Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2912 My purpose is to give them

A piece of news suddenly appeared on the Internet. An archaeological team discovered a large number of boxes in a pond during a survey in Mashan County.

These boxes are waterproofed.

The archaeological team sent someone to take out a few and took them apart. They turned out to be exquisite bronze vessels from thousands of years ago!

After on-site identification by archaeologists, this bronze vessel came from China.

It was a gift from China thousands of years ago to the king of its tributary country, Dongchao Kingdom.

But it was later snatched away by the Eagle Flag Country and once appeared in the Eagle Flag Country's museum.

A fire broke out in the museum a year ago, and this artifact also disappeared during the firefighting.

As the boxes continue to be opened, various cultural relics and rare treasures appear.

Judging from the photos posted online, they are all top national treasures that have been stolen or lost in Dongchao in the past century!

Of course, everyone familiar with the matter knows that this is the truck Xinghai Group sold to Chaojing Yaohan.

He was hidden away by a driver named Liu Guangxian, and his whereabouts are unknown.

No one expected that the cargo would be hidden in the water, and it would be in a pond in Mashan County.

You must know that in order to intercept this car, various forces gathered in Mashan County.

Thousands of people crowded into a village and fought to find the truck.

But the thing was in the pond a few hundred meters away from them!

Only when Chen Xin'an met Xiao Zhang did he know how brilliant Xiao Zhang's idea was at that time.

After he stunned Liu Minyong, he drove the car to the pond a few hours before dawn, where he unloaded the goods alone.

After sinking the waterproofed box to the bottom of the pond, he drove the empty car down the mountain, and then deliberately let the car lose control and fall off the mountain road.

Then he walked to the road on foot, hailed a car and took him to Tianbeicheng.

Thousands of people were trapped in Jilong Mountain by an empty truck. The real hiding place was actually at the foot of the mountain!

What makes the officials even more troublesome now is that after the archaeological team discovered these things, they did not report them immediately, but posted them online instead.

In just two hours, the incident spread throughout almost the entire online world.

Now both China and Great Britain are paying attention to this matter.

Because the archaeological team deduced other treasures that have not yet been unpacked based on the treasures they have seen, and posted historical pictures online.

Some of these cultural relics belong to China and some to Da Ying.

Everyone wants back these things made by their ancestors.

What's even more troublesome is that the Eagle Flag State Museum has issued an announcement and provided relevant certificates to prove that these cultural relics are the ones they lost.

Therefore, the Eagle Flag Country has sent a salvage team jointly formed by several wealthy people and museums to search for these things.

These things are scattered on the bottom of the pond and are difficult to salvage.

The archaeological team does not have the ability to use all of them, so the official has sealed off the place.

In order to prevent the salvage team from the Eagle Flag Country and the screening teams sent from various countries from entering, the official stationed heavy troops in Mashan County to prevent anyone from entering!

For the sake of this truck, the Yaohan Group exhausted all its agencies, lost both face and money, and in the end it was all in vain. It’s strange that Li Guangmin was so angry that he vomited blood!

Seeing Li Guangmin's excited look, Chen Xin'an grinned, patted him on the shoulder and said

"Mr. Li, don't be so excited, be careful with your health!

You are a grown man now, so you should understand something.

Don't be greedy for things that don't belong to you.

If you ask for something but don't get it, you will end up feeling uncomfortable, so why bother! "

Li Guangmin's face was livid, he stared at Chen Xin'an and wanted to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth for a long time.

After a while, a sarcastic smile appeared on his face, and his eyes looking at Chen Xin'an were full of schadenfreude.

"Hahaha! Chen Xin'an, you are laughing at me, but what about yourself?

After working so hard to create such a big movement, what did you gain?

Transported all the way here, it was destroyed by the sea of ​​​​stars before it even landed


He deliberately tried to steal the goods back, but in the end, he could only hide them under the pond!

Now that Hongshitai has come forward and the official government has officially intervened, are you still trying to get nothing out of a bamboo basket?

What qualifications do you have to laugh at me? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Li Guangmin as if he were a fool, smiled slightly, and asked him

"Mr. Li, will Hongshitai return these things to the Eagle Flag Country?"

Li Guangmin sneered without hesitation, "Are you crazy? How is that possible! It's not like I haven't dealt with Hongshitai before. I don't know their virtues yet?"

As long as something goes into their pockets, even if you put a gun to their head, they won't take it out!

Chen Xin'an, stop having such wishful thinking!

You are worse off than me. You also lost everything and got nothing! "

Seeing him laughing crazily, Chen Xin'an smiled and shook his head, and asked again

"Mr. Li, do you think why I asked people to bring those things to Dongchaolai?"

Li Guangmin's laughter stopped suddenly, he looked at Chen Xin'an with squinted eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him and smiled and said, "It means, who did I originally want to give those things to?"

Li Guangmin's expression changed.

Those things that people sent across the ocean to Dongchao were originally meant to be returned to Dongchao officials!

If this happens now, isn't it just achieving their purpose?

Why are you still so excited here?

But he was a little unwilling to do so, and shouted to Chen Xin'an with a red face, "But you still didn't get anything!

Why didn't you just give it to the authorities before?

It’s not that the conditions haven’t been negotiated!

Now that the official has obtained the goods through this method, they have no reason to give you what you want! "

"You know nothing!" A chuckle came from behind, and Li Enze walked over with a gloomy face.

The two brothers had a fight, and now they are both out

With a sigh of relief in my heart, I reached some kind of reconciliation, so I didn't fight to the death when we met again.

As for whether this reconciliation is temporary or permanent, Chen Xin'an doesn't bother to care.

Li Guangmin scolded with a livid face, "Shut your mouth if you can't speak!"

Li Enze snorted and said, "That big liar Miya Musashi gave birth to a fool like you?

You don’t even think about what you say or do! "

"What the hell are you talking about!" Li Guangmin clenched his fists and wanted to attack Li Enze.

Li Enze was not afraid of him at all and said coldly, "What's wrong? I just made a promise by my mother's side, are you going to go back on it now?"

Li Guangmin took a deep breath, looked at Li Enze with squinted eyes and asked, "What did you mean by what you just said?"

Li Enze glanced at him and said disdainfully, "It means that Mr. Chen will get everything he wants!"

He ignored Li Guangmin and turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, someone will call me later. They are looking for you. Please answer the call."

Taking a deep breath, as if he was afraid that Chen Xin'an would refuse, he immediately explained, "His name is Bu Xianting!"

Li Guangmin, who was next to him, also suddenly changed his expression and blurted out, "The first secret of Dongchao?!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Li Enze, "No problem!"

Li Guangmin looked at Chen Xin'an with a complicated expression, turned and went upstairs without saying a word.

Chen Xin'an looked at Li Enze with a teasing expression, then looked at Li Guangmin, and said with a smile

“It’s actually quite a disservice to the Dongchao official to let you, a younger brother, target his older brother to death!”

Li Enze didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in Chen Xin'an's words, and said calmly, "The official is targeting Miya Musashi.

My relationship with him, coupled with my own identity, makes me the most suitable candidate.

Moreover, Miyamusashi also needed to give the official a face-saving explanation, so he acquiesced to my existence.

Maybe he didn't see me as a threat at all.

He has always been a very conceited person! "

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