Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2929 Revenge is my motivation to survive

As soon as his hands were moved, the remaining people all rushed over.

Li Qi walked forward without saying a word. He alone was enough to deal with such a small character.

But at this moment, someone came over and yelled at everyone, "What are you dawdling about!"

The voice was quite familiar. Chen Xin'an turned around and was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked, "Li Enze? Why are you here?"

Li Enze also saw Chen Xin'an, his expression changed, and he quickly came over and called "Mr. Chen!"

Turning his head, he scolded the big men with a dark face, "Have you offended Mr. Chen?"

Several people looked embarrassed, and someone suddenly shouted in fear, "He is Chen Xin'an!"

Everyone's expressions changed. The big man who was kicked away was originally angry, but at this moment he turned into fear. He stood up cautiously and huddled behind his companions.

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to pay attention to these people and asked Li Enze, "Are they all your people? What are they doing here?"

Li Enze sighed and said to Chen Xin'an, "That man was chopped down and no one cared about him. I just came over to take a look!"

that person?

Chen Xin'an frowned, understood immediately, and asked in surprise, "Li Guangmin?"

Li Enze nodded and murmured, "Evil is rewarded! He was stabbed more than a dozen times, and his intestines flowed out. He was lying on the street with no one paying attention."

His wife ran away with the children last night, and today he was hacked.

I...after all, I have been eating from the same pot for more than twenty years. If I ignore his words, he will die on the street! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him, "Let's go, take me to see you!"

In the emergency room, a group of doctors and nurses were giving first aid to the man covered in blood on the stretcher.

Someone asked loudly, "Is Dr. Cui here? He is a trauma expert. In this situation, he can't come!"

The nurse next to him said to him, "I've called him, he will be here soon!"

Chen Xin'an walked over and took a closer look at the bloody man, and was also shocked.

If he hadn't known his identity in advance, he wouldn't have dared to recognize the guy in front of him.

Li Guangmin.

One head was horribly swollen, and the scalp rolled open, revealing a dense skull.

His body was even more scarred, and his upper body was rising and falling rapidly, as if he was about to explode at any moment.

This is a symptom of hemopneumothorax, indicating that Li Guangmin’s internal bleeding is serious!

He was stabbed three times on his head, at least five on his chest, and there was almost no good piece of flesh on both arms. He could not count how many times he had been stabbed.

On the contrary, the back and legs were relatively intact and did not appear to have been stabbed.

The person who does it should be a thug who often fights, not an experienced killer.

I can't say that the knife is fatal, but it is definitely running for your life!

Seeing the injured man's convulsions getting worse and worse, a large amount of blood pouring out of his mouth and nose, and the life detector next to him constantly sounding alarms, Chen Xin'an walked over.

Pushing the busy doctor away, he took out a silver needle and stuck it on Li Guangmin's head.

"What are you doing? Who are you? Don't mess around, this is a hospital!"

"Who did he come with? Tell someone to drive him away! We are rescuing the wounded. What trouble is he making here?"

"How dare you stab him with a needle when he's already injured so badly? Do you still have any humanity? Call the police immediately and take him away!"

Just then, someone shouted at the door, "Shut up and let him do it!"

Everyone turned their heads, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the visitor, "Doctor Cui, you are here!"

"With Doctor Cui here, this man can be saved!"

"Let this self-assertive guy get out of the way and delay Dr. Cui's treatment. He cannot afford the consequences!"

Doctor Cui waved his hand and said to everyone, "This man's injury is too serious, I can't save him!"

Everyone was shocked. Even Dr. Cui said this, so the injured person was dead, and everything he did was in vain.

An expert is an expert, just a glimpse

With one look, you can see clearly the condition of the wounded at this moment.

This guy who suddenly appeared and started getting acupuncture was just messing around. No wonder Dr. Cui didn't stop him.

But then, everyone heard Dr. Cui say, "The only one who can save his life is Mr. Chen in front of you!

He is the master of surgery. In front of him, my skills are not enough! "

Everyone was shocked, and their eyes fell on Chen Xin'an.

How could this rude guy get such a high evaluation from Dr. Cui?

You must know that Dr. Cui’s surgical skills are among the best in the entire Dongchao!

Chen Xin'an ignored what others were saying, and just took the silver needles and pierced Li Guangmin's head and body one by one.

Li Guangmin, who was lying on the stretcher bed, suddenly began to twist. Chen Xin'an, who was giving the injection, pressed his forehead with one hand and said in a deep voice.

"Come here, hold down his head, don't let him move!

Be sure not to touch the needle in the middle or let it fall out, otherwise it will be hopeless!

When others go out, don't crowd in here and get in the way. "

"I'm coming!" Han Yunmei, who came with Dr. Cui, came in and held Li Guangmin's head.

Others walked out one after another, still whispering and guessing Chen Xin'an's identity.

Dr. Cui and Li Qi stayed in the emergency room, wanting to help with whatever they could.

But soon, Chen Xin'an stopped, because Li Guangmin in front of him no longer struggled, a large amount of blood poured out of his mouth and nose, and his body gradually became limp.

Dr. Cui saw that the situation was not good and rushed to check Li Guangmin. There was also a long beep in the life monitor.

After a while, Dr. Cui took off his stethoscope dejectedly and shook his head.

The group of medical staff standing at the door had expressions of disdain on their faces.

"I thought I met a miracle doctor, but I didn't expect that he is also a useless person. He looks flashy, but in fact he is useless.

No! "

"Thanks to Dr. Cui for praising him so highly, he has been a fake for so long!"

"He put all the living people to death, who will bear the consequences?"

Chen Xin'an didn't take it to heart at all and couldn't listen to the discussions outside.

He just glanced at Han Yunmei and said nothing.

Dr. Cui took a deep breath, walked to the door, pulled his right hand, slammed the emergency room door, walked back and stared at Han Yunmei and asked

"Why are you doing this?

I just heard Mr. Chen say that the needle on the top of his head cannot be touched.

Why did you pull it off? "

Han Yunmei raised her head with red eyes, stared at Dr. Cui and said, "You ask me why?

Okay, let me tell you.

This bastard killed my parents and insulted me.

Over the years, my only motivation for survival has been to seek revenge on him!

I'm just a weak woman with no power to tie a chicken.

Every time he catches me, he will humiliate me again, which is worse than death.

Now it is hard to see that he is dying, but you have to save him!

I don't agree!

I want to watch him die in front of me. Being able to die in my hands is what I want most!

That's why, do you understand? "

Dr. Cui was stunned. He was just a doctor, and it was his duty to treat illnesses and save people.

These grievances and grudges have nothing to do with him, and he doesn't understand them.

So now, he doesn't know whether he should blame the girl in front of him.

After all, people have deep grudges!

Chen Xin'an also didn't expect that the Thirteen-Way Soul-Suppressing Needle she had used would suffer its first failure.

However, he didn't feel too angry or regretful. He just turned his head, squinted his eyes and looked at Dr. Cui and asked, "Do you know me?"

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