Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 287 If you want to eat it, just think hard!

The most important thing is that he has been hiding behind the scenes, and it is Gan Meimei who comes out to deal with those people.

It was justifiable for her to attract the attention of those people!

This is what a secretary is used for. Let her do the work when working, accompany her when sleeping, and let her take the blame when something goes wrong. Only in this way can we make the best use of everything!

To say that there is no regret at all is impossible.

After all, even though this girl is an insatiable desire pit, the money spent on her is really quite a lot, enough to support four or five college students!

But it's hard to find such an obedient secretary. She does whatever she's asked to do and everything is done neatly, which is very reassuring.

Forget it, just sacrifice her so that you can go back safely!

As long as he can go back, he will be safe. No one dares to touch him. It won't be a big deal to train another one when the time comes!

I'm sorry, Meimei, but you reminded me about the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill before you left, but I have to leave you!

The only thing to blame is this rotten place called Dongshan. The rotten people here are really at odds with me and are destined to be in conflict with each other.

Things that can be done smoothly in other places, why are there twists and turns here!

A person's face suddenly flashed in Lu Bowen's mind.

Chen Xin'an!

How dare the general assistant of a liquor company and his son-in-law be so arrogant!

Don't take him seriously as the vice-president of the General Chamber of Commerce!

Do you think I am really just a vice president?

I'll scare you to death if I tell you my identity!

After much deliberation, Lu Bowen blamed all his bad luck on Chen Xin'an!

He thought that it was only after meeting him that he became so unlucky and unlucky every day, and now he wants to escape from Dongshan!

He is not stupid, he naturally knows what kind of punishment awaits him once he falls into the hands of the police for what he has done!

At that time, even his relatives in Kyoto will be unable to save him!

But as long as he can escape back to Kyoto, even if the sky falls, there will be people to help him hold it up, so he doesn't need to worry!

Chen Xin'an, wait for me! Go back to Kyoto and see if I don’t punish you to death!

Meimei, my little sweetheart, please wait obediently. When you lure those people away and let me return to Kyoto, I will find a way to rescue you!

I don’t know if anyone will remind me to take medicine in the future...

Wait a minute! medicine?

Lu Bowen's heart trembled and he stopped.

He didn't know how many floors he had gone down from the eighth floor, and he didn't care about it now. He put the box on the steps and opened it, rummaging around inside quickly with his hands.

In the end, I simply took out everything inside, threw it on the ground, and searched the box several times!

Where's the card? Where's the money?

My bank card and money should be in there, why are they missing now?

That bitch must have taken it! No wonder he reminded me to take my medicine!

Lu Bowen looked gloomy and took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket. Just as he was about to make a call, he looked at the screen and saw that there was no SIM card!

Diurei Laomou!

Are you too cruel? You have to take the card with you, right?

You also took my phone card. You are driving me to a dead end!

Lu Bowen felt that the blood vessels on his forehead kept bulging, and his heart felt cramping.

Fortunately, the quick-acting Jiuxin pills were really in the box, so he quickly poured out a few pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

When I touched my pants pocket, my wallet was gone, and I didn’t have a penny on my body!

Not to mention buying a plane ticket to go back to Kyoto, even taking a bus to the train station is useless!

Lu Bowen sat down on the steps with a look of despair on his face!

At the door of the senior ward, Hua She swore with a depressed look on her face: "My buddy really saw that charming girl coming in here. I really didn't dare to lie to you!"

Chen Xin'an touched the quilt, nodded to him and said, "I know! Someone did live here, and they just left! You should chase him immediately, he shouldn't have gone far!"

"Okay! Don't worry, Mr. An, leave it to us!" Hua She immediately stood up and saluted Chen Xin'an with a very non-standard salute, then turned around and ran away with a group of brothers!

Chen Xin'an stood by the window and looked outside.

It was already dawn, the sky was bright, and many people were coming in and out of the hospital gate.

A doctor in a white coat walked out of the gate and walked along the sidewalk with his head lowered.

Chen Xin'an grinned, turned around and walked out.

Lu Bowen never dreamed that he would be in such a miserable state.

Just last night, he was a rich man with tens of millions of dollars, but overnight, he became a poor man who couldn't even afford breakfast!

The white coat I was wearing was stolen from a department, and it was indeed much more convenient after putting it on. But if I didn’t have a penny on my body, it would be inconvenient to do anything!

According to his usual health habits, he drank a bowl of porridge instead of eating anything at night. It should be a nutritious meal in the morning, but now, there is not even a dry steamed bun.

Looking at the soy milk and fried dough sticks at the roadside stall, Lu Bowen, who used to sneer at these things, is now salivating with greed.

"Want to eat?" someone asked from the side.

Lu Bowen nodded subconsciously and said, "I think!"

The person next to me smiled and said, "Then think about it slowly, it's exciting to think about it!"

Depend on! Do you ever talk like that? Teasing the old man?

Lu Bowen was so angry that he turned around, his face turned pale, and he cried out: "Chen, Chen Xin'an!"

Not far away from the hospital gate, a group of people from Hua She came over, pressing a woman who was walking with twists and turns. The woman said in a sweet voice as she walked:

"Brothers, your feet hurt like crazy! You are tired! Can't you take a rest? I'll treat you all to breakfast. You must still be hungry, right?"

A group of gangsters all looked directly at her waist twisting left and right.

I really didn’t expect that I could walk like this, but my hips and elbows were so twisted that they were almost thrown into the sky!

But when the woman saw Chen Xin'an and Lu Bowen, her waist stopped twisting and her feet stopped hurting. She turned around and ran away like a rabbit!

Fortunately, Hua Snake didn't pity her, he grabbed her hair and pulled her back!

"Why the hell are you running away! Did I let you run away?"

"My elder brother is now shorter than my elder brother. Weren't you quite crazy before? You didn't even look at us when you opened your eyes!"

"That's right, you call us poor people when you open your mouth and shut up. You are rich, right? Then see if you can use money to buy your safety?"

Gan Meimei held her head with both hands, turned around bravely, glanced at Lu Bowen, her eyes fell on Chen Xin'an, raised her hands and said:

"Assistant Chen! I want to report it! I want to atone for my sins! Lu Bowen is going to attack your company, you should go back and take a look!"

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at her and said, "This news can't save you!

I have settled the matter, and the people who joined my company still have half their lives!

You will meet him soon! "

"Bitch! Where's my card and money!" Lu Bowen couldn't hold himself back any longer. He rushed towards Gan Meimei and slapped her in the face with a big mouth!

Gan Meimei covered her face and took two steps back. When she saw that Chen Xin'an and the others were just watching the fun and didn't seem to want to take care of it, she was no longer afraid and rushed forward with a howl!

She opened her hands and tore off Lu Bowen's head, like a cat playing with a ball of yarn, and cursed:

"How dare you hit me, you damn old man? I'll fight you!"

I have been with you for three years, and you treat me like a maid!

If something goes wrong now, let me go out and take the blame for you!

I want compensation, what’s wrong? "

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