Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2919 I found a way out

The alleyway was full of people, and the ground was covered with blood.

Many people couldn't even stand firm after rushing in. They stepped on the muddy passage paved with blood and fell to their feet.

Chen Xin'an rushed into the crowd, grabbed the besieged Li Qi's shoulders, swung him back hard, and shouted, "Come out, there should be an ambush behind, Boss Jin and the others are in danger!"

Li Qi slid forward a few meters like a roller skate. After cutting down the two men, he glanced at Chen Xin'an, pursed his lips, nodded and said, "Yes!" He turned around and rushed towards the back door.

Luo Xiaoman blocked the entrance to the iron gate, kicking people and brandishing his knife, shouting!

"Hahaha! What a pleasure!

I haven't chopped anyone down like this for a long time!

Where is the guy who attacked me just now?

Come on, I will stand here and let you stab me. If you can stab me to death, you will be regarded as a good scholar! "

Several thugs rushed over to him while he was talking, slashing at his whole body with machetes in their hands.

Luo Xiaoman held a sword in hand and blocked several knives at a dizzying speed. He snorted and said, "Your speed is really too slow!"

But at this moment, a knife suddenly rushed out of the diagonal stab, and it came to his armpit in the blink of an eye!

This angle is a blind spot for his vision and a defensive weakness.

Luo Xiaoman's attention was focused on the people in front of him, and he was completely unprepared for this knife!

By the time he realized the danger, the tip of the knife had already cut the clothes under his arm!

It’s over, I’m about to get tricked!

Luo Xiaoman was shocked, and his whole body tensed up instantly.

I originally thought that I would fight to get hurt, but also give the person who attacked me a counterattack.

In this way, not only will the sneak attack be successful, but also a few of the thugs in front of you will succeed!

As a result, he may be stabbed several times and seriously injured in an instant!

But at least the sneak attacker can take a hit, and he won't be able to escape unscathed!

This is Luo Xiaoman's consistent style.

It's just that the knife under the arm changed from a straight thrust to a horizontal strike, and then it made a ding sound and blocked the other side.

The front of the knife!

The knife appeared even more suddenly. If there was no block from the previous knife, Luo Xiaoman even suspected that he would have been pierced by the knife without any defense at all!

It turns out that the knife under his arm was not meant to kill him, but to save him!

Needless to say, Lao Chen is here!

"Fuck!" Luo Xiaoman originally planned to use the knife desperately, but then he stopped using it. With a flip of his wrist, the back of the knife hit Chen Xin'an on the shoulder!

"Old Chen, you really want to scare me to death!" Although he didn't hurt his brother, Luo Xiaoman still broke out in white hair!

Of course, this slap was like a mosquito bite to Chen Xin'an. He cursed at Luo Xiaoman angrily.

"If you want to beat me, then beat me. You're talking nonsense! I can't understand a word of it. You're talking nonsense!"

Retreat quickly. There is an ambush in the backyard. Let's rush out together without fighting with them! "

Lao Yinbi is not here anymore, so he sent a group of ghosts here to waste time and energy.

It was purely to create opportunities for Lao Yinbi. When everyone was exhausted, Lao Yinbi suddenly appeared and reaped the benefits. This was not the result Chen Xinan wanted.

While talking, Luo Xiaoman had already eliminated the opponents beside him.

Although he still had some unfinished thoughts, he also knew that now was not the time to act recklessly, so he had no choice but to follow Chen Xin'an's instructions, turn around and rush towards the back door.

Knowing that the enemy had moved here, the thugs also moved one after another, blocking the back door tightly.

Chen Xin'an rushed out with Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi and met Jin Enzai and others. Everyone was stopped in the backyard of the gas station.

Liu Minyong grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm and gasped and said to him, "Mr. Chen, promise me a request! No matter what, send my sister back to Guangtian City!"

Chen Xin'an looked at his hand and frowned, "Old Liu, are you injured? Let me help you take a look!"

Liu Minyong held on to Chen Xin'an's hand tightly.

Arms, staring into his eyes and saying, "Promise me first!"

Protect my sister and send her to Guangtian City, okay? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Don't worry, I said I would rescue you, and I will definitely do it!"

Liu Minyong breathed a sigh of relief.

Jin Enzai scolded him impatiently, "Why the hell are you so greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Even if my brother Yanjun guarantees it, you will die here in the end if you can't walk like a girl! "

However, Liu Minyong turned his head and cursed loudly at him, "You are such a bitch!

You old scoundrel, you always look down on me.

Today I want to show you who the hell is the real man! "

Jin Enzai was stunned for a moment. Is this guy capable?

How dare you challenge him face to face!

Liu Jiyan saw something strange about her brother, weakly pulled his arm and said, "What are you going to do?"

Liu Minyong looked at her bleeding arm, his face full of self-blame and heartache, and said with tears.

"It's all my fault that I'm incapable of protecting you!

Don't worry, I've found a way out, just follow Mr. Chen! "

He easily broke free from his sister's hand, bowed to Chen Xin'an, wiped his tears and said, "Please! Please send me to that place!"

He pointed at a door not far away, which seemed to be a warehouse.

Although Chen Xin'an didn't understand what he was going to do, since he said he had thought of a way, she would do it.

No matter what method we use now, as long as we can get out of trouble, everyone should give it a try.

Turning his head, he said to Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi, "Aman, Aqi, open the way!"

"Okay!" They both responded at the same time and rushed forward!

Chen Xin'an waved to the remaining people and shouted, "Follow me!"

But he rushed to the other side of the crowd, and his target was standing on the motorcycle, directing the crowd.

The man who picked his teeth rushed forward.

"Chen Xin'an, you're here just in time!" The teeth-picking man saw Chen Xin'an rushing over from a distance, his expression became serious, and then he showed a sneer.

Because he had already seen that his third brother had rushed out of the back door of the fried chicken restaurant!

He, Xiaoba, and his third brother, two masters from the Eight Great Masters of the Holy Master, are blocking the front and intercepting each other. If they join forces to deal with Chen Xin'an, can't they still defeat him alone?

What's more, there are so many men around him, blocking him and consuming him. By the time he rushes forward, he is already exhausted. I'm afraid he can't even lift the knife, right?

Don’t let this great contribution to your doorstep be in vain!

"Come on! Hack him to death!" Xiaoba pointed the knife at Chen Xin'an and shouted with a sneer.

As for those who wanted to break into the gas station warehouse, they were all insignificant characters.

No matter how many people they died, they could not compare with Chen Xin'an's life.

Compared with some time ago, when the Holy Master first came to Dongchao, the orders issued to Chen Xin'an were mostly focused on searching and tracking.

But now, the Holy Master has issued a death order!

The bonus has also increased several times compared to before!

So as long as you can kill the person in front of you, you will get great wealth!

Even if you join forces with your senior brother, the rewards you can get are more than you can earn in your lifetime. It’s worth it!

A group of thugs rushed towards Chen Xin'an, trying to surround him.

But Chen Xin'an suddenly jumped up and ran forward on everyone's heads. Before everyone could react, he was already standing in front of Xiaoba!

Xiaoba himself was dumbfounded!

Is this guy a monkey?

Why can it be so flexible?

He also wanted to take advantage of the strength of the crowd, but unexpectedly they all helped him build a bridge!

Although the result was a bit unexpected, Chen Xin'an did not run away after all, and stood in front of him alive.

Xiaoba yelled, raised the machete in his hand, and made a horizontal slash with his backhand, slashing Chen Xin'an's head!

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