Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2884 I told you that I would become my teacher

Mingyang Machinery Factory in Chunnandong, southern suburb of Chaojing.

The director of the factory is Cui Sangmin’s brother, named Cui Yuanzhi.

The iron arrows that Jin Enzai made for Chen Xin'an were also produced here.

"Mr. Chen, Boss Jin, welcome!" When the car stopped, Cui Yuanzhi came over and shook hands with Chen Xin'an and Jin Enzai respectively.

Cui Sangmin had already spoken to him on the phone and explained the situation to him on the way.

Cui Yuanzhi smiled and said to Chen Xin'an, "Don't worry, you can stay here. It doesn't matter how long you want to stay."

Chen Xin'an held Cui Yuanzhi's left hand and looked at the empty sleeve of his right arm.

Cui Yuanzhi smiled faintly and explained to Chen Xin'an, "I had an encounter with Li Guangmin back then, and I almost lost my life because of his broken arm.

He owes me a debt and doesn't dare to see me. He won't come here to cause trouble for me. "

"You..." Luo Xiaoman seemed to want to say something, but Chen Xin'an shook his head at him, smiled and said to Cui Yuanzhi, "Okay, then I'll trouble Mr. Cui!"

The factory is neither big nor small, with more than a hundred workers. There is a six-story employee dormitory. Someone is cleaning up the top floor, which is prepared for Chen Xin'an and everyone.

After the rooms were all tidied up, everyone went upstairs.

Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman, and Li Qi shared a room. The opposite door was Han Yunmei's independent room. Jin Enzai and his brothers lived in the remaining rooms.

Li Qi went out as soon as he put down his weapon. He came back an hour later and said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman

“There are no suitable sniping spots nearby, so you don’t have to worry about being sniped by others.

The surrounding transportation is quite convenient, whether it is retreating or hiding, it is relatively convenient.

I'll go talk to Director Cui later and try to improve our crossbow arrows.

By the way, let me test it out, this person is not reliable! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked him, "How do you arrange the situation for the person opposite?"

Li Qi scratched his head and said with an embarrassed look, "I don't know either! We can't let her go now. Li Guangmin is also looking for her all over the world!"

Luo Xiaoman slapped him on the shoulder, smiled and cursed, "Okay.

Boy, is Tie Gupao enlightened? "

"Where are you!" Li Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and his face turned red instantly.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to him, "Since you don't want to take him away, let's find an opportunity to let him leave!

It's too dangerous to follow us, you might lose your life at some point! "

Li nodded, turned around and walked out.

As soon as he left the door, he saw Han Yunmei opening the door and coming out, and asked Li Qi, "Master, where are you going? I'll go with you!"

Li Qi said helplessly, "I'm not your master. You can't use this title randomly!"

Han Yunmei pouted and said, "I don't care! I said I wanted to become my teacher, but you didn't let me kneel down! Anyway, I have already decided, no matter whether you agree or not!"

Li Qi rubbed his forehead, not knowing what to say, turned around and walked forward.

Han Yunmei followed him, and when she saw that he didn't drive her away, she raised the corners of her mouth proudly.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman in the room saw this scene and smiled knowingly.

After lunch, Chen Xin'an left with Luo Xiaoman and Jin Enzai, aiming for the Feiya Villa Club.

This is a high-end private club in Chaojing. It is a place where Dongchao plutocrats and celebrities gather to have fun. It is called the Chaojing Golden Grotto.

No one would have thought that the master behind it was actually a hermit.

Located on the most prosperous Mingji Road in Chaojing, it is a three-story commercial building with bright neon lights.

The lowest-grade cars at the door are Cayenne or A8, but I couldn't see many people at the door.

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said, "Just put a few luxury cars at the door to show off, and it seems like the business isn't that good!"

Jin Enzai stared at the three-story building, gritted his teeth and said, "They all use the dedicated passage.

The service inside can be said to be the highest level in Dongchao.

Even if you want a Dongchao A-list celebrity to accompany you for dinner, it’s still a

Things that can be done with a phone call.

Play here, only you can’t imagine it, but they can’t do it! "

Luo Xiaoman turned his head, looked at Jin Enzai and said with a smile, "Boss Jin, what do you mean by this, have you ever gone in to play?"

Jin Enzai took a deep breath and said to him, "The Jin family started this club project when they controlled Yaohan Group.

Li Guangmin used to be a frequent visitor here and would come here to entertain guests.

He was once hunted down, and the security captain watching the scene was Cui Yuanzhi. .??.

That arm was lost during that incident.

Later, when the Li family took power, the first thing they took away was this club! "

Revealing someone’s scars!

Luo Xiaoman scratched his head, put his arm around Jin Enzai's shoulders and said, "Boss Jin, don't worry, I will help you get this place back!"

Jin Enzai grinned, and also put his arm around Luo Xiaoman's shoulders and said, "Otherwise, brother Xiaoman, don't go back to China.

I dare not say anything else. From now on, you will have half of what I have in Dongchao!

It won’t take just a few years for us brothers to join forces and become the largest chaebol in Dongchao! "

Luo Xiao's face darkened, he let go of Jin Enzai's shoulders and cursed, "Old Jin, you are not kind!

I helped you out of kindness, how can I repay you with kindness?

China is my home and my roots. If you ask me to leave my hometown and stay here, even if you give me a big golden mountain, I can't survive! "

Jin Enzai looked disappointed, but he still hugged Luo Xiaoman's shoulders and laughed.

The three of them all made some simple disguises, wearing sunglasses and masks. Even the camera could not capture their true faces.

So there was no need to worry about being recognized. He was just joking not far from the entrance of the club, and no one noticed.

This was originally a downtown area, with people coming and going.

From this point, we can see the difference between Dongchao Club and Huaxia Club.

China's high-end clubs generally choose places far away from the busy city, and the environment

Elegant and scenic.

Most of Dongchao's clubs are in downtown areas, with convenient transportation and free access.

Jin Enzai said to Chen Xin'an, "The Holy Master should be on the third floor, where there is a conference room.

The heads of the major Dongchao chaebols would come to see him.

There are also heads of some famous companies.

There will even be official people.

Have you seen that person? "

He pointed with his hand, and several people came out from the door of the club with a fat man wearing glasses.

The fat man looked a little embarrassed, his clothes were messy, and there was blood on his face.

As if thinking of something, the fat man wanted to turn around and go in, but was stopped by the person next to him.

Someone slapped him in the face, pointed at his nose and said some harsh words.

The fat man lowered his head dejectedly, with a gloomy expression. He turned around helplessly, walked out of the gate and got into a BMW.

Jin Enzai curled his lips and said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, "That is Chairman Ding Maochang of Dongchao Securities Investment.

Although he is famous outside, he is not worth mentioning here. He is just a little ant in front of the Holy Master! "

Chen Xin'an said to Jin Enzai, "Follow him, let's talk to him!"

"Okay!" Jin Enzai and Luo Xiaoman responded, and the three of them immediately returned to their cars.

This time Jin Enzai drove a commercial vehicle with a Chaojing license plate. He had not appeared in the battle, so he would not be tracked by people from the Yaohan Group.

Even though Ding Maochang was treated like a grandson in the club just now, he still had some style after he came out.

The driver drove, he sat in the back, the co-pilot was a female secretary, and there were two bodyguards on both sides.

On Mingji Road, the driver was about to speed up when a commercial vehicle suddenly rushed from behind and made a sharp turn in front of the car.


The driver of the BMW braked and stopped.

Ding Maochang told the two bodyguards beside him with a sullen face, "Go down, stop talking nonsense, and just hit me!"

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