line, pulled along the thread, and found a slightly flashing red dot next to the overhead light.

He said with a gloomy face: "That brother named Enze did not betray us, it was this car that exposed our whereabouts!"

"Damn!" Luo Xiaoman cursed and explained to Jin Enzai and Zheng Zaizhong: "This car was stolen from Xingyaotang.

At that time, I saw that it was bulletproof, and after being hit, I grabbed it and opened it myself.

I didn’t expect it to even come with a tracking device! "

Jin Enzai nodded and said: “Most of Chaojing Yaohan’s cars have this kind of thing.

It seems we have been blocked!

If only I could wait for an hour, my brothers are here, so we won’t be afraid anymore! "

"I'm not afraid now!" Chen Xin'an said, immediately started the car, accelerator, and fell backwards quickly!


The car smashed through the gate and rushed out!

The two Xingyaotang killers guarding the door were unable to dodge and were knocked to the ground, with the wheels running over them!

The surrounding Xingyaotang killers quickly dodged and got into the car next to them.

A truck rushed over and hit the Mercedes-Benz Cross Country that was reversing!


There was a loud noise, and the truck slammed into the butt of the Mercedes-Benz Cross Country!

At the same time, several more cars rushed over from the side. They wanted to trap the Mercedes-Benz Cross-country and prevent it from moving. The people inside would become turtles in the jar and be slaughtered by others!

Of course Chen Xin'an understands their thoughts and will not sit back and wait.

When the cargo truck was pushing against the back, he had already shifted gears and refueled, and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, kill the person on the right!"

The passenger window had been lowered. Luo Xiaoman stretched out his arm with a pistol and kept shooting at the car rushing over from the right!

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