Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2899 This is the glory of your whole family


Outside the room, a large number of people in red heard the news and rushed to the third floor.

But in the room, the people in the gym alliance all became honest, because they saw a person, the Holy Master!

They had no idea that this was the Saint Master's room, and they had heard someone say before that the Saint Master had gone out and was not here.

But now, the Holy Master is sitting on the sofa in the room, watching them coldly coming in from the outside!

After Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman came in with everyone, they were a little strange.

The room was brightly lit, luxuriously decorated, and didn't look out of the ordinary.

And there is only one hall with sofas, Japanese-style low tables and futons, and there is no inner room at all.

Did you go to the wrong room?

But at the end of the carpet, there is only this box.

The Holy Master was sitting on the sofa drinking tea without even looking at the crowd, as if the fight just now had nothing to do with him.

Everyone looked horrified and fearful. They dropped their weapons, clasped their hands together, and lowered their heads to face the person on the sofa.

The men in red stood outside the door, and they did not dare to come in without the order of the Holy Master.

Putting down the tea cup, the Saint Master finally spoke.

"Are you here to see me? What can I do for you? Just ask, I will try my best to satisfy you!"

Everyone bowed their heads in guilty conscience and did not dare to speak.

Now everyone regretted their impulse just now. They just rushed up in a moment of anger, but unexpectedly they rushed into the Holy Master's room.

The original anger also disappeared at this time, because they didn't know how to face the Holy Master, let alone what they wanted to get.

"I know everyone wanted to see me in person, and now they have.

It's getting late. Let's go back and rest. I want to rest too! "

The Holy Master smiled kindly, stood up, clasped his hands in front of everyone, and bowed slightly.

Everyone was a little moved.

The person in front of me is the god in the hearts of Dongchao people!

Especially the warriors like them regarded him as both their teacher and their father.

They had such a big disaster tonight, but the Holy Master didn't blame them, which made everyone feel grateful.

Chen Xin'an frowned. He felt that the Holy Master tonight was different from what he had seen before.

I seem to be younger and my skin is more delicate.

At this old age, does this old man still need to do maintenance?

And why is this different from what Ahn Sang Kwon said?

Is this kid lying?

Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked at An Xiangquan, who should have been by his side.

Unexpectedly, this guy disappeared.

Just when Chen Xin'an was wondering where this guy had gone, the wall behind the Holy Master slowly rose, revealing a hidden room!

There is a mechanism in this room!

As the wall landed silently, it turned out that it was just a wall, and behind the wall, there was a transparent glass wall.

Everyone saw a shocking scene.

Inside the glass wall, filled with smoke, eight young men sat in the middle.

Their faces were pale and they looked in pain. They sat cross-legged in a circle with their eyes closed, motionless.

On each of their arms, there is a thumb-thick hose that leads to a huge container above their heads.

The hoses and containers were filled with red liquid, like blood!

The Holy Master hadn't noticed that the wall behind him had turned into transparent glass, and he was still smiling and saying to everyone:

“If you have any dissatisfaction or any demands, you can tell me directly.

I don't want something like tonight to happen again.

We are all good citizens who abide by the law and don’t fight or kill.

I often warn everyone to have a heart of universal love and not to have any intention of hurting others..."

Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted: "Minhyuk! Why are you here? Your parents have been looking for you for more than a month! Oh my god, what's wrong with you?"

The man's eyes widened and he rushed towards the glass wall. The crowd was in chaos!

The Holy Master frowned, followed everyone's gaze and turned his head to look, his face changed drastically!

Chen Xin'an also turned around and looked around, and finally saw An Xiangquan standing at the corner of the glass wall.

He ran over with excitement on his face and said to Chen Xin'an: "When I came in and saw that the situation inside was different from what I had seen before, I suspected that there was an agency here.

I had been in the Blue Cube and knew some of the layout of the mechanisms. I searched around the wall and found the knife hanging on the wall.

Just pull the knife up and leave it half a meter away from the scabbard to open the mechanism on the wall.

That place is the door, and you have to go in through that door.

An Xiangquan pointed directly under the glass wall with his hand.

If he hadn't reminded him, Chen Xin'an would never have discovered that there was a secret door there so quickly.

This glass wall is obviously thickened and bulletproof. No matter how much the shouting person kicks and beats it, it doesn't move at all and doesn't even make too much noise.

Luo Xiaoman gave An Xiangquan a thumbs up, nodded and said, "Brother, good job!"

An Xiangquan couldn't understand what he said, but he saw that he was praising him. He laughed and gave Luo Xiaoman a thumbs up.

The holy master who was talking about benevolence, righteousness and morality just now is now livid.

He gestured to the man in red outside the door.

About a dozen people in red rushed into the room, even closed the door, and then blocked the doorway with their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of smoke began to float from the top of the glass wall, silently covering the entire room.

Chen Xin'an had already sensed something was wrong. She saw the white smoke floating out of the glass wall and quickly took out a small bottle from her body.

This is a bottle of antidote pills given to him by Pigeon, specially used to deal with common drugs or narcotics.

I don't know if it will work, but I'm prepared.

Chen Xin'an immediately gave Luo Xiaoman and An Xiangquan each one to swallow one, then took out a silver needle, placed a needle on each of the three people's heads, and whispered:

"Don't let the needle fall out, it can keep our minds clear at all times!"

The man shouting in front of the glass wall turned his head, glared at the Holy Master and shouted: "What did you do to my nephew? Let him out quickly!"

The Holy Master calmly put on a gas mask and said to him: "Your nephew has become a servant of God, so you should feel honored for him!"

The man cursed angrily: "What servant, didn't you see that he was about to die?

What are you doing?

Let him go quickly and let me in! "

The Holy Master shook his head, walked to the glass wall, faced everyone, and opened his arms.

“I am your god, I bring you money, power, and a wealthy life.

So you should know the gratitude chart.

Give me everything you have.

These children are the blood slaves chosen by me.

Transport their blood to my body to exchange blood for me.

This way I can stay young forever and be immune to all poisons!

This is their glory because they are all God’s people! "

"Fuck you, you are a madman! Let my nephew go!" The man rushed towards the Holy Master angrily.

But at this moment, his body swayed and his steps staggered, as if he tripped over something.

However, he still shook his head, forced himself to run towards the Holy Master, and reached out to grab the Holy Master's collar.

At this moment, the Holy Master suddenly took action and punched him in the chest!


An arm passed through the man's chest and was exposed at the back.

In that bloody palm, there was still a beating heart!

With a bang, his heart was crushed, and the arm slowly retracted.

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